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Jan 2013 · 866
Between a gift and a lie
Andi wistrom Jan 2013
Of all the things in all the world, a simple lie can hurt the most.
The pain I feel from your lie has my heart's door closed.

You tell me that you love me, but your mouth it spills deceit.
My heart strings pulled, my eyes are crying, I'm cowering in defeat.

You make me feel I'm not enough to please your wandering eye.
I sit and gaze upon the mirror and often start to cry.

I sometimes wonder if solace will ever come my way.
Despite my weeps and pity tears, it's just another day.

Perhaps one day I'll find a man solemn to his vow.
His vow to love and honor me, no lies he will allow.

You lie to me so easily, I'll only ask you "why"?
You can return a gift but can never take back the pain from a lie.

— The End —