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4.9k · Nov 2011
Andressa Leite Nov 2011
they say dreams
are the garbage of your day.

i agree.

considering my life
consists entirely of

there is nothing left
to do than to conclude
that yes,

my life is garbage
my dreams are garbage
i am garbage.

but garbage gets taken out
and picked up by men
every week.
so I guess I can't be
after all.
3.6k · May 2010
Andressa Leite May 2010
god makes me
happy in a way like if mommy and
daddy were getting back together. are you?

i'm still waiting. i am still three years old
in brazil mouth gaping open at the sight of my first
airplane. it changes my life. now i am here ****** talking
about it. god are you and mommy getting back together?

****. god is a single dad.

so many kids. so many bad, bad kids.
i am so
sorry. but i am only three years old.
3.5k · May 2010
Andressa Leite May 2010
there is cholera in the time of love.
quarantined feelings
making sure this fever
will not spike to five hundred

there is cholera in the time of love.
gas masks of affection
hazmat suits of admiration
latex gloves of love.

is it the cholera infecting
the love or the
love infecting the
2.8k · May 2010
Andressa Leite May 2010
i spared you all from this
well one could go mad in such a manner
--i don't recommend it
but i suppose i will see you in hell
after all?

coming from
things. i am
2.8k · Nov 2011
Andressa Leite Nov 2011
cold sweats
heart pounding
wide awake
early morning
can't sleep

you decide
these nightmares need to end.

but your subconscious
in its own
sort of way.

tomorrow is another day,
another nightmare
to wake up from.

in class they all stare at you
because aren't you a little too
to be in college?

that's when you wake up
and that's when you decide
these nightmares need to end
but dreams weren't meant for
like you

so tomorrow it's back
to the

cold sweats
heart pounding
wide awake
early morning
can't sleep
won't sleep
ever again.
1.8k · Nov 2011
Andressa Leite Nov 2011
the police station rioted
laughing so hard
tears poured down their ruddy faces

"hey listen to this!"
my face grew red in shame
i just wanted protection

i left, depressed
this was the fifth sleepless day
no sleep, no faces

though i tried to save face
at the police station,
they said "find a shrink."

i'm starting to hallucinate
because your face has become my own
and now i will never wake again.
i hate dreaming.
1.5k · May 2010
Andressa Leite May 2010
the back room.
nothing back here.
one guy, poor guy--no thoughts.
no feelings. but i gotta find my own
voice--who's is it? huh?
huh. huh. huh?


no one can tell me.
i wish i knew. dear
everyone, i give myself
to you.
1.4k · Nov 2011
Andressa Leite Nov 2011
when you last saw me
i was a pretty carcass
wasn't i?

painted up for the funeral, you were
my pallbearer and up the stairs
you took me. i sat on your
shoulders because no
one else came to
my funeral.
just you

when you last saw me
i was a pretty carcass,
covered in dirt and worms
and decomposing leaves.

in your arms you took me, your tears
washing the grime from my pale,
dead face. i remember how
it felt to watch you cry
for the first time and
i wished i was still
alive to tell you
not to. It was
just you

when you last saw me,
i was a pretty carcass.
your love died with me that day.
and when you last saw me,
i was only a carcass
you wanted desperately to love.
this is about a suicide attempt.
1.2k · May 2010
Andressa Leite May 2010
love poem!
me. you.
heartfelt! beautiful!

every day is a
a. golden sunbeam
b. cloudless morning
c. glorious beginning?

me. you. together!
precious! flawless!
we. us. them. they.

love for you is like
a. strong cognac
b. fresh-cut grass
c. angels singing

me. you. us. we.
contrived love poem/potion
number nine.
982 · Nov 2011
Andressa Leite Nov 2011
i am a tank made of cardboard in the rain.
ten word challenge.
839 · May 2010
Andressa Leite May 2010
this is me.
are you sure? no.

i don't know but it could be.

life is cosmic like that
you know? everything
is just ...

on fire.
828 · Nov 2011
Andressa Leite Nov 2011
bring me to the land of green.

green trees
green seas
green me.

brand new,
cracking out of my shell with
the egg tooth that never
quite fell.

make me green again
i've been old too long.

what is it like to take in the sun
in the mornings
where the temperature
reads centigrade instead of

green as the day i was born.
green as the sea whose salt air burns me.
green as the tree i was hatched in.

green as the day
the temperature read in
i moved to brazil.
791 · Nov 2011
Andressa Leite Nov 2011
if you eat today
you won't eat
ever again.
ten word challenge.
739 · May 2010
dirty haiku #2
Andressa Leite May 2010
my first question is--
"would you let a girl peg you?"
uncertain nodding.
706 · May 2010
dirty haiku #1
Andressa Leite May 2010
bring home man of dreams.
naked glares at the mirror--
should lose thirty pounds.
699 · Nov 2011
dirty haiku #3
Andressa Leite Nov 2011
hand lotion ready
twenty minutes going strong
zoloft's not worth it.
646 · Nov 2011
Andressa Leite Nov 2011
stopped sleeping
around the time
stopped loving
ten word challenge.
561 · May 2010
Andressa Leite May 2010
i don't sle--ep some
days because it's fun. i don't worry
about the sun.
i hear the echoes and throes of what they say
hide the knives the guns the **** breaks out
time for fun and ****
stuff should be smoked stuff should be ****** stuff should be
free. wait--
i'm not useful for me or you. creativity is dead.
523 · May 2010
to declare
Andressa Leite May 2010
i left before things got weird.
writing was always hard because
sometimes i forget to

between spaces.

what was life like on the
back burner? now i'm at everyone's

this won't look like anything.
you are gone.
469 · May 2010
Andressa Leite May 2010
drooping like my ears and eyes
for holding
living things pressed to me.

come here. i want you here.
where are you?

— The End —