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Anastasiya M Nov 2012
when i feel
i feel only one thing-
and that is
my heartbeat, beating
Anastasiya M Nov 2012
I like the cold
That rushes through my body,
In the winter when I wake
It runs straight to my heart
Anastasiya M Nov 2012
when you kissed
my cold, nimble toes
did you realize
you were only
warming my soul
Anastasiya M Nov 2012
if it is not
my thoughts
that float through my brain-
it is the isolation
that drives me insane
Anastasiya M Jun 2013
There is a boat that once,
drifted into a sea
which only made waves
when a storm came through-
But the boat would not sink,
it would only drown slowly.
Then the boat would make its way
above the water and drift again
never unprepared
for another storm to pass through.

Little did you know,
that boat is me,
and the storm,
Anastasiya M Nov 2012
my cold blood hits my own skin
while my own patience is
so delicately,
waring fragilely thin

— The End —