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Jun 2016 · 322
I wanna be..
Anant Jain Jun 2016
Someone she feels standing next to her in her worst moments,
Someone who will hold her hand in turbulent storms..

Someone she knows will kiss away her pains,
Someone who will smile frm the corner in her happy times..

Lyk a sailor who will sail her through the ocean of life,
Lyk a god who will guide her soul to destiny..
Jun 2016 · 319
You are..
Anant Jain Jun 2016
lyk an angel, taking me to heaven every day..
lyk a drug, healing my wounds..

Lyk the sun, shining in my lyf every day..
Lyk the heartbeat, filling my lyf with beats..

Lyk the rains, washing away my evil..
Lyk the dreams, showing me the life i want..

Lyk the music, i can feel without being played..
Lyk a kid, bringing smiles to my face..

Lyk a soul, i fear to live without...
What would i be without you?
A feather without weight, lost in the winds..
lyk the weight that gives direction to my existence...

Its who you are..

Its you who i am...
Aug 2013 · 502
seek yourslf
Anant Jain Aug 2013
if you seek peace,
seek in chaos,
Eternal Peace it shall be..

if you seek freedom,
seek in crowd,
Dancing it shall be...

if you seek fear,
seek in a disaster,
Torture of living alone it shall be...

if you seek yourself,
seek in eyes of love,
You will be there forever..
Mar 2013 · 788
A Freak?
Anant Jain Mar 2013
Breaking shackles get drunk,
Easing tensions get drugged,
desiring immortality get God,
Conscious mind yet act freak...

Beyond limits is where I live,
living myself is being me,
Yelling I am free is being slave,
Being myself is being a freak...

Alter way of performing,
Behave not as others expecting,
Altering course to destiny,
They call me a freak..
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
Life' Inevitable
Anant Jain Feb 2013
Moment of happiness
And struggle of life,
Liveliness of new born
And Gloominess of death...

Beauty of woman
And boons and curses she bear,
Strength of man
And generosity he must show...

Wheels of time
And the never ending motion,
Life full of promises
And promises we fulfil...
Feb 2013 · 490
The Night
Anant Jain Feb 2013
There is a night of terror,
That is the night of war.
There is a night of peace,
That is the night of humanity...

There is a night of darkness,
That is the night without warmth.
There is a night of moonlight,
That is the night of warmth...

There is a night of calmness,
That is the night before storm..
There is a night of thunders,
That is the night YOU live...
Sep 2010 · 538
Dark Heart!!
Anant Jain Sep 2010
I remember... Once  I remember
I had a heart of gold
I made everyone happy around me
My life was filled with extraordinary wraith...

Then she came... She came into my life
I fell in love
I crashed in love
My life was complete...

Time went by... Time went on
I fell deep & deeper in love
She became my world, my everything
My life prospered & I achieved new heights...

Then darkness entered... things changed
My heart became dark
I was filled with anger and attitude
My life turned upside down...

Now, I cry... I feel the pain
My life is loosing everything
the ray of hope
the essence of love...
Sep 2010 · 1.1k
Essence of pain..
Anant Jain Sep 2010
I had been a fool
I had been a mad man
I had been out of my mind
Immaturity... Immaturity it was...

The eyes showed something
The heart felt something
The truth was something
Illusion... Illusion it was...

I cried for her
I begged for love
I asked for happiness
Shattered... Shattered I was...

I showed immaturity
I believed in illusion
I was left shattered
Pain... Pain is all I got...
Sep 2010 · 809
Hey!!! YOU..........
Anant Jain Sep 2010
You are clean & transparent like
dew on lotus's petal,
You are crystal clear like
mystical water of the isles,
You are shinning bright like
Venus in the evening sky...

You are free like
bird flying in the endless sky,
You are refreshing like
winds flowing on top of heights,
You are complex like
the puzzling universe....

You are alive like
an evergreen valley,
You are soft like
the cotton-silk fabric,
You are colorful like
a peacock's feather....

Your wraith is
as high as the Alps,
Your fragrance makes
me feel in heaven,
Your magic makes
my dream real....

Your depth is
more than ocean's depth,
Your soul is pure like
fresh water of d mountains,
Your beauty is
unexplainable in words.....
Sep 2010 · 888
Crushed Under A Sandal!!
Anant Jain Sep 2010
She was the one,
she was the only one
who made me alive
and awake in this
****** and beautiful world...

I expressed myself,
sometimes she smiled
sometimes she cried
sometimes she laughed..

She never understood,
she was special to me in the whole world..
She never understood what love is?
and finally in the end
crushed my feelings
under her sandal..

— The End —