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 Dec 2016 Andy N
Dana Colgan
 Dec 2016 Andy N
Dana Colgan
Keeping up appearances,
Shutting the dark vibe down.
Keeping up appearances,
Putting on a crown.
Keeping up appearances,
Make a smile out of a frown.

Keeping up appearances,
But quietly you drown.
 Dec 2016 Andy N
Dana Colgan
Doing things for me:
1. Sleep
2. Love
Be productively happy.
 Dec 2016 Andy N
Dana Colgan
 Dec 2016 Andy N
Dana Colgan
Spasms of pain controlled by the brain.
Hitting the ground without a sound.
Itching to see if you'll hear my plea.
Trusting the dark to leave its blue mark.
 Dec 2016 Andy N
Dana Colgan
I see you.
When the ecstasy implodes.
I see you.

— The End —