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397 · Jul 2015
Angela Pupino Jul 2015
You give new meanings
to the same old songs.
384 · Apr 2015
The Truth:
Angela Pupino Apr 2015
The day I found God
had nothing to do with you.
360 · Jun 2015
Angela Pupino Jun 2015
I am hopelessly in love with a boy
that I can't read like a book
and it's driving me insane.
Angela Pupino Jun 2015
Remember that time we butchered
the Polish language together, our voices ringing out
across the dewy, moonlit campus?
You said you were happy I could make it.
I said, "Me too".
304 · Apr 2015
Friday Night in April
Angela Pupino Apr 2015
On a Friday night in April
you wander through the city
with a boy you know is kind
and good.

You're feeling a flutter in your
chest, one that's good not bad.
The kind you haven't felt since
December when another boy
touched you until your bled and
you didn't want him to and

its okay its okay its okay.

A suddenly it comes comes flooding
back... the fear and your blood turns cold
because you're alone with a boy and he
could hurt you just like the last and
the city is so big so big
and no one would ever know and...

You look over at the boy
you know is kind and good.
He's not plotting to hurt you.
He's just taking in the sights
in the city,
hands in his pockets and

later that night you confess
to him
about the boy that hurt you.
You didn't call it what it was (assault)
told the story like you always do,
joking and awkward.
He sees right through the ruse.

"If you ever want to talk,"
he says, "I'm here."
And means it.

On a Friday in April,
you found yourself walking
through the city with a boy
who is kind
and good.
275 · Apr 2015
Angela Pupino Apr 2015
i’m reconsidering
what it means to
eliminate the space
between two people
249 · May 2015
Angela Pupino May 2015
And you warmed my heart up
just like a spring day.

— The End —