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651 · Jun 2010
Anaa Alvarez Jun 2010
Sometimess lifee workss in wonderfull wayss..
Or sometimees itt can makee everythinqq be what you fear.
takee riskss and livee Lifee
livee everydayy like itss your lastt..
Do thinqss you miqht not do everdayy.
Iqnoree Your Consiencee
Do whaa your heart tells you..♥
580 · Oct 2011
Anaa Alvarez Oct 2011
i look at my wrists.
my scars tell stories.
they are there for a reason.
my family is in pain.
i know they would be better if i wasn't around.
i look back at the mirror.
i hit my reflection
unhappy with what i see.
my knuckles bleed.
i sit on the cold bathroom floor and everything around me becomes darkness.
pitch black darkness around me.
i look around lost.
your voice from somewhere in the darkness .
i follow it.
tripping over my own feet.
i call out your name.
no response.
why are you doing this?
i fall to my knees.
i cry.
"stop it!"
i scream out to you.
i feel a touch on my shoulder.
my mother.
she hugs me and tells me a story.
i look at her confused still crying.
i look around me.
a hospital scene.
my family surrounds me.
the family that i have left.
my sisters stand before me crying.
i ask what happened and what was going on.
they tell me i atemptemted suicide.
i cried.
asking why and how.
then i was surrounded by darkness again.
524 · Jun 2010
Anaa Alvarez Jun 2010
Thee sunliqht briqhtenss your eyes as ii look deep into themm
You whisper somethinqq as we stand there alonee
ii Just cant here you.
You start to fadee away..
ii Tryy to holdd you one moree time but ii Cant feel you
Dont Goo
ii whisper as a tear rolls down my cheek
Well Meet aqain you say in a voicee ii almost cant understand
Just know that ii love you and dont forqet me.
ii Lovee You too and theres no chancee ii will
ii walk away *** you fade into a liqht thinkinqq to myselff
"Ill Miss You My Love"♥

— The End —