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Aug 2013 · 692
Andrea Elizabeth Aug 2013
I’m having an affair with my mind
I’m having an affair with your mind

Let us explore the grand questions,
the most profound of doubts, in the
vastness of different meanings.

In the most stimulating of loves,
intoxicating in a way no one else can understand

Let’s find together the meaning of everything

with nothing at all
Jun 2012 · 719
Burning Questions
Andrea Elizabeth Jun 2012
Those burning questions, each day add up to more.
The key is missing, but there's a way out of this trap door
In fact, no one is hoping to be the lead role.
Too much asking, makes you think why you were born.
Understand, people already tried to solve this before.
This burning puzzle, way too hard to ignore.
Regardless of being puppets in a world wide show.
give us the chance to be the ones who get to glow.
Jun 2012 · 2.6k
Ocupo una droga
Andrea Elizabeth Jun 2012
Que no me deje ni pensar ni gritar, ni sentir, ni desear.
Una droga que no me permita recordar, algo me haga olvidar.
Ocupo una droga que quite las impurezas, una droga que me limpie.
La droga que sea la única en poder cegarme (La distracción mas grande).
Ocupo una droga en la que deje de ser.
Una droga para dejar de vivir.

Tú eres mi droga, y no pido tu amor.
No quiero tu perdón, ni tus caricias, ni tu deseo.
Tu eres la droga, tu eres mi droga.
*No pido nada, no quiero nada, solo quédate a mi lado, y en tus brazos
poder sentir tu efecto en mi ser.
Andrea Elizabeth Jun 2012
I thought I did what was right for me, but I wasn't right to do so.
I thought I did what was making me happy, but I wasn't right to be so.
I thought I did what was fun, but I wasn't having fun in doing so.

In thinking I did, I wasn't.
In thinking I was, I didn't.

— The End —