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Andrew Penman Nov 2010
Often alone I think of you
rolling mountains covered in a purple haze
both in highlands and lowlands too
running water so pure sparkling bright
making our whisky a natural delight
Caledonia - the land of my dreams

I hear music played from the heart
oh' the sound of pipes and drums
heart racing hairs standing on end
poetry filling my eyes with tears
recited at suppers year after year
in celebration of bards no longer here
Caledonia - the land of my dreams

Men wearing tartan skirts with nothing underneath
dancing between swords at highland gatherings
playing games testing their manhood
eating haggis a pudding often misunderstood
porridge,shortbread, salmon and oatcakes
quality food that is for sure
Caledonia - the land of my dreams

History remembered with pride
Mary Stuart, Bonnie Prince Charlie
Wallace, Culloden and Nessie too
some myths, some true
castles, lochs, bridges and glens
places where lassies are called hen
where houses are often **** un bens
people answering with ah' ken
Celtic blood running through my veins
makes me glad I am alive and living here
Caledonia - the land of my dreams

I did this for today is St.Andrews Day!!- From Darkness into Light
1.8k · Apr 2011
Free at Last
Andrew Penman Apr 2011
I see the window
gleaming in the shadow
of what is my life
a journey of wondrous
pain and delight

contrasting restraints
hold me in place
no freedom for my hands
or feet in segregation
down the basement
out of sight

crying out my
torso convulsing
thrashing ,hard to bare
faces staring some with
glee , seeing what
is happening to me
barbaric smiles that
inform they are
the mirror
image of me

my last breath
eyes can barely see
the door opening and
who is coming for me
into hands so soft
lifting me into the air
I fear my future is
in the past.
the only certainty
is the feeling of being
free at last.

This is about being somewhere where you do not want to be the pace is outwith your control and; the end result is the death penalty!!
1.8k · Sep 2010
The diverse garden
Andrew Penman Sep 2010
Life is a diverse garden
filled with many different plants
all trying their best to survive
some are ground covering gems
others weeds strangulating the masses
and depriving them of the nourishment
that allows them to blossom into beautiful
bouquets within shared plots.

the strong looking after the weak
the young respecting the old
where they are tolerant of each others
environment and; the need to exist
learning about each others growth and culture
what nutrients they all need to survive
in close proximity to one another
given food from the same ***.

the flowers are the colour of the rainbow
learning to bloom in equal measure
in a place where they are all beautiful
not shunned because they are slow to blossom
or were not given the right start as seedlings
nurtured into strong upright plants
organic matter that does matter
within the diverse garden of life.
copyright: andrew penman 2010
1.5k · Jan 2011
Living on the edge
Andrew Penman Jan 2011
I have a restless
and live
on the edge,
I often free fall
into a
dark recess
bounce around
the ceiling
no sense.

It makes me human
after all
I am not perfect
who is
I will not hide
or take
my own life
I have a restless
mind living on
the edge
that' s all.
1.4k · Nov 2010
Andrew Penman Nov 2010
For a moment
I stared alone
for a moment
I was lost
for a moment
I travelled far
for a moment
I found myself.
1.4k · Dec 2012
A Fond Kiss!
Andrew Penman Dec 2012
A fond kiss
memories are made
of this.
when love is present
it is sheer bliss

Lips meeting
hearts racing
merging happiness
sublime moment
an action repeated
time after time

salivating prowess
an art practiced
by lovers
the starter
before the main
feast of melting
torsos entwined
followed by contracted
******* ecstacy

A fond kiss
memories are made
of this.
When love is present
it is sheer bliss.

© Andrew Penman 2012
It is about love, foreplay and joy!!
1.1k · Oct 2010
Andrew Penman Oct 2010

alone in the dark
if this is it for me

moving to the door
into the light so bright

thinking about my life
that this is it for me
976 · Feb 2011
A wingless bird
Andrew Penman Feb 2011
I am often a
unable to fly
a word
a smile
a how you do
from friends
my lifeless
I am alive
I can fly
ready for
the clear
blue sky
that is
the light
of day.
976 · Jan 2011
A state of mind!
Andrew Penman Jan 2011
When you hear nothing
the sound of your
own breath
you have found an
inner peace
encapsulates your soul
into a state
peaceful tranquillity.
961 · Jan 2011
The last pirouette.
Andrew Penman Jan 2011
In a crowd not standing out

doing up pumps ready for the fray

dancing like a swan on a lake

hearing applause making the day.

no more, just placid memories

blood percolates from ragged pumps

practice, practice, a childhood lost

the last pirouette, was it worth the cost.
Did this last night after seeing a painting of a ballerina painted by my friend Anke Wheeler
888 · Jan 2011
Sitting in tranquillity!
Andrew Penman Jan 2011
Sitting, looking
the water
forming beautiful
of colour
is a pleasantry
for me
my cares
and woes
I am
a calm serenity
engulfs my soul
in a world
of lasting
I sit awhile
soothing my
long into
Did this today after seeing a fellow artists piece called "Watching the waves".
862 · Mar 2011
Andrew Penman Mar 2011

My heart is sore
my eyes weep
my hands are empty
tonight I will not sleep

Tomorrow I will pray
for you to have a better day
those in the arms of the lord
In angels hands your soul they keep
God bless everyone in Japan.
849 · Dec 2010
The big divide
Andrew Penman Dec 2010
I walk in splendour
as others
have no shoes
on their feet
I indulge in gluttony
as others
have nothing to eat.

I travel in luxury sipping
others only have
***** water
to drink,
their stomach's
racked with pain

I live within a blinkered
whilst many with
cannot see.

I know one thing
to be true
in the big divide
I would rather
be me than you.

©andrew Penman2012

May all gods children have food and shelter!
May all gods children have food and shelter!
811 · Dec 2010
I remember you
Andrew Penman Dec 2010
I remember you as a friend
someone on whom I could depend
I remember you as a teacher
never acted like you were a preacher

I remember you being strong and true
through time I knew you were vulnerable too
battling dark echoes and painting great light
you made art fun yet still forthright

I remember you for your generous spirit
giving honest opinion with your kid glove
you gave much more that only time will tell
I know you are going to heaven, never in hell

I  penned this today as a dedication of my friendship with an artist friend who passed away on Sunday.
806 · Jun 2012
Where do spirits go to play
Andrew Penman Jun 2012
Where do spirits go to play,
is it in one's children or their children once
life has just begun
can they really be inside
where do they go to hide
are they thoughts of merriment
love and contentment
do they hold them in their arms
protecting them from harm
or wear them round the neck as a lucky charm
do they let them hold on to their dreams
urging them forward still yet unseen
the imaginary friend they often relate too
never ever seen by thee or me
now that is a wondrous dose of thought
about a life no longer in the living realm
lets leave it there until we know this for ourselves
where do spirits go to play.

©andrewpenman 19.43pm 27/6/2012
I was asked tonight about life after death and this was my answer!!
769 · Dec 2010
A day with a restless mind
Andrew Penman Dec 2010
I live with a restless mind
denying me sleep of any kind
making its way through the day
lifting me up, slamming me down

I live with a restless mind
euphoric episodes of nonsense
making it harder to face the day
searching, grasping for illusive light

I live with a restless mind
darkness is my dreaded companion
travelling through the moody seams
in the pit of despair too low to care

I live with a restless mind
frightened of the manic excesses
dreading the penalty for my sin
knowing it will be paid

I live with a restless mind
losing sense of being alive
better to curl up and die
thinking why, why

I live with a restless mind
meandering stream of tears
salty waters rushing unchecked
down wet cheeks without a break

I live with a restless mind
denying me sleep of any kind
stripping away my soul
tearing at my sanity

I live with a restless mind
sadistic in its pursuit
of unbalanced bliss
masochism I learn to live with!
I live with bi-polar and this is a summary of a day within my life!
741 · Jan 2011
Music and life
Andrew Penman Jan 2011
Music is a life
songs are dreams
to be
Music is diverse
the people
Music and life
a duet
that thrives
within an

© Andrew penman 2011
727 · Dec 2010
The special one.
Andrew Penman Dec 2010
The special one!!

Mother full
of joy
when seeing her
baby boy
she knew he
was special
a shining crescent
above his head

She saw the future in
his eyes
love exuded from
this little child
he would never
be allowed
to run wild
so much kindness
they would
scorn an' revile

The star in the
sky alight
shining down upon
this eventful night
the sight of three
wise men
their caps did doth
furnished the child
with rare gifts
frankincense and mirth

As son of god he
walked on water
performed miracles
giving a blind
man sight
they came for him
in the night
nailed him to a cross
at Calgary

In the cave they
laid him to rest
never thinking
he would ever
rise again
upon morning no
stone in sight
just an empty cave
to fill their gaze
fact is he went to
his father
where he still
resides today
lighting our way.
710 · Jan 2011
Andrew Penman Jan 2011
I await the
weary from
the exertion
of the day
waiting for
the ramp to
lower my tired
onto the reason
for my fear.

I watch as
the light dims
all is quiet
just the sound
of my bated
a night of
torment ahead
no sleep is
waiting for the
night to deliver
me into day.
679 · Feb 2011
Love- in and out of fashion
Andrew Penman Feb 2011
Love can strip us bare.
To bare one's soul
is a cleansing of hurt.
To redress ourselves is healing.
To love again is a wardrobe
full of  new excitement.
674 · Nov 2010
A childhood dream!
Andrew Penman Nov 2010
Into my fathers’ arms safe from harm
In a place far away no whisky in his hand
Running along a beach somewhere on golden sand
No shouting, swearing or blows to the head
At a table where I will be fed
No more hunger no more pain all is well
Sitting at a warm fire stories we tell
Well away from my living hell

Ironed clothes and shoes on my feet
Into a bed with crisp white sheets
Snug and cosy not afraid to sleep
Nobody kicked out to walk the streets
Dry bed in the morning what a delight
Going to school with a smile on my face
Parents watching you in sports and plays
Shouting encouragement making you proud
Not to be outside the fashionable crowd
Things are not what they always seem
This is not reality; it is only a childhood dream
660 · Jan 2012
Faith in the future!
Andrew Penman Jan 2012
When you walk along the sandy beach
thinking life is out of reach
lift your head into the light
see your future burning bright

When you walk along the sandy beach
think not of yesterday only now
for today is tomorrows memories
life can only be lived that way.

When you walk along the sandy beach
you may think there is no end
fear not, see your future round the bend
faith will be your companion till the end.

647 · Feb 2011
In flight
Andrew Penman Feb 2011
Ah' what it
is like
to fly
watching the
world as
you go
buckshot coming
at you
from all
so glad to
be alive
without a
Ah' what it
is like
to fly
the world
as you
go by.
Andrew Penman Oct 2010
When I am alone in the garden of my mind
Thinking I am one of a kind
Seeing beauty is not hard to do
Within the flower bed of happiness
I see a single rose that is you
With a scent that is strong and true

Fleeting moments with you in my heart
Hoping we will never ever be apart
Waltzing through the wild meadow
My thoughts begin to overwhelm me
Back into the darkness I am falling
In free-fall no safety net in sight
Reaching out to find the light

My mind in spring is a manic delight
Full of chaos and mangled emotions
A spring in my step must do this and that
Talking fast no slowing down in sight
Getting tired not wanting it to stop
Moving around in my head at a frantic pace
Knowing this is going to be a marathon race
When I am alone in the garden of my mind
627 · Nov 2010
Look beyond the face!
Andrew Penman Nov 2010
Young life starting out
slow to grow at first
look beyond the face
if not, you will never know

Nurture this delicate being
for it is tender and raw
look beyond the face
help this being grow

Encourage the jest for life
to be the best they can be
look beyond the face
find the heart and soul
625 · May 2011
The spirit of Charlotte!
Andrew Penman May 2011
I sit alone on the grass
fixated thoughts of you
my mother so bold
a vision of loveliness
a sight to behold
I miss your passion for life
through tales recalled
so much trouble and strife
combined with the joy
of giving me life.

I am walking in a meadow
of beautiful flowers
that whisper sweet melodies
carried away in the wind
captured by birds in flight
who serenade me well
into the night.

I will cherish the memory
of this day
when I saw your vision
in the light
holding it in my mind
until we are no longer apart
two spirits dancing
in a meadow of song
happily sharing one heart.

©Andrew Penman 2012
603 · Dec 2012
Crowded Room
Andrew Penman Dec 2012
I often sit on my own
although never alone
my pencils make me smile
after scribbling for a while
I see beauty flow from
my inner core
a creative spark
fills me with glee
I am content being me
alone in a crowded room
characters bounding around
on the paper singing loud
a maddening crowd
making me proud
I often sit on my own
although, never alone.

© Andrew Penman 2012
I penned this for my artist friend. It may be true of other artist friends without family and friends, some of whom may prefer to be on their own with their tools.
601 · Feb 2011
A day lived-A story to tell
Andrew Penman Feb 2011
May my day be
a pleasant one
a gathering of
fond memories
stories for me
to tell
May my
embrace my
filling open
knowing effort
was made
to create the
metaphor that
a day lived
a story to tell.
600 · Nov 2010
Restless mind
Andrew Penman Nov 2010
When the mind never sleeps
the soul slowly departs the body
leaving an empty shell
where once a person dwelled
590 · Feb 2011
Why me! Why you!
Andrew Penman Feb 2011
A soul bared,
not yet repaired,
heart broken,
expressed with
eloquence and dare.
Innocence stolen
by a villain
in the night.
Fear still a
if it will ever
be right.

The future is
there for the
taking without
it can be
no fear
of sweated
tormented dreams
in the night
just a peaceful
beginning waiting
for when the
time is
I wrote this tonight in reply to reading someone's story about being sexually  abused by their father.

588 · Nov 2010
I know where you are!
Andrew Penman Nov 2010
I missed  my mother today
she does not live with me any more
I blamed myself I don't know why
I only know her going made me cry

I often used to think of where mother was now
why she does not cuddle and read to me at night
father says she is in heaven, a star shining bright
I hope she hears me say everything is alright.

I talked with mother today
I hope she heard my plea through salty tears
that I missed her and now I know where she has gone
walking in golden fields with angels where she belongs.
573 · Oct 2010
Always in my heart
Andrew Penman Oct 2010
I think about you every day
you are never far away
in my heart, you, I always keep
until the day I pass away

You will not weep for me
for you will always know this
in my heart, you, I always keep
even in a permanent sleep

I will watch over you from afar
my love for you, never faded
In my heart, you, I always keep
ever, always and throughout eternity
569 · Mar 2011
Why me
Andrew Penman Mar 2011
Why me!

I watched the sun go down
anxious and with a frown
I live my life on the street
doors and alleyways are where I sleep

I watch the nocturnals run about
I am scared I become their prey
always awake salty tears I weep
I feel abandoned and ask, why me

I am lonely forgotten too
no family or friends, just me
I will arise to face the day
In this life there is no other way.

I penned this within minutes of viewing an artists friend painting called Alone and forgotten about living on the streets
539 · Feb 2014
Andrew Penman Feb 2014
The moon is lit up at night
The sun is warm and bright
The stars twinkle until daylight
The sea is raging delivering natures reply
The child dies and the Syrian mother asks why
The mind is like the thermostat rising and falling at will
The arrogant politician thinks he is a frying pan that nothing sticks to
The people will rise and the house of lies will fall
The happenings that will shape us all
The people will be left standing tall.

©Andrew Penman ART 2014.
515 · Mar 2011
Andrew Penman Mar 2011
I have it in

my hand

keeping it for


the next day


I whisper what is

your name

Silence, then

a calm serenity

I am hope

your future

hold tight

I will light

your way .
I wrote this within a minute tonight after viewing a portrait done by another artist friend of  a coloured girl looking down at her clasped hands as if holding something in them. (c)andypenman2011
Andrew Penman Aug 2010
Love is forever, if you truly love
It will make your heart dance with sweet delight
It will make every morning you wake up so bright
It will lift you up when your feeling low
It will keep you warm sheltered from the cold
It will make you feel you will never grow old
Love is forever, if you truly love".
copyright andypenman2010
501 · Jan 2011
about you!
Andrew Penman Jan 2011
The structure of this one was to highlight the singular aspect of the piece.
295 · Nov 2010
Faith and me
Andrew Penman Nov 2010
I know that life is hard
for me
I  do not worry
about it
I put my faith
in god
knowing he will look
after me
that is why
I smile
for my life in
his hands
is where I want it
to be.
(C)andypenman2010- From Darkness into Light

— The End —