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Dec 2020 · 99
Andre Pinnock Dec 2020
My fears bow before my faith and my praise surpasses my pain. I am one of Yahweh's mustard seed, a trumpet in Judah. I will offer my best offering comes what may. I will live committed each giving day. The father's love is without condition, so my obedience should be without limitation.  Lord your glory, power and honour towers above the stars, your majesty, grace and love swallows the universe.  In reverence I bow before you God and my heart magnify your name and not my distress.
Dec 2020 · 114
Powder Emotion
Andre Pinnock Dec 2020
Most days the clouds hide the rays
Like our chest mask our emotion's face
Crazy how scary revealing truth can be
Much like exposing thoughts to the world
Then again, no hero is known by passivity
Shaking feet step across the daunting plank
Only fools dive into the ocean-
Without the ability to swim
Yet still many fools dive in
And somehow, they are breathing
So will I drown after i make the plunge,
Or find a hand to prevent my sinking?
Just as how an artist paints
I too wish to express my views
Hear your honest truth
Then sit back and appreciate the observed beaut
Jun 2020 · 177
A Simply & Complex Mind
Andre Pinnock Jun 2020
I am the bridge between water and oil
The line between moral and inquitious.
I stand in a lonely place
Disputing my very arguments
Leaving you addled while amaze
I rescued your heart from war
And fire the arrow that made it scar
I am the definition that does not explain itself
I am the guy you love to have
And hate to know
My rumination is the feather that sunk the wale
My pride is small but caused us much pain
I told you the truth and still I'm a liar
This remorseful man will never apologise
I'm loyal to your face without ****** expectation
I am the image of complex sincerity
It is dejectedly funny how many still don't know me
Despite reading the truth, you still doubt me
A Simple Complex Mind
Mar 2020 · 116
Pay Day
Andre Pinnock Mar 2020
He introduced time and space
He spoke and everything answered
He decided and so they did
A perfect mirror designed from clay

he named and titles were formed
he ruled and all accepted their governor
he stood right in His eyes daily
Desiring talks with the highest counsellor

It sank beneath its purpose
It soiled the perfect design
It ripped the bridge of true union
Slithering through life and time

He  clocked in, removing His royal robe
He lived, taught and slept until suns confirmed
He fought, won and paid the cost of war
Redemptions' price, His blood is the demand

Today myth ignores His name
Are not truth and He both the same?
Volunteered slaves despise and reject His grace
The Sun sat west with tears on His face.
Mar 2020 · 156
Conditions or Praises?
Andre Pinnock Mar 2020
My fears bow before my faith and my praise surpasses my pain.
I am one of Yahweh's mustard seed, a trumpet in Judah.
I will offer my best offering comes what may.
I will live committed each giving day.
The father's love is without condition, so my obedience is in line with His inclination.  
Lord your glory, power and honour towers above the stars, your majesty, grace and love swallows the universe.
In reverence I bow before you God and my heart magnify your name and not my distress.
Feb 2020 · 113
Andre Pinnock Feb 2020
At the young of day
I sit and watch pigeons fly
On the red bank youth fled
Down to the river side
Tossed seeds clipped their wings
It was much too soon to let go
We hardly began the daily dance
High smile rest upon my hat
Chasing time in a heated gaze

She sat beside...unbothered by my presence
She was, as though i wasn't-
of her days
Would she be angry at my forceful invite?
Too late, for she is here in this state

While pigeons circled life
I watch and ponder our purpose this time
Experience glance behind motive's pounding
Love left my hand empty of a touch.
Feb 2020 · 114
Crowned Perfectly
Andre Pinnock Feb 2020
I emptied my heart to impress her
She held my hands inviting me to stand
She is the horizon of my dreaded day
I gaze upon royalty when she speak
For she stand above comparison
Modesty and holiness bathe her
Sophistication and beauty highlight her
She is the heat that melts my fears
My days of love when the air is cold
Today is one of many
To admire your perpetual value
I bless this day that invites your existence
The Queen of my heart and life
Mrs. Pinnock be celebrated
For my life's mission is to be your forever present.
To my wife who is my everything.  I honour your day to celebrate your birth.  I dedicate this to you my forever love.  Happy birthday my queen.
Jan 2020 · 167
The Gift I Never Got
Andre Pinnock Jan 2020
A rare jewel was created on this day
A priceless gift i can only appreciate
I marvel at her immense beauty
And stand in awe of her immeasurable strength
She enrich my being
But is oblivious to its entirety
A rare jewel was created on this day
To you i say happy birthday
Jan 2020 · 101
Where My Mind Is
Andre Pinnock Jan 2020
My toes rake through the ocean floor
While my head disturbs the soaring clouds
Lines have bemused minds wondering how
I'll simplify thoughts to help you out
"I'm grounded while keeping my head high. "
Jan 2020 · 118
Andre Pinnock Jan 2020
Sorrow held my cheeks
Somehow i felt comforted
Until i cried to you son
But you kept on playing
No eyes to see my hurt
I drown my pain beneath a smile
A crooked thing...i see it clearly
But perfect in their eyes
After all! It's me...
So i learn to inhale nails
And spit petals.
I am missing in their presence
And still they converse with me
I am absent in their presence
And still no one misses me.
Jan 2020 · 96
Rescued Purpose
Andre Pinnock Jan 2020
Emptied thoughts survived
The fangs of hateful critics
Poured heart still beats
Despite the mauling of many foes

Shattered knees and broken arms
Carved purpose on grounds
Pushed on by a single breath
Pulled along by a gentle touch

To complete this journey
Others need to hear the truth
All need to experience Your story

Lost oblivious souls in need of hope
Widest arm, a symbol of love
I kneel emptied before You
Pour in me your heart Jesus.
Jan 2020 · 132
Art Piece
Andre Pinnock Jan 2020
Up close, it is perfect
Clearly one of my finest
But when i step back and observe it
It is not my canvas
It is sure hard to accept
But i felt better after i stepped
May 2017 · 263
Andre Pinnock May 2017
The door stopped short of crushing my chest between passion and a timeless period of internal ripping guilt.

The kind that feels like a mill grinding mercilessly, shredding without pity every bit of my peace.

Like brave heart, I killed  desire in the name of love. Sacrifice unexplainable gratification to be right.

I'm the hero who saved the day with a gut turning ache which is feeding on my thought like a parasite as my reward. Cheer me on...

So I smile while glancing through a window to that moment; I grabbed the door and pull it back so hard that it bruised my ribs and some of my selfish will to save my moral integrity.

I'm not sad, just hate the fact that it feels this uncomfortable being in the right.
Apr 2017 · 268
I've been there
Andre Pinnock Apr 2017
Lord I have messed up,

So many times I’ve let you down.

Days I felt like I couldn’t be found,

Was hard to convince myself I wasn’t alone.


Jesus you said you’ll always be there,

Still my way I choose to steer.

I often wonder what makes you care,

Me a sinful follower you chose to spare.


Like the prodigal son I went,

All my blessing I foolishly spent.

Mournfully I walked this sinful Earth,

Reflecting how my action increased your hurt.


Several times Lord, I tried to return,

But lack of commitment extinguished my burn.

I’m tired of repeating the same wrong,

Unhidden lord, you’ve seen them all along.


Tears welled up in my bereaved heart,

For the longest time after you I sought.

Eyes looked on, a bit skeptic,

But on my salvation, my attention fix.


I desire to dwell by your side father,

Hold me so I don’t go under.

Lift me above my past height,

Take me into your holy light.

In you I’ve found the only true happiness,

And a love that is sincerely endless.

Under the shadow of your cross I stand,

Jesus pouring blood made me a new man.


Through him, as righteous I am seen,

No longer rule by my carnal being.

I pray your strength keep present in me,

And my will only say yes to thee.
Aug 2016 · 330
My Pride
Andre Pinnock Aug 2016
Feeling pressured to speak
But nothing to share
Should I force the feeling
And write insane reasoning
Just to show the world something
Does it really matter
What I have to offer
Will you appreciate the effort
Or just skip by my recent work
So here it is people
I wrote you nothing
Just so I'm not forgotten
Do enjoy, and don't ignore
Oct 2015 · 317
Friend.... less
Andre Pinnock Oct 2015
Everyone is a spot
Appear to be important
Until they are forgotten
Then the stain fades

Once dark soil
Vanish before the eye
Soon to be replaced
With new spontaneous spills.
Feb 2015 · 564
Time is Guilty!
Andre Pinnock Feb 2015
She sleep without my arms
Laying beneath her head
The firm black pillow

I wonder what she dream about
When I'm not around
My sweet strong-will angel

I lose love, every  second apart_
Time is a thief, but I can't complain
Cause soon he favors us more...

® André Pinnock
Jan 2015 · 414
Happy New...whatever...
Andre Pinnock Jan 2015
My sincere sorry is a beautiful wrapped gift box
Pointless though, the recipient viewed it as empty

I celebrated family, love and life practically
I later learned that was unacceptable.
So the new year was born without "husband"
Our first one died with me absent.

The new year is just as beautiful as my sorry
Sadly it was just as empty as my lack of presence...

So what's happy about the new year?
Apr 2014 · 493
The Perfect Sight of Love
Andre Pinnock Apr 2014
I'm a student of love.
Teach me the truth
that is absent
from much hearts.

Enlighten me
on matters of
passion, deep affection,
sincere love and genuine care.

Misplace my vision isn't.
Illusion had not washed
my eyes
with unrealistic observation.

So what if I-
stripped away the imperfection
of your being and gaze-
gaze upon the flawlessness
of your character?

I'm not lost to inane affection
Rather I'm seeing you
in the true state of love
my queen...

holding nothing
that is spotted
to my lovers pureness of love.

Do teach me, my love.
don't think I've been bitten
by naive's fang.

Trust me!
Poisonous flattery
is not flowing
through my veins;

thus infecting my tongue
with foolish words to say....
You are perfect....
full stop!

Why, should I say otherwise?
Are you not?
My eyes sees no error
cause love cured me.

Failure to be consistently
who you are
has nothing to do
with you being a being

but my failure
to look deeper to see...
It is I
who have viewed you
with a shallow love
and weak appreciation.

Love in itself is perfect
Though we are not
It remains unblemish
That same love that exist in us.

® André Pinnock
  April 07th, 2014
Feb 2014 · 386
Raw Hurt
Andre Pinnock Feb 2014
Hurt parade on my heart
For few of recent statements
I watched the floats go by
but in silence.

I kept my reaction
Didn't wish to prolong...
to spare you from feeling bad
I stood the heat and bore the Weight

All I said during...was
"I'm tired"
have you listened?
I gave you both ear

Put aside my opinion....mostly
Saw how best to accommodate your desires
But fail in my endeavor to...

Weak and insignificant
Frail and a failure
Ineffective and beat
This old flag hang its head

How does bliss exist
If empty is the vessel?
How is support possible
When strength isn't visible?

I love you from soft heart
From heart, I know I'm soft
I desire your happiness
But I fail I will never grant you such...

So I hide behind words
Making my view with sentences
Hoping you hear the truth,
And see the man I am in them
Nov 2013 · 871
Andre Pinnock Nov 2013
I kept
your touch
fresh in

Now I ask,
but only
one thing,

love me
back to

Then I will
cherish your

®Andre Pinnock
Nov 2013 · 780
Andre Pinnock Nov 2013
I'm lost in this dark room
Kept my smile in your arms
Losing your touch is killing me
Forlorn tucked me in
A black rose lay over my body
I sleep the sleep of death
unlike sleeping beauty
love won't kiss me awake
Tears soaked my pillow
And drown my soul
Dried salty pain lay in used napkins heart shatters by your absence
Missing you for the duration of one moon
Cause you said....
"Good night my love...see you soon."

®Andre Pinnock
Nov 2013 · 775
I Miss You :-(
Andre Pinnock Nov 2013
Pain comfort my heart
Sorrow is my night light
Disappointment is my morning tea
Sadness is learning to be.....from me.
Mom why aren't you home yet?
Promises made to a little boy
Still pending years later
Mom I miss you into eternity
Mom are you coming home soon?
I'm tired of crying your absence
I hate feeling without...
Sigh! I'm miseries carpet
Fast becoming hurt wash bowl.
Mom I miss you.

®Andre Pinnock
Nov 2013 · 488
Andre Pinnock Nov 2013
Sincere smile masked by huge strange hands
Pure eyes suddenly coated with immeasurable fear
Her morning skin yet to experience the sun’s close
Muscled danger removed her from safety

Kicking legs left in the field a shoe-
Bushes sharp eyes gazed frequently upon her skin
Tears ran ceaselessly…it alone echoed her pain
Lips fasten by his palm never again move

Torn dress exposed her fledgling horizontal chest
Dirt and bruised leaves vaguely hide her shame
Three weeks over thirty-nine…a monster he was

Her imperfect world was perfect until…
Her laughter was free and enjoyed
Now they are just bitter sweet memories
He stole her—he broke in

By: Andre' Pinnock
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Reggae Boy
Andre Pinnock Nov 2013
A def musician
can't enjoy his song.
A blind painter
can't admire his work.
If that's true,
then I'm not a poet.
Just a reggae boy imitating...
making a fool of myself.
Cafe's napkins never record
my moments of inspiration.
So what am I?
Am I a poet,
or just a island boy?
I care not for title....all I know,
I'm in love with poetry.

®Andre Pinnock
Nov 2013 · 656
Our Greatest Weapon
Andre Pinnock Nov 2013
Freedom lies in my ability to conceptualize

Armed with weapon of sentences…I am feared

Such power propelled me beyond your projected limitations

Standing outside your walls of prison-
Dreams breathe air of reality.

My skin grabs your attention  

But the blast from my canon left you trembling.

By: Andre' Pinnock
Nov 2013 · 676
Soul Mate
Andre Pinnock Nov 2013
This hurt sits
on the center of
my soul

ripping apart
my entire

not making
its way out
it feeds on
my every bit
of effort.

Regret punishes my
moment of
reminiscing on times
of our best.  

The end result
of what we had
had taken
all my comfort.

It's been days
still I am
wiping tears
unable to rest.

This sorrowful
sadly dresses
in shaded

His love
is gone
sincere happiness
Nov 2013 · 566
Andre Pinnock Nov 2013
Her test came back positive
So tears was her celebration
For the outcome is now negative
She is a Christian

In forty-five weeks life is expected
Contentment anxiety arrested
Horrible possibilities haunts her
It was now time to deliver

Normality lived two hours
Then the bad news was ours
Her gift was now without breath
Bliss taken by death
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Andre Pinnock Nov 2013
To my ears our country songs are stained with pain.

The birth of each sun paints a picture of optimistic love living again.

The late evening dew falls and cold air rest where sun once warmed.

Lonely bed lies cold for sleep view the night’s sky instead.

Will your presence replace this emptiness that I hold?

The thought of it being possible paces anxiously on my mind.

Will pleasure and passion ever kiss the hands of time?

Will my air continue to be saddened by this regret of mine?

Is the wind blowing my beautiful picture further away?

Please! Don’t go, for I am now feeling dismay.

— The End —