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216 · Nov 2015
Andrew Lin Nov 2015
As time passes with unexplainable ease, the overwhelming disappointment is increasingly, and gradually becoming intoxicating. That's all that could run through my mind nowadays, perhaps, it's because there's so much spare time that I could ****. When there's really nothing to do, your thoughts could get really far out, so far to the point that you can't follow them to the end, and all the effort, for a frustration. After all the countless times I've tried, it resulted in ignorant judging.
Uncontrollable emotions, unmerciful self-loathe,
It confines me deep within my bittersweet aisles, tainted with my withering conceptions, appraising to what had happened to my egoist nature.
187 · Nov 2015
Andrew Lin Nov 2015
Think to thyself, may feel the sadness in ones absence? Find delight in another's sorrow? So let him ask, does thou find him vile? May thee let him know of thoughts of concern? Curiosity is at it's peek. Does such a man seem to be relinquishing from the feelings that thee may love? Ah, he says. Too trapped in menace to ever take a breath. Does thou enjoy what thy see? A red heart that burns and dwells in darkness? Increasing amount of scars every time it ignites? Relentless grief? Much questions does he ask. He may be curious as to what he seems nowadays. Destroyed, unattended, infuriation echoes diligently, no longer fleeting.
167 · Nov 2015
Andrew Lin Nov 2015
Things don't seem so great when your right hand has fallen into his deep void. He doesn't show any emotions perhaps, he has a well inside him to scream and cry into. The best that can be done is to stick with him and that seemed to be accomplished but yet, you'd get your own eyes gouged out and come to play such a silly game for what seems to be wasteful. If only and just if only, we could have answers to as why a few things happen, perhaps things would be a tad lighter?
It seems as if we're just continuously being lured in by the wind up bird's, tune. Forget-me-nots will always be planted to create another oath, yet again. In the end, it's excruciating pain shrouded by the blindness of the ones that created, such a pain. As our hearts wrench, they release yet another bigger smile. It'd be smart of us just to walk away, why stay for something that's going to become increasingly, pointless? It's probably about time that we've surrendered to the shadows that trail behind the fragments of our hope. Being rather egoistic might repel yet another tragedy. The wind up bird may continue to flap its wings and enchant us with its harrowing tunes. Our hearts would become ragged, in unison. There's much space for the likes of our mindsets. It's prime for us to hinder ourselves from outraging our true natures, once again.  It isn't as if we chose to do so, just an occurrence, an extremely, painful notion. We'd abide nonchalantly, to keep soundlessly holding in, In an abstract sentimentality. In what we find complex yet intriguing, we'd soon seek out the contradictions.
127 · Nov 2015
Andrew Lin Nov 2015
The feeling of being alone, always fills me. It's more overwhelming then any other feeling, naivety used to show me. Loneliness, makes me harsh, and bitter. But, bitter isn't all that harsh and harsh, isn't all that sour. Wonder why I think this way?
It's because of you.
Your lies in April.

— The End —