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255 · Jun 2015
Coin 11
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
accross the street
a train rumbles
much too late at night
and gives me strange dreams
252 · May 2016
Murder in the Snow
PelicanDeath May 2016
snow settles over
the stirring houses

life will pass
from the windows
into the corners
of the street

a hand waits
in the growing cold
blind palm holding
the light
of the setting moon
249 · May 2016
Idle Time
PelicanDeath May 2016
you're too
far from me tonight
i watch
a cat walk
a path between
the shifting trees
long tail curling
a question
into the guiding night
239 · Jun 2016
New Apartment
PelicanDeath Jun 2016
the windows open
to the sound of rain

i hear your voice echo
in the other room

morning begins
with a muted fire
239 · May 2016
Visiting Hours
PelicanDeath May 2016
rain again tonight.
light scatters
on the  pavement
like glass

i remember
the broad
curve of the river
keeping time
with the windows
of the train

i watched you
watch the water pass,
one palm curled
around the shadow
of your wrist

i was waiting then, too
238 · Jun 2015
Coin 41
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
summer months
the sun fades
with a tattered edge
somewhere my sister
listens to the fold and
sway of the tide
and a gull flies
its short span casting
crooked shadows
on the sand
237 · May 2017
Summer in a New Apartment
PelicanDeath May 2017
morning fades
into early afternoon

you're asleep
in the next room
one hand folded over,
fingers touching
the inside
of your hidden palm

a voice laughs
spilling life into
the restless sun

the flowers
that your mother gave me
wilting on the corner table
Rewrite of a poem I wasn't happy with. Still not happy.
236 · Jul 2015
PelicanDeath Jul 2015
morning again
my shoes
are still wet
from the rain
last night

i search
with small fingers
for the beginning
push of the light
the smell of oranges
still lingers on my pillow
235 · Mar 2016
PelicanDeath Mar 2016
i can feel
the weight
of you

in the growing summer
rain follows
the slow
rustle of
the setting day
234 · Jun 2015
Coin 43
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
carefully he took a bowl
from the top shelf
faded yellow porcelain
reflecting the patterns
of the flowers by
the windowsill
233 · Jun 2015
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
from where she slept
one hand dangling, sleep numb
curved like a fish
shadows pooled in her palm
like a bruise
225 · Jun 2015
Stop and Go
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
it comes in the passing
of two bodies meeting
shoulder to elbow
on an armrest
in a movie theater
soft light tracing
lines around the bend
and curve of an arm
it comes with the linking
of words like fingers held
over the shifting rise
and fall of a sigh
225 · Jun 2015
Coin 40
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
there is nothing left
but the way
snow crouches only
where the shadows touch
white flowers blossom
too sweet on the tips
of branches
idle comfort given
on loose threads
225 · Jun 2015
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
another day
without you
the tepid summer wind
drifts in through my open window
and blows your memory onto the floor
224 · Jun 2015
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
soft heels answer
on the sidewalk
i watch the lines
of her hips move
against the shadowed
fabric of her skirt
there's not enough
distance in the brittle
push of early autumn
it shifts the naked
rest of browning leaves
and loves no one
223 · Oct 2015
PelicanDeath Oct 2015
i keep
a light on
for you
quiet voices
each nodding
of an hour

the night
passes cold
the ache
of my fingers
223 · Nov 2015
For Janis
PelicanDeath Nov 2015
the night falls
in silence

fades the
summer grass

and i count
stepping breath
of your heart
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
there was an answer
in the way
the trees pass
pressing budding branches
against the silvering
pull of the sky

i think of the silence waiting
in an empty room
the light peeling
like skin as the day fades
spreading shadow and
the smell of dust
along the growing edges
of the carpet
220 · Jun 2015
Coin 36
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
your words were folded and
secret as we walked
i remember the leaves
on the path
each as thin
as an unsent letter
they rustled under
but only lost
the smallest pieces
218 · Jun 2015
Coin 7
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
the mountains rust
as the year grows older
and i've lost most of the sweaters
that my grandfather gave me
there's a spot that hurts to the whole of me
at a touch
216 · Jun 2016
PelicanDeath Jun 2016
i still try
to forget
your name

leaves scatter
in the waking night
and wait
for the summer
rain to die
216 · Dec 2015
Early Morning Love Poem
PelicanDeath Dec 2015
early dawn
fades into grey

i carried your name
into the pale
winter morning

the sound
of the waking birds
touches skin
to skin
Rewrite. I wasn't happy with the first one.
216 · Jun 2017
Rain at the Farmer's Market
PelicanDeath Jun 2017
muted sunlight
grey against
the sleeping grass

voices falter
startled by
a new word

the rain bends
with a heavy breath
214 · Jun 2015
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
your hands grow
heavy in the half light
i liked the way
the passing silence
of the hours
curled shadows
across the lines
of your face

i don't remember
the sound
of your voice anymore
just the soft
sighing rattle
of your chest
as the sun
slowly shapes
its fingers,
my coffee
growing colder
on the kitchen table
212 · Jun 2015
Coin 44
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
and i spent some time remembering
the way your fingers met
the soft beginnings of your palm
i'm not much better
than the words echoed
on a night with the stars
scattered like birdseed
212 · Mar 2016
To the Woman by the Window
PelicanDeath Mar 2016
turns with
the aging leaves

she carries
her days
on the bend
of her shoulder

the drifting
weight of the morning
curls with the smoke
of her cigarette
211 · Jan 2016
PelicanDeath Jan 2016
follows me

the creeping snow
shadows move
with the sound
of yellowed leaves
210 · Jun 2015
Figment 3
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
the thread of
carrying the sleep
of the long grass
210 · Jan 2017
Weekend Alone
PelicanDeath Jan 2017
an empty morning

your pillow
how you left it
curled under
on the edge

i remind myself
to think of you
in the new silence

the cat watching
with the small
of a ghost
209 · Jan 2016
PelicanDeath Jan 2016
i remember you
in the restless hours
when the night follows
the waking quiet
and the summer
is too slow
to come
209 · Jun 2015
Figment 2
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
she is beautiful
he tells
the shifting breath
of the open curtain
208 · Jun 2015
Coin 15
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
the night here is quiet
save for my feet shuffling
collecting water like dust
love yields in a strange way
i note this as i walk
through wet grass
thinking of you with a mild ache
208 · Jun 2015
Figment 6
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
i found your footprints
by the lake
where the sand
met the lazy
tongue of the water

i wanted to tell you
about the oranges
on the counter
the soft curl
of their peels
growing dimmer
in the fading light
207 · Jun 2015
Coin 37
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
there's a difference
between the shape
of your hand clutched
around the base
of your tall glass
and the way
the light through the window
falls beside your feet
as thin and as innocent
as spilled milk
204 · Jun 2015
Coin 22
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
your watch sits on the dresser
soft ticking, the dark
collects like rags in the corners
eaten away by the early morning
there are so many
things that are too easy to say
count them on the ceiling
thin and magazine innocent
and i know what you'd say
to my cold fingers reaching
towards the tiny folds
203 · Jul 2016
No Name #1
PelicanDeath Jul 2016
july again
i've forgotten
the way a warm hand
feels against
the back of my neck

speaks with
a waning breath

the last hour
goes by
No title just yet because "I really ******* hate the summer" isn't very catchy.
203 · Jun 2015
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
we move in silence
the yellowing
age of the roses
continues with the tide
PelicanDeath Sep 2017
it rained
in the passing night

leaves rustle
wet shadows taken
by a sudden current

follows me
like a footstep

morning curls
heavy in
the shadows
of the grass
199 · Jun 2015
Coin 13
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
you left
in a hurry today
the shirt you wore to bed
the night before lay
crumpled on the floor
holding your warmth
long after you had gone
198 · Apr 2017
PelicanDeath Apr 2017
he left again
in the early morning

sunlight touches
silver through
the heavy blinds

i clean the dishes from
the kitchen table

new shadows settle
restless bruises against
the curve of my hand
198 · Jun 2015
Coin 32
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
in sleep
your hand fell
heavy and warm
on my bare hip
195 · Jun 2015
Autumn Poem
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
for the thought
of a newer bud
the leaves spend
their freedom in
idle ways
195 · Jul 2016
Passing Time
PelicanDeath Jul 2016
he writes
of the sun shifting
through the narrow grass
the curve of her body
moving with the sound
of a sigh

a cold rain gathers
bringing night
to the waking room

the pale shadows
on the table
hold the movement
of his empty hand
194 · Jun 2015
Coin 29
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
January and it's spring already
clouds have drifted
from the mountains
the sky mocks
with clear eyes
and you say
that we're in this
like a pair
of ungloved hands
194 · Jun 2015
For An Evening
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
the window is open
to the sound
of the water

the light
from the waning
speaks softly
to the corner table

you left
a glass by
the kitchen sink
pale pink tracing
the line
where your lips
had been
191 · Jun 2015
Coin 42
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
what can i tell you
your hand remembers
the way the flowers
reached upwards
aching like cups
191 · Jun 2015
After Death
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
your hand rests
on the edge
of the kitchen table
there is no
silence here
only the light fading
like the slow
leaking of breath

an apple sits
on the counter
soft lines curving
into the white
shadow of the wall
we take the curtain
turning like a page
in restless sleep
and the sound
of the rain
murmurs cold against
the window
191 · Apr 2017
Morning After
PelicanDeath Apr 2017
rustle in the mid-hour

she moves
in steady comfort

bare shoulder to
restless sun
190 · Jun 2015
Beginning of Spring
PelicanDeath Jun 2015
there were petals clinging
to the bottoms of my shoes
crushed, still white and oblivious
189 · Jul 2016
PelicanDeath Jul 2016
the smell of smoke drifts
from the burning mountains

your breath moving
the strands of my hair

new light touches
the corner
of the bedside table
and tells me
what i don't remember
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