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Andrew Town Oct 2013
I don't want to feel like this.
Nausea, uncertainty, and a lack of familiarity.
I'm far from home, I'm out of place.
I used to have a compass built into my head,
but right now I've never been more lost.
Andrew Town Oct 2013
This doesn't come easy to me.
I'm not a natural and I've never been good with words.
I've torn up everything I've written.
Either out of frustration or lack of confidence in my work.
I don't know how other people can do it.
Everything seems forced,
Everything seems fake.
I want to be like those I look up to,
but wanting to be like them only stops me from being me.
I want to show the world who I am and what I have to say.
I've just yet to find the words.
Andrew Town Oct 2013
You're as free as the autumn leaves,
and I'm trapped in last winters snow.
I'm stuck in the footholds I left here last year,
and it's grip isn't letting up.
I can't leave but I don't want to stay here.

— The End —