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Jun 2011 · 700
at 1:19 i woke up wanting
at 1:19 i woke up wanting
to get dressed and walk to school
wait for you to come to your 7:30 class
to ask what color of shirt you wore yesterday
tell you i wore black and that my feet were hurting
as i walked from classroom to classroom
and that they’ve buried the fish without me
you like to read and i try to write but we're both bad with words
May 2011 · 2.3k
you undressed me. shy,
you undressed me. shy,
as if I haven’t let you before,
you untied, kissed me up the thigh.
you undressed me. shy,
as if you haven’t kissed up my (sigh),
you locked the door, you did more and did more.
you undressed me, shy,
as if I haven’t let you before.
an attempt at a triolet
Apr 2011 · 584
our deal
there is a wide blanket
pure warm wool and all, and ours
only during the driest of summers
and never in the wetness of August
in pushing winds, in pouring rain
August brings strong rains here in the Philippines.
Mar 2011 · 785
like spiders, we wrestled
like spiders, we wrestled
into your wide white mattress.
your legs, all eight of them,
entangled in all eight of mine.
this heart, like a child, threw a tantrum.
it demanded to know where you are
why you went
how long it takes to get there
and when I said “it’s too far
I can’t take you”
it begged to know when you will come back.
sometimes people walk home with hands
inside pockets or pulling on straps
of backpacks– unaware they’re
dripping blood so pungent
that stray dogs
kept away
Nov 2010 · 720
scared? he asks.
scared? he asks.
yes, I say.
of what? he asks.
your smoke
your songs
your sin,
I say.
oh, he says.
my heart; it falls,
I say.
then fall, he says.
unfair, I say.
why? he asks.
will you stay?
I ask.
I can’t, he says.
scared? I ask.
yes, he says.
of what? I ask.
your hair
your heart
your heat,
he says.
oh, I say.
my heart; it falls,
he says.
coward, I say.
his lips, I kiss.
Nov 2010 · 875
i wanted to touch you--
i wanted to touch you--
but not just your hand.

and not just touch.
Nov 2010 · 1.5k
It’s been weeks,
It’s been weeks,
and the refrigerator stands empty.
Except for our bed sheet,
nothing has remained on the clothesline-
everything else has been carried away
by the wind.
In the old parking lot,
strangers sometimes find bras and underwear.
Handkerchiefs and
your black socks.
It’s been weeks
and sometimes I accidentally reach out
to your side of the bed.
Nov 2010 · 760
The Flower
He emptied the glass
and ran back into the kitchen for more,
but he couldn’t save her.
Nov 2010 · 994
i felt you
i felt you
leave your
and sit close.
to her.

(we dissected hearts
in class
Oct 2010 · 485
before you left
before you left
you asked me
to go but
not with you

Politely, the drunken gentleman
loosened the knots of my dress.
His fingers were spiders and
everywhere they bit, I burned.
Oct 2010 · 755
How to deal with rejection
Turn the lights off. Go to bed. In the morning
notice how the clouds have moved.
Even the lawn is overgrown.
A bird hops outside your
window. You don’t
have to

— The End —