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Andrea Ellmore Mar 2010
It's eerie when the quiet is so loud
you can't hear yourself think.
Silence creeps into your mind and
holds it hostage
as it beats through your veins. “Can we talk about it later?”
he says sternly. I try to speak my view again
but he cuts me off, “Can we talk about it later?”
At this point his tone suggests that it is more of a request
than a question. Not an order, but a stern and gentle request.
I crawl inside myself and quiet the turmoil within.
We're both stubborn.
In all honesty that is our relationship's only flaw.
He'll end up winning this one and I'll fall asleep suffering,
wanting to have him to myself
a little longer than I know I'll have him tomorrow.
It's eerie the way the quiet sweeps in.
You would never think quiet could be such a hostile tone.

— The End —