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85 · Jun 2019
Dressed By You
Anam Jun 2019
You painted me ombré
I am preened in shades of bloom
84 · Jun 2019
Kaleidoscopic Walks
Anam Jun 2019
Hey baby,
lets walk through a kaleidoscope
83 · Jun 2019
Lets All Suicide
Anam Jun 2019
Falling in love was like committing a suicide in a rainbow
83 · Mar 2019
Performing Ballet
Anam Mar 2019
In the evening after wine I would perform ballet on the melody of your piano.
83 · Jun 2019
Tears And Breathe
Anam Jun 2019
You are my water
You are my air
A number of times I am consciously emotional
82 · Jun 2019
Accidental Lost
Anam Jun 2019
I found my way all the way to you
And in you I lost all the way back to you
82 · Jun 2019
Anam Jun 2019
My lips are wilting
They lust for your heed
Please water them
82 · Jun 2019
Spelled Movements
Anam Jun 2019
I am pirouetting on the trance of romance
I delved my heart into you to acquaint my soul
82 · Jun 2019
Anam Jun 2019
You fed me with honesty and loyalty
This has given me a tremendous appetite for more of you
82 · Jun 2019
Easy Walks Of Life
Anam Jun 2019
You are my glimmer in darker alleyways
82 · Jun 2019
Anam Jun 2019
On the muse from sunrise to sunset
81 · Jun 2019
An Appeal
Anam Jun 2019
Oh so dear spring,
monsoon the earth with cherry blossom
81 · Jun 2019
I want To Be Your Peace
Anam Jun 2019
I am made of lavender and herbs
take a breath of my essence to calm thunders in your brain
81 · Jun 2019
Always There By Your Side
Anam Jun 2019
I will sing you a lullaby while I rock you on the crescent moon
81 · Jun 2019
Anam Jun 2019
Our hearts collided in most uncertain ways like
oxygen was infused in the water of my bloodstream
81 · Jun 2019
Awaited Arrival
Anam Jun 2019
You're coming home
Let me tell the world, you're coming home
Let me illuminate the alleyway
You're coming home
Let me tell the world, you're coming home
81 · Jun 2019
A Journey For The Future
Anam Jun 2019
You enticed me into a maze of chamomile
to show me the butterflies and the sunlight
that were coming on our way
80 · Feb 2019
Sipping Waterfalls
Anam Feb 2019
Forever she walks by faith under blue skies, sipping waterfalls.
79 · Jun 2019
Anam Jun 2019
I traded our secrets with the moon for stardust showers upon you
78 · Jun 2019
The Untamed Wolf
Anam Jun 2019
Oftentimes, the untamed wolf inside me runs to the moon to sing her love for you
78 · Feb 2019
Dancing Naked
Anam Feb 2019
She is dancing naked under the Southern magnolia with a lily wreath on her head.
76 · Jun 2019
Heart Psychology
Anam Jun 2019
My heart marinated with thoughts of you
My body aches to take refuge in your arms
75 · Jun 2019
You Are Rose
Anam Jun 2019
Whatever Happens, You're My Rose
75 · Jun 2019
Anam Jun 2019
My thoughts for you ignite when I think of during the midnight
74 · Jun 2019
I Care For You
Anam Jun 2019
I am covered with layers of greens and flowers
I cascade water from scared places for you
I feed you and foster you with love and care
My love for you is growing, it is coiling on my ribs
I breathe you, I care for you
Anam Feb 2019
Rise with the Sun, said the Moon to her, look at the sunlight filtering through the trees, listen to the birdsongs and rustling of the leaves. The surroundings around you are utterly enchanting. This is your growth, rejoice your meaning full birth. either swirl naked in the dense forest or flounder with the thorns.
74 · Feb 2019
Following The Sun
Anam Feb 2019
She is walking to the east, following the Sun like a sunflower.
73 · Jun 2019
I Miss You
Anam Jun 2019
Its been long that I haven't seen you
This morning I went to the fields to wish upon a dandelion
73 · Jun 2019
Galaxy And The Moon
Anam Jun 2019
You are a full moon to a musical galaxy that exists inside me
Anam Feb 2019
The Girl is everywhere, either fluttering her wings upon those pink lilies or bathing naked in the whitewater river. She is ensuring to share a finest relationship with the earth.
73 · Jun 2019
The Longest Relationship
Anam Jun 2019
The longest relationship
is the one that I share with you
rooted on trust and loyalty
nurtured with love and intimacy
I am here to give all of me
I cherish my state of belongingness to the person I belong to
73 · Mar 2019
Welcome Home
Anam Mar 2019
In search for a moment which seems like welcome home.
Anam Jun 2019
Love stories are made of tiny atoms and pure serendipity
73 · Jun 2019
Writers Of The Faith
Anam Jun 2019
Holy saints inked the tales of two souls on the bright sky
72 · Jun 2019
Pocketful Of Sunshine
Anam Jun 2019
I want to fill my pockets with sunshine
71 · Jun 2019
The Hidden Soul
Anam Jun 2019
You are camouflaged in my poetry
70 · Jun 2019
Caffine Obsessed
Anam Jun 2019
Her body emits fragrances of roasted beans and there he was desiring to be caffeinated every morning
69 · Jun 2019
Sunset And Rainbows
Anam Jun 2019
The sun was setting perfectly while they were romancing over the bridge of rainbow
68 · Jun 2019
Enchanting Nightfall
Anam Jun 2019
Oh let me bathe my soul in jasmine
Let me swallow the moon and drink the stars
Anam Mar 2019
Just like the Ocean,  She is always in love with the moon
66 · Jun 2019
Romance During The Rain
Anam Jun 2019
I will pull up the curtains
clinch to the rains
and hold on to the sky tight
and will hide in your arms
65 · Mar 2019
Unspoken Bonds
Anam Mar 2019
She is lingering on the peripherals of the ocean liberated from unspoken bonds
Anam Mar 2019
She wore the moonlight on her tender skin.
65 · Jun 2019
Anam Jun 2019
I dream of sunflowers
again and again and again
63 · Jun 2019
One Kind Of A Beautiful
Anam Jun 2019
Peonies stained her pink, Cosmos laired in her eyes
63 · Jun 2019
Best Friends
Anam Jun 2019
Sometimes you can find me in the garden dancing along those butterflies
61 · Jun 2019
Sweet Moon
Anam Jun 2019
I walked down into a sea to taste the moon
it tasted sweet but soon I perceived I fell for an illusion
Anam Mar 2019
Like a pearl, the world is her oyster
58 · Jun 2019
Once Upon A Valentine
Anam Jun 2019
Once upon a valentine you gave me a rose
Today its dry and rough, with no fragrance
Yet, I extremely endear it
It albums the memories of our love
It reminds me your loving sight
It speaks the words of care which were left unspoken
It warms me on the nights When you're not around
And it blooms with the promises of tomorrow that were made for each other
58 · Jun 2019
Anam Jun 2019
Stars bowed their queen and the earth wombed inside her
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