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AngelXX Jul 2014
As she lays her head down to rest,
The smokes comes, Along with the fog,
And she thinks of her past,
Knowing when she's in,
She'll never want to come back......

The lights go down,
Standing under the watch of trillions of stars,
He heals all the hidden scars.

In this moment,
She loves him more than anything,
Wanting nothing more than to give him everything.
And in this moment,
He promises to stay by her side
Not knowing what the future will bring
He bends down to one knee
And asks for her hand for the rest of his life, with this ring.

And in that moment...
He's almost real
From the way he smiles nervously,
To how his hand holds hers perfectly,
As the wind whispers to her secretly,
Blowing away all her insecurities.
Tears of joy,
Fingers entwined,
Side by Side
Hoping they never have to say good-bye
Sighs of relief,
Stolen kisses,
With old memories,
Years of joy as long as the eye can see
Never ending love like all fantasy's
A leap of faith,
Love used, misplaced and replaced,
A happy ending
Vows exchanged
                  From this day forward,......
                                   Until death do us part,............
                   Than she opened her eyes, and realized
                       sooner or later you have to wake up ...

— The End —