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Sep 2015 · 268
let the past go
angel heady Sep 2015
Everyone in this world who is living has a past.  Some people have a lot of mishaps long the road of life.  Everyone has something dark that happened in their lives.  Whether it be too much partying or worse like stealing and lying to get ahead in this world.  But some people think they can hold every little mistake you had against you for the rest of your life.  

Is that fair to you honestly? No because you have already paid your debt to society.  The mistakes you made has cost you a great deal. The one thing you didn’t want to lose was family.  But by the time you realize that you never had one to loose.  The pain and scares are already there.  Everyday waking up knowing no one cares or loves you anymore just because you couldn’t be prefect in everyone’s eyes.  

So what do you do when you get tired of praying for their forgiveness and love for you to come back?  You look yourself in the mirror and say I’m strong enough to let go and make peace with all your mistakes.  Even when the memories come back to try and haunt you.  All do you is shed one single teardrop and say goodbye to every bad and painful memory.  Becoming a stronger and even more beautiful person that the world will eventually love.
Jul 2015 · 460
vampire love
angel heady Jul 2015
Its the kind of love that makes you think he's the only one for you and his feelings are real and sincere.  While he keeps you blinded by his lies and broken promises of a happy future together.
While the world watches you change slowly into a cold feelingless creature. Never seeing the light of truth and real love again.  Always living in the shadow of love and leaving you in fear of being loved by anyone else.
Making you to become a monster by playing the same games and leaving a trail of tears and lies that were being feed to you.  Never wanting to find true love.  Just keeping all the pain and hurt deep down inside.
knowing that praying for help to save your life is useless because no ones listening.  You shut out everyone that cared about you for the vampire love. Now your looking at the future and all you see is nothing but pain and agony.
Apr 2015 · 331
changing lanes
angel heady Apr 2015
Changing lanes in life is not as hard as people think it is.  When all you have to do is listen to the inner voice that says it’s time to change and your heart agrees that its time to move on and leave the past behind you.  

Showing the world a whole new you, even though everyone around you has their doubts about the changes you have made.  It’s going to be hard for some people to believe that you gave up the drugs and drinking right along with made peace with all your demons form the past.  

Only because their stuck in the same nightmare or a life with no hope of ever getting out of the game and letting their demons slowly destroy what little life they have left.  

Sometimes you just have to accept that saving you and walking away is the only option you have.  There’s nothing wrong with letting go and saying goodbye.  

God gave you love and hope for a good future and knowing that no matter what happens in life.  He’ll always be there and all you need to do is ask.  He’ll answer you.  

So just let go of the past full of pain and misery that kept you form being happy within yourself and always remember your beautiful no matter what people think or say.

It’s time for you to be an original and raise above the old life you once had. While showing the whole world just how much stronger and brighter you have become by letting go.
Apr 2015 · 312
changing life
angel heady Apr 2015
Changing lanes in life is not as hard as people think it is.  When all you have to do is listen to the inner voice that says it’s time to change and your heart agrees that its time to move on and leave the past behind you.  

Showing the world a whole new you, even though everyone around you has their doubts about the changes you have made.  It’s going to be hard for some people to believe that you gave up the drugs and drinking right along with made peace with all your demons form the past.  

Only because their stuck in the same nightmare or a life with no hope of ever getting out of the game and letting their demons slowly destroy what little life they have left.  

Sometimes you just have to accept that saving you and walking away is the only option you have.  There’s nothing wrong with letting go and saying goodbye.  

God gave you love and hope for a good future and knowing that no matter what happens in life.  He’ll always be there and all you need to do is ask.  He’ll answer you.  

So just let go of the past full of pain and misery that kept you form being happy within yourself and always remember your beautiful no matter what people think or say.

It’s time for you to be an original and raise above the old life you once had. While showing the whole world just how much stronger and brighter you have become by letting go.
Apr 2015 · 300
changing lanes
angel heady Apr 2015
Changing lanes in life is not as hard as people think it is.  When all you have to do is listen to the inner voice that says it’s time to change and your heart agrees that its time to move on and leave the past behind you.  

Showing the world a whole new you, even though everyone around you has their doubts about the changes you have made.  It’s going to be hard for some people to believe that you gave up the drugs and drinking right along with made peace with all your demons form the past.  

Only because their stuck in the same nightmare or a life with no hope of ever getting out of the game and letting their demons slowly destroy what little life they have left.  

Sometimes you just have to accept that saving you and walking away is the only option you have.  There’s nothing wrong with letting go and saying goodbye.  

God gave you love and hope for a good future and knowing that no matter what happens in life.  He’ll always be there and all you need to do is ask.  He’ll answer you.  

So just let go of the past full of pain and misery that kept you form being happy within yourself and always remember your beautiful no matter what people think or say.

It’s time for you to be an original and raise above the old life you once had. While showing the whole world just how much stronger and brighter you have become by letting go.
Apr 2015 · 562
tears of a clown
angel heady Apr 2015
Feeling empty inside and no one in the world sees how much pain and suffering you have endured. When you just smile and say everything’s ok or I’m fine.  Knowing that everything your feeling is just the opposite.  While deep down you just want to give up and die.  

Wondering when is the nightmare of your life going to be over with because you have no more faith in a God that promises a happy life full of loving people who are supposed to accept and love you.  When you look around and see no one’s there for you.  Just the devil that keeps saying lets party.  I’m here and I’ll take away your pain for a while.  All you have to do is pick up a bottle and keep swallowing the poison or shove another needle in your vain.  Filling your blood with my poison.  

Knowing that when everything wears off. You’re still left with the image in the mirror.  Always thinking how much more pain is there left to feel inside.  Becoming Angry and blaming the world for showing you no love crying out for help but no one sees or hears you because you are always hiding everything behind the tears of a clown.
Jan 2015 · 623
hiding behind walls
angel heady Jan 2015
Never showing the world how much pain and sorrow. You feel every day when you wake up, knowing there’s nothing left to hold on too. Feeling trapped because no one cares to see how much damage they caused by always plotting against you.  

Leaving nothing for you to even try to build happiness.  Just waiting patiently for death to take you.  Trying to remember when there was ever a time in your life.  You felt loved and wanted but no such memory exist.   Wondering why were you created and placed on this earth.  Always trying to be loved. Over and Over again.  Never understanding why no one ever loved or cared about you.  

Watching tears slowly fall down your face again and again because you could never figure out what you did wrong to people for them not to show at lease kindness towards you.  Always praying for an end to life itself.  Wanting just to be treated with love and care.   Dreaming of a life filled with love and happiness.  

While hiding behind all the painful scares of the past.  Trying not to become a ghost no one sees.  Searching for hope that the damaged parts of you will one day get pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle.  Knowing only time will tell.  While fate still has cards left to play for your life.  Wanting so badly to say goodbye to everything and find a place to hide.
Oct 2013 · 433
Changing life
angel heady Oct 2013
Everyday life is full of changes.  Some are good and some are bad.  Knowing how to deal with the bad ones shows the outside world just how strong you are.  By taking every challenge head on and working through everything.  One day at a time.  Giving
Yourself  time to heal and not being scared of the bruises and scares you have.

Instead being proud and showing everyone that you made it through the hard times in life.  By not giving into the negative voices inside you saying you can’t do anything and you’ll always be a failure in life.  Just crawl up in a bottle or take another pill and die.  

While giving all the life you have to self-doubt and destruction. Till one day You wake up and say enough and start changing life by looking yourself in the mirror and telling yourself that your beautiful creation that God has made.  Which gives you the power to break free of all the doubts and addictions.  Setting you completely free and seeing the wonderful changes in your life.
Aug 2013 · 436
Here comes Goodbye
angel heady Aug 2013
Everyday you sit and wonder when he's going to leave forever. Always hoping against fate that you'll finally win his heart as the prize. Ultimately beating the hands of fate at its own game and telling the world Go to hell.  I finally have what I wanted.  But is his heart really yours to keep
forever or does he have secrets that you haven't seen?

Leaving your mind to wonder. If he's really who you wanted. Maybe there's someone new that fate has planned for you to be happy with.  So do you wait for him to give you the love you waited for all this time .  While watching all the other opportunities you could have for a happier place in life pass you by.

While Listening to the voice inside your head say enough is enough now no more waiting for love. Its finally time to say goodbye and walk away.  Before he realizes your completely gone from his sight.  Not just waiting around like a Ghost in his life.
Aug 2013 · 807
between the lines
angel heady Aug 2013
Between the lines of love and hate are thin in the world we live in. Everyday people sit and watch a piece of thier love slowly turn to hate and anger. Always wondering when their going to be set free from the prison that themselves built around their heart and soul.

Showing little emotion or feelings of love to the world. While the darkiness inside them closes in and the fires of hate burn even more. Leaving them to cry out to God for release from their own version of hell that they are trapped in with no way out.

Carrying all the burdens and secrets that can never be revealed to the world outside of them. Sparing everyone close to them the heartache and pain that if they ever knew the whole truth about the love they shared isn't real but just a lie.

Leaving them to wonder how after all these years of giving love and life.  They have nothing to show for it. Only having themselves to blame becuase the keeper of all their darkest secrets is now giving light and setting their selves free from the bonds that was once placed opon them. Finally getting pardoned for their sins and the part they played in keeping the secrets and lies .

— The End —