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Behind the lines is where I stand
Where I dream of me and you hand in hand
Behind the lines is where I am
I picture us loosing our minds and not giving a ****
Behind the lines is where I'll always be
As I watch you both kiss and be full of glee
Behind the lines is where I've always been
My patience for "the one" has seem to wear thin
Behind the lines is where I belong
I can't stop listening to those stupid love songs
Behind the lines I shall stay
I didn't have a chance with you anyways
"Why poetry?" they ask
"Why not?" I say
Its the only way to keep those dark memories away
I write every chance I get
It feels like me and my words are singing a duet
It humors me to know that 26 letters put together
Can make a girl like me feel so much better
How happy it makes me not to feel powerless anymore
There is a strong bond with these words that I have came to love and adore
Something that I made
My work of art
And as long as these words come from me
We will never drift apart
Mike Hauser on has inspired me to write this one up! I got an email this morning of his poem and i fell in love with it! make sure to go check him out if you can :D
I dreamed of me and you
In a never ending day
Where we both let out hearts collapse in each others hands
And never let them fall
I open my eyes as I lay in bed
Almost in tears knowing that those were just fantasies
I try to accept that my delusions will never exist
My sanity is only in control when I commemorate of memories with you
I can only sleep soundly when I think of you holding me ever so delicately
How pathetic of me
To miss you so after all this time
Since that day
People say follow you heart
But when I do it leads me into a dark hole with no way out
Is that why now, everything seems so dark to me?
The flowers don't bloom as they used to
My smile doesn't feel real
My soft hums as I work turn into complete silence
"What a shame" I say as I look in the mirror
The girl looking back at me pities me
Because she sees a girl who is drowning in love
All she needs is someone to help her float in it
There once was a strong built dam
She let nothing pass her
But one day the waters behind
Started to be nice and kind
They told her pretty things
And complimented her cracks
But little did she know
They were planning to sneak over her back
The pretty talk went on as the day grew near
The day she did not know she'd fear
So the story ends as her walls break
Her walls became softer and softer and her heart started to ache
She was into pieces scattered all around
But the waters that once told her soft words now glided over her
While they wore a smile and she wore a frown
I wake up everyday wondering what color shirt your gonna wear today.
Knowing that I will see you, my skies won't be grey.
Walking past each other and when we greet, I know then and there that these feelings I can't defeat.
You're beating me up and you don't even know. I hate how my love for you is hard for me to show.
I know when you look at me you think of me as just a friend but honey when I'm with you I never want the day to end.
So here I go.
These are the words I could never say.
I love you and I hope you could be mine one day.
Until then I will just watch from afar.
But as the years go by, you'll always be in my heart.
I cry
And cry
And cry
Cause I feel my self worth just depends on this guy
Yeah, you
Your stupid smile, stupid hair, eyes, teeth, laugh, smell
Yeah thats all you
How I feel
I'm sure it doesn't even matter
My heart keeps on getting fatter and fatter with every wave and wink
Those gestures come to make me think
That somehow, some way
You'll look at me, how I look at you
Using your stupid eyes you just might see
That I'm just full of demons and I want to be set free
Everyday I wake up and thank God that he made stupid you
Because when I dream about myself not existing in this corrupt world just wanting for things to be over
I think of you
Yeah, you

— The End —