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Andrew Schmidt Apr 2016
I finally found it.
Not an ancient map,
Not a Pharaoh's tomb,
But buried treasure
In a sense.

She was found buried deep, deep below the surface.
Yes it took some searching,
Yes it took some digging,
But when all is said and done,
Every drop of sweat,
Every shovel stroke,
Every failed attempt
Was worth it.

I had finally done it.
I had finally found my buried treasure.
Nestled deep down, encased in despair, in sadness, in darkness.
Her smile shone through all of that, as if it were not there at all.
And with that, I had found my buried treasure.
I had found her.
Andrew Schmidt Apr 2016
There's something about you
Something different
Something I've never seen before
Something I want to find out
Something I need to find out
There's something about you
That makes me want to stay by you
There's something about you
That makes me want to change for you
There's something about you
That I'll spend my life trying to learn
i wrote this B-ecause E-veryone K-nows someone that has made them feel this way,  or will soon find someone
Andrew Schmidt Apr 2016
The day we met, couldn't have been better
We talked, we laughed, we played, we bonded
That bond grew near unbreakable
But one day you left me, like I didn't even matter
Then another came along, I was skeptical at first
Can I trust you?
Can I?
I ask myself the same question with anyone new
Are you going to stay, or are you going to be just like the last
And walk away too?
Andrew Schmidt Apr 2016
One day here
The next one gone
I should've known
I should've known I'd again be alone
Will it ever truly reach an end?
Or is there nothing I can mend?
Where did I go wrong,
What could I have possibly done?
Even though it's been so long,
I did nothing to make you turn and run
Now I'm alone and you're long gone
And I can never tell you that I'm just done.
For that you'd have to be around
But when you left my heart fell to the ground

— The End —