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I was there,
when the moon was making love to you,
glowing you in passion.
While in silent you lay,
the steady river with strong current beneath;
pounding my heart.
labyrinth aroma making me collect myself.
Silent noise saying the truth of life.
The two sweet fruits of Eden;
peaceful still tremors shaking the universe…

I was there,
when the sunlight like a wind disturbed the silence of the river;
ripples in the water as it flows towards the mangrove;
the mother hides her child from the world.
There’s the  ocean just before the storm.
The wind wins the battle;
the river’s  silence breaks,
a dream comes to life,
a kiss breaks my trance,
and the day begins with your perfect smile..
I promise to be here with the stars and the moon
to watch you sleep again…
Silhouette of the tree hill atop,
While other beneath have gathered dusk…
The sea slams the lost back to the shore….
Peeping into closed door….
Daffodil of the spring….
River flow to the ocean….
Horizon is an illusion and
Sun never accompany the stars….
i will remove this poem the day...i get my love..(if i get her) till then.well thats my love story above....
Cimmerian night
sole company of the moon,
cool draft tearing the mist
and there she appeared,
tearing the cimmerian shade
eyes illuminating the soul
hair the deep flowing ocean,
aroma the winter midday sun
divine voice breaking
the lifelong silence of a deaf
if only i was dreaming,
i want to wake up to that face
all my remaining mornings...

— The End —