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Ananya S Guha Dec 2015
Seen it somewhere
a coiled snake
fanning for thirst
and respite
behind the fluttering
wind had stories to tell
in a cyclonic storm
Ananya S Guha Nov 2015
This is being on a verge
not a void
void is not verge
but sitting on a hedge
or on a languishing hill
I tether, get gooseberries.

All outside is loneliness.
Ananya S Guha Oct 2015
I cower before the ordinary
the extraordinary, the effete.
and the gorgeous. Cowering
is matter of fact
heart and tact.
I cower before the mighty
the Almighty
the mammal and the animal
cowerinng is a way of life
full of rife.
We all cower.

I cower in front of the altar
walk the ways of the Tartar
cowering is a way of life.
full of rife, full of rife.
Ananya S Guha Oct 2015
You want a country to return to the past?
You won't get it.
What you will get is debris
and mounds of earth
soaked in blood and tears.

You want a free country?
You will get a country ensnared by primitivism
and gory shades of belief
the wind and rains, smell of blood and medicines.
In Hospital.

You want a country to speak of secularism?
You will get benightedness and worrying things
like high blood pressure and heart attack.
Bury the wind, the smells and sounds.
Bury the hiatus- fugitive truth.
Break utterances, break the truth
shackle the mortal spirit. Please.
Ananya S Guha Oct 2015
Now my country is in hospital
now in the ICU
doctors are on prolonged strike.
What will happen if the country
Ananya S Guha Oct 2015
In this festive season
the goddess has embarked upon a new task.
How can she redeem this country from a war
of hatred. And a war to campaign for the ever
so elusive peace. The goddess with her cohorts
is ready for an onslaught against doers of evil.
She is now an embattled witness to the myriad
devils hidden in society.She will not only attack
demons, but human beings who have petrified
her with their demands of a racist ridden country
where history is frantically re written.
Ananya S Guha Oct 2015
Yes I know that whatever you have said
is the truth
the unblemished truth
truth of categories
truth of untruths
so I walk ways that are the same
for I am a votary of truths
I am your acolyte, want to be poisoned
by your truths. I want to dive nose
into your world
of poisonous, venomous truths.
And then the coiled snake will bite
into your truths-
and mine!
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