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3.2k · Nov 2013
Utopic Dystopia
Andrew McGinnis Nov 2013
Why, God, is there so much pain and suffering?
Because, my child, without such
You would be so terribly uninteresting
2.0k · Jan 2014
Eternity in a Moment
Andrew McGinnis Jan 2014
The headphones go in. Sore Thumb begins.
I take a deep breath and get out of my car.
The guitar gently begins a pleasant melody
as my feet slide along the pavement.
A short walk, in both distance and time
but everything was still.

Eternity in a moment.

The drums join the guitar in perfect, unexpected cooperation,
my heartbeat and smile slightly augmented.
This is what we live for.
Sometimes we experience those moments that are without flaw,
so transitory yet frozen I nearly cry.
The skeletons of leaves scrape along the sidewalk.
A cold breeze sneaks under my sweater
giving me a chill that reminds me of the millions of nerves throughout my body.
I am alive, I am dead. I am all, I am none.
The vocals echo from a distant hallway.
Reminiscent, nostalgic, sentimental come to mind.
Rather than hear the soundtrack of my environment I imagine.
The vocals cut out and the song bursts into a colorful symphony.
With it bursts the deepest center of myself.
I arrive, my walk has come to an end
but I'll never forget that walk.
Here I reference the song Sore Thumb by We Were Promised Jetpacks. Check it out! It may give you a better understanding of this poem.
906 · Nov 2013
Andrew McGinnis Nov 2013
just hold your breath a little bit longer
when i clear this pollution
i promise we'll be stronger

your mind may wander but don't look away
i will find a solution
then i am here to stay

not another moment can i stand to be split
can't we be amiable?
no, i feel your hostile intent

your constant screaming makes my head ache
i would **** you now
but that's one thing i can't take

maybe an identity is out of my reach
you've stolen so much from me
attached to my soul like a leech

i brush my teeth, i'm ready for bed
hopefully tonight in my dreams
you'll stay out of my head...
697 · Sep 2013
Andrew McGinnis Sep 2013
Silent from his perspective,
but she, raging within,
gave him a glance furtive,
and in return he gave a grin.

Here there was a connection.
One felt never before.
No need for deception.
She saw his very core.

And conversely, he saw her.
Inside her heart, a guest.
Or maybe an intruder?
Time will tell best.


Well, maybe this is different.
Staying with him won't cost her rent,
and when to him her heart is lent,
a safer place it couldn't be sent.
649 · Sep 2013
The Simulacrum
Andrew McGinnis Sep 2013
I have lost the Real
It has decayed, been slowly eaten by moths
But maybe I never even had it
Maybe it was lost long ago
Maybe the birth of Man was the death of reality
Man worships the simulacrum, he always has
They tell you we need oxygen, water and food
But that's a lie. We need only one thing
Truth and falsity are merely words, empty concepts
Twitter and condoms are all we have now
And we revel in it
We take the oath, sacrifice our first-born
Archimedes said if you gave him a place to stand he could move the world
When have we ever had a place to stand
647 · Sep 2014
Andrew McGinnis Sep 2014
We said it'd be easier with smartphones and Skype
The distance would shrink and the time would fly by
But every time I hear your voice on the phone
or your beautiful face appears on my screen
I can't help but feel alone
I can hardly hold back a scream

I'll always be yours and you mine
but where is you hand now
I need it to hold mine

I see a couple kiss outside on the lawn
I frown with jealousy
remembering you're gone

I just want to wake up with you next to me
I just want to come home and you undress me
Run your hands through my hair and kiss my cheek
If you come over now I'd keep you for weeks

I just want the sun to rise
and know it's the day
when you become my wife
and everything will be okay
627 · Nov 2013
Andrew McGinnis Nov 2013
Don't you love when
writing a poem seems
more like remembering
than creating

Plato said we never
actually learn something new
We only remember the forgotten

An idea easily dismissible
sometimes this feels like
an accurate description of my experiences

Those clouds, about to burst with rain
                    remind me of something
Your smile, your frown
                   remind me of something
My idea of God
                    seems buried deep within me
That song, the emotions it evokes,
                    remind me of a time I can't remember
Her tears, those stains
                    seem vaguely familiar
His paintings, those cool, dark colors
                   make me feel at home
The way that proof glides along the lines of logic
                   reminds me of something intangible
The smell of homemade bread in the oven
                   reminds me of something inexpressible
That hurt you caused me
                   didn't come as a surprise
The contentment you gave me
                   didn't seem unprecedented

May your grace not be in vain

I will always remember
557 · Nov 2013
still broken
Andrew McGinnis Nov 2013
their smiles and laughs surround me
energy drips from their teeth
but when the music stops
when their glasses are emptier than their wallets
each is without a home

they tell of the last time they were happy
the last time they loved something
the last time they knew they werent alone
each of these faint memories
revisited only as fantasies

dead presidents wont love you
and the night will never be your friend
her warm breath on your neck
will only remind you of the cold outside
his lustful grip around your hip
will only remind you youre still broken

i know youre lonely, i get it
but some cuts need more than a band-aid
some stomachs need more than bread
some people need more than people
i know youre hurt, i know youre lost
but i know youre loved
and i hope one day
youll know that to be true...
524 · Nov 2013
Suicide Haiku
Andrew McGinnis Nov 2013
have courage, my friend
it is brighter over here
do not dread the end
516 · Nov 2013
your monsters
Andrew McGinnis Nov 2013
i miss your fingers
running along my tattoos
as you tell me of your monsters.
the ones you've defeated,
the ones that won't let go.
i kiss your nose
and when you open your green eyes
wordless whispers pour into me

the moments of ineffable bliss
the moments of unimaginable hurt
all i will share with you

i may not be able to destroy
the things under your bed and in your closet
but when you hear their moaning,
when their shadows dance along the walls
take my hand
and squeeze it hard

some love creates light
but only the kind you suffer for
i'll always suffer for you
500 · Sep 2013
A Broken Mind
Andrew McGinnis Sep 2013
My thoughts, unable together to piece, are left
          drip drop dripping away no! no!
Scattered? Scattered discovery inconsistently applied
          and forgotten, yes.
They all go insane, Brothers of Icarus, driven on;
          please stop, too much; to ask that is.
The broken heart is blind
but the broken mind can't close its eye.
467 · Sep 2013
Restless Peace
Andrew McGinnis Sep 2013
when he saw the nameplate
on his dull, grey cubicle,
it reminded him of an epitaph on a gravestone
sentencing him to a life
and death of reading e-mail

he would not be remembered
he would not be missed
but his inbox would never empty
and his boss would be ******.
461 · Jun 2015
it's okay
Andrew McGinnis Jun 2015
i would kiss your neck
hold you when you cry
but till that day comes
i'll see you on Skype

when your world becomes dark
i'll light up your phone
when you need more than my voice
you'll have to wait till i'm home

but it's okay
i know someday i'm gonna be with you

it's okay
i know someday i'm gonna with you

hug that pillow tight
and do your best to sleep
for when it's cold outside
we'll be sharing those sheets
389 · Nov 2013
a happy poem
Andrew McGinnis Nov 2013
Why is it so much easier
to write a sad poem than a happy one?
Well, I suppose a poem's like a scar
and happiness rarely leaves a scar.

I guess when I am truly happy
like, my-jaw-hurts-from-smiling happy,
the pen doesn't seek my hand.
If we were continuously and eternally happy
would there be any art at all?

A happy life would be terribly uninteresting.

This is a happy poem.
Not because I am happy
but because I am content.
Content with the scars I've earned,
content with the love I've lost
and the love I have found.
I have crawled in the shadows
and I've walked in the light.
Gray is only possible
if you know the black from the white.
I'll tell you a secret.
Never mind, it's mine to keep.
This is a happy poem.
373 · Oct 2013
Only The Start
Andrew McGinnis Oct 2013
Using only her eyes
her secrets were poured out.
From beneath all the lies
her pupils did shout...

"Treated as a thing
never as a person,
all the looks they did sting
all their words abusive.
I flinch as they walk by,
a dog expecting pain.
Days I wanted to die.
Days I couldn't stay sane.
But you see who I am
not what I do or say.
And when you touch my hand
all those days fade away"

A smile on her face
her lips began to part.
But I cut her words short,
"This is only the start"

— The End —