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Angel Hoffer Mar 2013
My love why have you left me?
I cannot breathe any more
Everything I do hurts
You’re promised that you wouldn’t leave, that you’d love me forever
But you lied.
You lied to me.
You’re not here, not anymore
I sit in cry in my dark room
Feelings brood around me and I don’t know what to do
I’m wondering what I have done wrong
I glace at my bathroom door
I get up and let myself walk to that door
I start the water and rest in it
But it’s not helping, just making my tears flow more, so much more
I think of this warmth, warmth that used to be provide by you
But now it’s just cold, cold and lonely
I look to my side where a lonely piece of metal sits
I grab it and clutch it to my now erratic chest
I let it slide across my skin, everywhere I can reach.
I see the bath water turn red and I silently sigh
I let go
Angel Hoffer Mar 2013
Tears fall down my face
Roll down my cheek
The pain I feel is nothing compared to anything I’ve felt before
It hurts so much, excruciating pain
Make it stop
It’s unbearable
Tears falling so care free
I don’t want to feel this
Just let me be numb
Angel Hoffer Mar 2013
Love is painful
Yet you never run away from it
You welcome it, with open arms
Naive to the pain that you will suffer
Naive to the hurt you will face
You want it to feel like it did when you first fell in love. But it will never feel like that, trust me
Never again
Angel Hoffer Mar 2013
Tastes like the the tears I've cried for you
Sounds like the screaming I do every night
Feels like I've been alone for years
Feels like a hundred flames beneath my body
Feels like metal sliding down my wrist
Angel Hoffer Mar 2013
The storm takes me where I don’t want to go
Somewhere dark and gloomy
Electrified with hate
Sticky with tears
I don’t want these feelings I thought I got rid of them
I thought they were gone
I thought I had gotten over this
But I haven’t
I have been harboring these feelings for quite awhile
Hoping no one would notice
But I have to let these feelings out of they will be the death of me
Angel Hoffer Mar 2013
My reflection in the mirror is something I don’t want to see
Something I don’t like to see
If I see it I stare in till I find every little thing that is wrong with me, every little imperfection
When I find all the things wrong with me I focus on them and can’t let them go
I’ll hold on to them to the grave
And I will obsess
Obsess on things people say don’t matter
Well they do matter, they matter to me
I wish they didn’t but they do, and I can get over them.
These little imperfections are what **** me the most…
Angel Hoffer Feb 2013
Have you ever been in a situation where you have to choose between two parts of your life?
Have you been to that point?
Did you ever feel like you didn’t know what option to choose?
On one hand you have all these new exciting things. Things that you’ve grown attached to.
On the other hand you have deep roots and ties that took years to accomplish.
What do you do?
What can you do?
You can’t do anything to make this better.
One choice or the other someone’s bond to hate you.
Can you stop that from happening?
No you can’t
You wish there were something you could do but there isn’t.
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