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Andrea Cherney Mar 2016
What you want and what you need are two different things.
You need water, you don't need someone to make you happy.
You want to make the team, fit in, be apart of the great tradition.
Be the kid that stands out, only if the opportunity will save you, if it's given.
Sometimes the most effective way to get what you want sometimes is 2 fists and a fast forcful hand.
Andrea Cherney Mar 2016
When bad things happen, I know you want to believe they are a joke.
But life is scary and dark. That is why we must find the light.
Andrea Cherney Mar 2016
may all your dreams come true,
all your wishes and wants,
become reality.
may all the fire,
that burns you to this day,
die down to embers,
and dissipate to ashes.
may what you love,
find you,
and stay.
may the world,
bend to your will,
like your loyal dog.
may what you are searching for,
find you.
may life treat you right.
Andrea Cherney Mar 2016
when you've given all you think you got, give more.
when you think, maybe this isn't worth it, trust me it'll be worth it.
when you give up and regret it, don't complain because you didn't try just a little more.
Maybe that little more could've been what have given you what you've always wanted.
But, it's terrible when you've given all the more you can.
and it's not enough for what you want.
Andrea Cherney Feb 2016
Does growing up just change your body, or also your soul?
But contradicting, can we stay the same forever?
Andrea Cherney Jan 2016
that one day
someday near
or someday far
that we'll meet again
start over, forgive, love
maybe end up together
and maybe this time
it won't be temporary.
Andrea Cherney Jan 2016
You're in my head, and now it's outta my hands.
And everything I do is for you.
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