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Jul 2013 · 692
Final Tears
Ananth Faszer Jul 2013
she was fooled
she was missunderstood
she  was betrayed
they filled her life with tears and hatred
teras ran down her cheeks like a river
yet there wasnt anyone to stop that pain full river

the meaningless words of other
pricked her heart like fragment of a broken mirror
she walked down the street alone
holding her head down to the ground

as she walked a drop of blood fell from her heart
teras poured from her eyes like a rain
but the people around enjoyed the crumbling pain
no longer could she remain with the painfull past

as her last tear rolled down her cheek
she prayed "let me the last"
and she past away from her painfull life
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Running away
Ananth Faszer Jul 2013
Running away , running away
Running away , running away

Where am I running ..........?
To the place where there is no Pain

Where am I  running ..........?
To the road where there is no humps

Where am I running.......... ?
To the place where there is clear vision

Standing at the edge of a Cliff
thinking how to cross it !!!!!

Wild Animals , Floods , Thick Forest
Uncivilized people , Desert Land , Corrupted  Cities
Hard Manner , Selfish Nature ,
Troubled River , are there
Far across the Cliff
Can see a Child riding a White Horse
No Fear or Troubled heart What the Future will be ,
a Beautiful Rainbow , No pain in that land
T want to go there , I want to go there


Suddenly a second thought is coming ,Realizing
What am I doing ...........?
Why am I running away ........?
Will this pessimist thinking help me .....?
If I go !!! Will this make  me happy forever ...?

Now I am thinking to go back
face the Challenges that comes across
I have the Potential , to change my thinking
To change the Place where I am
Just as beyond across the cliff

Will Sleep in peace now

— The End —