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1.6k · Oct 2012
Serotonin Syndrome.
Andrew Daly Oct 2012
Step inside the refuge of my disillusionment,
you will find a blood red sun bursting in the eyes of
a man that never harnessed an even temperament.

A cresting wave crashes on the beaches along
these rusted railways that interweave these broken skies,
a  road paved in regret, spilled from my minds eye.

Obscure sounds, and muted lights diffuse from
the gutters lined with my inner child’s blood. We shiver
coldly, a voiceless wind passes misunderstood.

Tragedy unfolds before our eyes, the luster has
given way to rust due to an underlying apathy. Without
affection, resolute urgency is beyond our capacity.

A cursed fate we are resigned to hate, a blessing
we’ve dusted over in a fools gold asylum. A serious man,
with serious lusts, still a bitter ghost of mistrust.

Wash your ****** hands in the morning sun,
remove your emerald isle from the barrel of my gun,  
hearts bleed ruby red, a vascular fire in the sky.

Fate will fall about the movements upon your ethereal
skin, neurotic waterfalls rush through the nightmares you’re
living in. Bid to create a dream… where we… are clean.
1.4k · Aug 2012
Ray Ban.
Andrew Daly Aug 2012
Together we form a siamese dream, a romantic interpretation of our wasted years.

Your eyes fa-fa-fa-fa flutter.
Your teeth ch-ch-ch-ch chatter.
My thoughts begin to scatter.
Spill my guts a time or two, in
blood I write my thoughts
all over you. Splash down into
the deep end of this pool of
scattered, ultra violet light. The
inferno within, burns too **** bright.  

Stars careen down from the
indignant sky, scatter across
my arms, and around the trees
set fire to my skin, they burn
my tangled hair. Shield your eyes,
windows to the home deep
inside you locked up oh-so tight,
how does it feel to never really
let anyone in? Do you mind
that you will never even know me?

Sun burnt skin, and leather
bound heart strings. Cut these
lines from off my heart, and
tie a noose for me to tear my
neck apart. Seems that even
within the darkest of places, the
sun will still shine upon my
many weary faces. If I am unable
to release this metaphorical pain
from inside of me, I’ll just snap
my spinal chord with my shoe laces.

When I laid you down in that cheap motel room, never thought I would open my heart, or watch it bloom.

Now say it to me in French -
je t’aime, je suis fou de toi, je
ressens un amour fou pour toi,
once more now, how about in
Spanish - te amo, estoy enamorado
de ti. Our love is bilingual, it sees
us through, and through. You don’t
have to be able to see past the
suns impenetrable rays to know
that I love you. In this case, simple
English will do. We used to be air

Breeeeeeeth deep, now sing
me to sleep. Picture this - sadness
holding hands with madness.
If it’s quite alright with you, I’ll
simply look past your personality
disorder, and take up residence
in your heart - if you’ll have me as a
border. I may be melancholy, but
we fit together - me, and you.
Two pieces of a puzzle, that we
can’t see to find a way to un-glue.

It seems I have finally found
somebody new, I already know I’m
under you skin, I know without a
shadow of a doubt that I am finally
good enough for you. I sail a
ship among seas of blue, open your
heart, for me to come through.
Step inside your soul, now I am a
part of you. You are me, we are one.
Now cover your eyes, as to block
out this God ****** sun.

Can I play with madness, or will I be left with infinite sadness?

— The End —