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Andrew Penman Jan 2011
Sitting, looking
the water
forming beautiful
of colour
is a pleasantry
for me
my cares
and woes
I am
a calm serenity
engulfs my soul
in a world
of lasting
I sit awhile
soothing my
long into
Did this today after seeing a fellow artists piece called "Watching the waves".
Andrew Penman Dec 2010
I walk in splendour
as others
have no shoes
on their feet
I indulge in gluttony
as others
have nothing to eat.

I travel in luxury sipping
others only have
***** water
to drink,
their stomach's
racked with pain

I live within a blinkered
whilst many with
cannot see.

I know one thing
to be true
in the big divide
I would rather
be me than you.

©andrew Penman2012

May all gods children have food and shelter!
May all gods children have food and shelter!
Andrew Penman Dec 2010
I live with a restless mind
denying me sleep of any kind
making its way through the day
lifting me up, slamming me down

I live with a restless mind
euphoric episodes of nonsense
making it harder to face the day
searching, grasping for illusive light

I live with a restless mind
darkness is my dreaded companion
travelling through the moody seams
in the pit of despair too low to care

I live with a restless mind
frightened of the manic excesses
dreading the penalty for my sin
knowing it will be paid

I live with a restless mind
losing sense of being alive
better to curl up and die
thinking why, why

I live with a restless mind
meandering stream of tears
salty waters rushing unchecked
down wet cheeks without a break

I live with a restless mind
denying me sleep of any kind
stripping away my soul
tearing at my sanity

I live with a restless mind
sadistic in its pursuit
of unbalanced bliss
masochism I learn to live with!
I live with bi-polar and this is a summary of a day within my life!
Andrew Penman Dec 2010
I remember you as a friend
someone on whom I could depend
I remember you as a teacher
never acted like you were a preacher

I remember you being strong and true
through time I knew you were vulnerable too
battling dark echoes and painting great light
you made art fun yet still forthright

I remember you for your generous spirit
giving honest opinion with your kid glove
you gave much more that only time will tell
I know you are going to heaven, never in hell

I  penned this today as a dedication of my friendship with an artist friend who passed away on Sunday.
Andrew Penman Dec 2010
The special one!!

Mother full
of joy
when seeing her
baby boy
she knew he
was special
a shining crescent
above his head

She saw the future in
his eyes
love exuded from
this little child
he would never
be allowed
to run wild
so much kindness
they would
scorn an' revile

The star in the
sky alight
shining down upon
this eventful night
the sight of three
wise men
their caps did doth
furnished the child
with rare gifts
frankincense and mirth

As son of god he
walked on water
performed miracles
giving a blind
man sight
they came for him
in the night
nailed him to a cross
at Calgary

In the cave they
laid him to rest
never thinking
he would ever
rise again
upon morning no
stone in sight
just an empty cave
to fill their gaze
fact is he went to
his father
where he still
resides today
lighting our way.
Andrew Penman Nov 2010
Often alone I think of you
rolling mountains covered in a purple haze
both in highlands and lowlands too
running water so pure sparkling bright
making our whisky a natural delight
Caledonia - the land of my dreams

I hear music played from the heart
oh' the sound of pipes and drums
heart racing hairs standing on end
poetry filling my eyes with tears
recited at suppers year after year
in celebration of bards no longer here
Caledonia - the land of my dreams

Men wearing tartan skirts with nothing underneath
dancing between swords at highland gatherings
playing games testing their manhood
eating haggis a pudding often misunderstood
porridge,shortbread, salmon and oatcakes
quality food that is for sure
Caledonia - the land of my dreams

History remembered with pride
Mary Stuart, Bonnie Prince Charlie
Wallace, Culloden and Nessie too
some myths, some true
castles, lochs, bridges and glens
places where lassies are called hen
where houses are often **** un bens
people answering with ah' ken
Celtic blood running through my veins
makes me glad I am alive and living here
Caledonia - the land of my dreams

I did this for today is St.Andrews Day!!- From Darkness into Light
Andrew Penman Nov 2010
Young life starting out
slow to grow at first
look beyond the face
if not, you will never know

Nurture this delicate being
for it is tender and raw
look beyond the face
help this being grow

Encourage the jest for life
to be the best they can be
look beyond the face
find the heart and soul
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