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Pressed against the one that strokes
Such meticulously maintained mane
Bathing in the scent of her beloved
She brings gifts never asked for
For attention without end
“Hold me close!” she cries
A paw on each shoulder, little motor
Warm rivulets run from relaxed lips
Devoted to love, pleasure, and food
Licks the hand holding organic kibble
Claims the warmth of legs supine
Craves the eyes that gaze away
Such salient signs of submission
Just her being gives comfort
What a great and noble creature
Beautiful and elegant to behold
To be protected and admired
Sweet girl, good kitty, April
For my precisos kitty April. My patient companion, guardian and avatar.
Like a vacation
From reality

Like a trip
Without drugs

Leaving Earth
10 toes deep

Not for long
All for fun

Like a dream
You’ll never forget
For the eternal youth
When our time is expired
It doesn’t mean a thing
And it is the only thing
Wrists pressed to the earth
Begging the great mother
Let there be a purpose
Surely there is continuity
This cannot be the end
Every moment is pain
Some more than others
The best of life becomes
A series of distractions
Fully immersive escape
Carry me to a destiny
In a beautiful habitat
Cradle me
in the soft down
Of a love that
Was unavailable
in life
Anna Belle Foster born 1931. A black woman born to a  miner and a housewife. She made a beautiful life for herself. She was well loved and respected many.
Doubts creep in, whispered by shadows. Love, once warm, grows unsure, burdened by unspoken questions and fear. He tries to keep their story alive, but she is turning away, slowly, silently.

She tells him love should be free, like a bird in the sky. He listens, but cannot understand.

Then comes the moment—when she leaves, when he watches, unable to grieve properly, unable to let go.

A single sentence, unfinished, lingers in the air:
"Some stories aren’t meant to be told to the end."
Silences grew where words once flowed. Love, once warm, now lingers in hesitation. Was it ever ours to keep?
When                      Your
Heart thumps   chest so warm
Against my cheek. I am transported.
For a moment we become boundless
We are a capsule, a bubble in time.
A torus of limbs entwined
Forever enshrined
Your heart in

Love is so precious. Little stolen moments capture the fully realized potential of being truly boundless, reflected and in the recognition of the loved one. The mutual sharing of feelings that transcends the ego and the perceived self.
i think we got it wrong
when we think of strong

for its not a mind
that thinks of me and mine

or controlled
by need or greed

its one thats gone inside
and dissolved all internal needs
and turns towards the world
with hearts and hands of kind
With the utmost compassion
The dark one reaps in waves
Sparing the oldest of souls
The growing pangs of a new era
Something wicked this way comes. Dark times come with lessons, holding up a mirror to turbid vessels filled with pride.
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