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994 · Apr 2013
You must beget, beget, beget
Earth will continue to revolve, you see
So, do not allow them to forget

It shall revolve until it surely sets
It shall revolve until it implodes, most painfully
And so, you must beget, beget, beget

And death will cradle you against his heaving breast
And one day you will swoon to him, and recite your elegy
So, do not allow them to forget

I see upon your chest, a crumbling, shivering crest
Yet you must rise and leave your legacy
You must beget, beget, beget

Suffused in saffron from the Sun that sheds
Its flakes of death upon your decaying body
Do not allow them to forget

And I continue to see hordes of people shake maniacally and fret
To leave their imprint on this sagging earth, their fallacies
Maybe, you must not beget, beget, beget…
Perhaps, you should, allow them to forget…
KNOW your fate
Don’t just ******* talk about it or think about it
Let the sucrose of the idea of that fate percolate your mind, know it and all of its idiosyncrasies, and then accept it and follow it
Hound it down and hunt it until you shoot it in the back of its **** head with a Tommy gun
Then grab that ******* by its hind lags, drag it down that dusty road and throw its *** into the arena
Hurtle it over all those wooden barricades and watch it convulse as his back strikes the dirt ground
Then stand over him with your spear
(you don’t know where the hell this spear came from, it spontaneously materialized in your hand, but its ******* fitting so you go with it)
and bellow “Holy, Holy everything!!! Victory is in my back pocket and all the dues in my wallet.”
The crowd in the ancient stadium cheers
You swing your red cape behind your shoulders
(this red cape is also a recent “randomly materialized” sartorial addition)
and grab a magnolia and bite down on it its succulent stem
Oh my, do you taste that?
How does it first settle on your tongue?
Does it fizzle like pop rocks?
Does it glide like milk?
Toe scrunching sweetness
How does it taste when it inundates your throat?
When it spreads in your chest and settles at the bottom of YOU?
Your fate
The stem
The spit
Your head

— The End —