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2.7k · Oct 2012
Partition of Light
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
Still thriving beyond immaculate walls.
Tincturing the water that solemnly streams in the river,
I await the corner of grassy marshes, and
Gather your secret spells.

In days when the land is prey to rhythmic beats;
The water dances with disturbance.
I run through the meadow barefoot, and
Cast the sun-dried bricks beyond me.

The red Moon drowns in woeful bliss, while
Its jealous relative illuminates the dew on Morning petals.
I glare through my destruction;
And see your silhouette.

Torn bridges of yesterdays misfortune send
Violent waves forth, undying they proceed.
Bravely-- they despondently conquer me;
No longer a trace of you I see.

Unable to grasp reality, bitter
Tears of a Bright knowledge no longer in possession.
Red yonder, cognizant of former tribulations
Appear among the contour of wilted trees

Desperately searching for extraneous disposal,
Only melted clay reflects the ruins of an icy marsh.
Spring is obscure; but inevitable.
Soon harvest shall return to the field,
And barren no more will the land be.

No longer riddles, or secret spells;
Greet the stream of lost memories.
Impairment heals itself; it weaves
Filaments of seconds- to create a
Labyrinth of Time.
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
Let me humbly introduce to you Lee,
A Mortal servant with much to see,
Yes that's right, Mr.Hegsten knew it all:
The risk of rising before the fall;
How the Light's mask brought a yawn,
One to applaud for prior to dawn.

The six o'clock spring P.M, jolly celebration for a true king
But who of course? None other than Lee's most desired, Lapwing.
Seph waves his wand, the desk beneath him trembles a victory
The shadow of his picture, believes it is contradictory,
To the one lost love, to the frozen life of long ago...
But the mid hour does not recall his callous beau.
Because she now remains, as his traitor, his foe.

The feathers flitter and the sound escapes,
And in the distance, you could see the shapes
Of the Wind turning and the leaves changing,
Leist' face and the lines nearly aging,
From deep-rooted stubborness, no one could persuay
Gehen to attend his dreams, and leave the light of day.

"Y. Step away from that baton and come give me your hand.
We can spend the day inside, sure it's small and crammed,
but we have each other, look, we can turn on the gramophone
and dance alone in my living room, all without a chaperone!"
The words still whisper in the birds narrow wind,
but each time reaching Kejodin's ear, very much thinned.

"But I have gotten off track", says the mighty Redshank,
as she encircles the swelling of the pure white cloudbanks.
Lee lets down his pen, and closes his well-rehearsed book,
The notes firmly pressed in Hegston's shiny round hook.
"Do not answer to the call of a yawn,
Each downward head is a moment gone!
Without the Moon's curse, our lives-doubled
and our immortality, is left almost untroubled!"
With three taps on his music stand,
Commencement for the falling sand.

Thunder in the air-- no wait, it's a brass bark
Opening lines performed by most esteemed: Skylark.
The audience, is one in total behind Lieg Stehen's back
She stands behind him, silent in the harmonious black.
The last Soprano sounds a dark whistle through a rusty pipe,
Stehen motions the break of silence from gusty Madame Snipe.
With an inviting warm brown eye, Lieg beckons the timpani
With one echoing stroke, he concludes time-defying Sephany.

"It was you, you the conductor,
You stood between two crowds,
And you chose one to impress the other.
But now you've seen the clouds,
Is there anything left to discover?
Except the cloth of your shrouds?
These notes cannot warmly cover."  

"I've lived far longer than you,
Many an itcus I've come to cue,
My heart and mind remains stronger
No one can say that they have lived longer,
I'm sorry Tes, but I've prospered over you
the happy one loved was not worth the Coo
Over the words that to you were Adieu.
I've lived with half a soul and it was right,
Because unlike you, life has taught me to fight."

Madame Lenhige Stood over Y.'s spirit,
and she grew aware to openly fear it,
because Mr.Kejodin left behind his key,
the only item he swears set him free,
She knew he had not left her forever,
because you see, it did not matter, where ever
though the night did not solve, his child's mother
she and him belonged solely to one another.
1.9k · Oct 2012
Soft Smiles
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
And my blood stirred redgold, and the pit of my stomach shrunk into a seed of derision.
My neurons released from their chamber, an epileptic soul as consequence.
Pores opened like rabid mouths foaming and spitting liquid,
I stand in a sea, and shake my fright.
I dance my worries into a hurricane of lost words,
And transpose rhythm and insecurity by the deadly trampling
Of pillows.
Dedicated to my dear friend, Nebyu Yohannes
1.6k · Dec 2012
Ana Kruscic Dec 2012
The heart melts like an ice-cube on a
sunny street,
When her eyes with another
doth meet.
1.4k · Nov 2012
The Thorn and The Pendulum
Ana Kruscic Nov 2012
I have been shaped, some bruised and molded statue of clay.
To obey and proceed with attentive caution, wary: "Do not stray!";
Have a walk to clear your thoughts through the Rose gardens.
Some purpose: to love, to nurture, to care.
Alas! I have not been adequately made aware,
That my mind's Ghost gives no steps to share.

A bee for a flower and even fish for the sea,
But how to compare with a human like me?
Let my gills breathe in the stream's current--
And let me pollinate the wicked flower.
For I also must learn the ways,
Of today's quick and increasing dismays.

They say, "You must live, so long as you are alive"
"Do not ever yourself of intense feelings deprive!"
But who knows what's better and right,
And whether we were all born Good and White.
Sentiments overexposed and worn-out for some,
For them become quite weary and numb.

A glimmer of hope through a cloud of fear,
Perchance to say, "Ok, I'll give them my ear"
But the frost built up and fresh wood decays,
The mist has grown dark with a deadly-ash haze.
The suns warmth that to my bones brings strength
Leaves me, in Winter alone almost at arms-length.

Sing, and rebel. WE must drink and remind ourselves-
As one task goes by, another awaits.

Time no longer dances around an infants thumb,
Rather whips and rides the very Sun.

The heart bends, salvation is within!
Where is He so that I may not sin?

But have a walk to clear your thoughts through the Rose gardens.
Because nature's beauty does not take off without warning.
Bags packed and set aside through an evening sleep--
Words of a prophet: "As you sow, so shall you reap"
The long and heavy pendulum of those sighs spent,
Cuts deep into the flesh; a spirit to torment.
1.4k · Oct 2012
Madrigal Of Loss
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
The dust blows softly.
Strangled breaths kiss the air.
Dancing around a warm fire,
Stillness inhabits an estranged soul.

The land is unstable, darkness falls over the trees.
The silhouettes merge and create a sinister enemy.

Molten Lava rocks, a burial ground for old bark,
Deceased fish lie unharmed.
I leap and skip.

Turbulent travels, a perilous experience,
Never leave with half a heart.

Filled tissue boxes, and set on a calm spring.
The night devours the flame.
Barefoot, I defy the moon.

Stand in an old room,
To feel the presence of a memory.
Reminders circle my feet at light steps,
I stop, and say goodbye to remembrance.
1.4k · Oct 2012
A Magpie.
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
It's been a lonely morning, but perhaps, I was in need of one.
After staring at shaded yellow walls, at every hour of the night,
and feeling anger sharpen to some light,
At 7 a.m, I finally fell fast asleep,
my walls were slowly becoming bright.

I woke up 4 hours later to the opening of a door, one that was expected for long ago.
The sides of my head were biting my brain, and my teeth on lip bites gave way for pain,
I got up and got dressed, no coffee, no rest, I went for a walk, in need of a talk,
but sat in a park sipping black alone, and watched the white on which sun softly shone,
and the air slightly breezing, this bone of mine freezing,
a dog interrupting, I headed down the lonely street,
staring at my lonely slow feet,
counting my numerous steps,
and seeing a nest?

I saw a beautiful bird in a tree, and it's true a lot of memories came back to me.
It hoarsely cawed and gave me attention, another passer-by, just one of the Menschen.
I stood and watched its desired Display, He stood on a roof and gave flight a nay.

Tucked its wings in for the very last second, he dropped beak-first
and I have to admit, I was a little afraid.
When cement was an inch away, his black wings rose, and extended from his small body
the wind pulled him back, his head prostrated backwards, his eyes met my own
and he cawed.

The three of us we belonged to each other, with wordless agreement that said She, the Mother.
"Have trust in me, you will fly and and you will fall, this time is not yours,
However, this here, this is your call. I know it moves slow, and it gives you a shudder, but have trust in me, I am your Mother."

I ignored Her words, and descended the road,
felt the earth flicker, a disrupted candle-
The wind, was to blame for its cruel games.
A door opened after many steps,
the flights were long, and the wind did not help.
I opened my window, gave breath to the tree,
and She crept in,
She humored me,
"One day your shivering bones, will be under those stones, and that bowl will be full with your fleshy Müll.
You'll feel the stillness, see the Flicker for you, this cement all ready and new, awaiting your beak, hopes for your red leak."
"It'll be me with your breath, and your longing thirst, but first,"
She gave me her hand, and I saw wrinkles of ages,
and so that I might repay, or perhaps even Replay
I gave her my hand and said,
"Lead the way."
1.3k · Mar 2013
Pigeons at Granville Station
Ana Kruscic Mar 2013
Symmetric shapes of forms unchanging,
their wings beat as one to turn-
An angle to encompass the dry sun
of which lights sable days.

But human minds, are no different.
Though each politically independent:
Believing of truths and Free; We
are guided by inhibition and the
need for clarity.

Circling the damp waters, they do not ask,
they tell-The river reflecting that of
an illusory image: It tells none but reveals all.
We cannot fly and though cement cannot reflect:
In our faces, we mirror actions and recollections.
1.3k · Oct 2012
Horatian Tradition
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
pocketed shelter of grass, bordered with my
legs belongs to your
uninhabited region.
And I lull a song down the street because
I feel your clammy hand in my own and
Press against it because my own affection
for you
is as strong as pain and you must
feel it
1.3k · Oct 2012
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
"Clouds all streaming away like ghost fish under the ice."*

Has it been some inexcusable torture that you've severely experienced?
Fragments of lost emotion, particles of pain, an inclination towards cold air?
The windowpane sings today, it summons, and rejoices at my expression.
In a colorless world, a green tint is desirable.
The same muddy steps; figures crouched under growing obscurity.
Pressed in our position, grimy and soiled on a lost shelf, mangled by the draft.
Has it all been captured and restored, read and remembered?
The pressure tears limbs apart, their spines look disfigured.
Eventual dissipation of weight, and how unburdening light illuminates cement streets.
Springs sunrise and the pages turn,
Creating their own wind.
1.1k · Dec 2012
Real and the Ideal
Ana Kruscic Dec 2012
All black and glowing. The midnight radioactive earth, and all its infectious harmony stands ***** in front of great cheese.
I headed toward the church. Perhaps the 'Papst' was giving a midnight mass, and perhaps the colorful windows drew me in.
It's always ever about the outer facade.
A man smoking his cigarette was only visible because of the light, the ember of his cigarette.
So I turned away, frightened and confused.
I looked back to see his silhouette from a safer corner. I imagined to myself that it was someone familiar.
My imagination fails me. My vision is all too clear, even without the help of the sun.
Can sadness be measured with coffee cups?
I'm a six today.
I made myself into a mirage of what scared others.
Different lures for different folks. Different lights. I was still **** too bright.
Perfection with a 7 is desirable in weak moments.
Learn from pain. Introduce pain as a teacher of the art no one can master.
Pain is a counter-clockwise rewind of measurement.
Two can draw the same picture.
I can do it better; give me moldy cheese and let me smear gray into a ***** sky,
let me give an unforgettable mass, the brightest light alive.
See the dirt in all its blinding glory,
and lose a soundless sight.
1.1k · Dec 2012
Facilis Descensus Averno
Ana Kruscic Dec 2012
How lonely infidel
He that passeth I;
in Phlegethon dwells.

Son of the Seas,
seasoned with algae.
Had a plea
about how he happened to be:
"When you threw me to the
depths, into the heart of the open sea,
then a very river encircled me"

Melpomene holds her Mother's dress
while sailing the temptuous tide.
Recalls the sight of hundreds and
hunches over to address.

"Lead by a primitive spirit" she wails
and solemnly stoops to ponder.

Their ship's prow now plunges deep and
through the ripples, Melpomene meets the
seedy yellow iris' of the beast
reflecting the clouds. She squints upwards
and beholds hoofs with Faithful and True.

As the river streams into Tartarus, Mnemosyne's ears
begin to ring with a thousand cries and pleads.
But the whinnies ring out louder to deafen her
while the tail of Leviathan disappears into the blue.

Through the cave and into Lethe, the earthy smell
of the tops remain as the last but dizzy to remember;
of all those who swam lightly past its mist. But to her,
tears to enter the watery abyss:
"Many must have passed through here,
lived long to see,
but not enough to learn--"
But the ship sailed on.

The stream narrows and an opening reveals. They
see melted hail with blood on the only land they recall.
A Tree glowing brightly in front of a black sky; counted many
swords gathered at the foot. Three days they traveled in
their ship, but now their oars were put on land.

Thunder whips and trumpets horn, the fallen fruit
comes ashore.
THEIR voices bellow to ask a question:
"Was it needed for a war?"
An answer, but no pardon:
"Many a pang I have felt, those aches
violently sprung up from the seven lakes,
Is nothing but a genuine mistake.
Those worthy time and day,
Will surely be given a way."

Mother and daughter wiped the tears from their eyes,
while gently lifting them to the skies.
Above them the sun shone on the wet mass,
they see high and colorfully cast:
A reassuring Promise and eternity.
854 · Oct 2012
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
-and a cloud, dense, dismal, and limitless, does it not hang eternally between thy hopes and heaven?*

And even if staring at the stars in the sky at night brought to mind,
Some illuminating, some profound light
To happen upon a wish of shooting, the instant and divine
Of most miracles blooming
There always comes the break of day, and with it in tragedy's way
A walk by the lettuce trees to give chance a say.

Places are living memories, even so as, to keep the dead at bay
A thought: "we're aligned in these coffins cold and gray"
"The air, it does not breathe nor give breath"
"Is this not but a living death?"

I saw the flicker in the eyes of those who know about Eternity's Sunrise.
No earthly sentiment can be given a cost. Said they, the wise.
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
The new morning hue smiles through the window,
It comes by the pane and gleams like a cross-bow,
Reflecting, it stains my face. I now awake to a new day.
Hunger greets me early, in the bright Month of May,
I feed softly and quietly on the gentle ray.
My pillow is cold beside the open breeze,
Times shadow bears a cold lair, I can feel my hands freeze.
There is no one around to spread the warmth,
To smear the tepid shine,
No one with whom, to kindly dine,
Or draw around me, a line,
I've suffered a costly fine,
Realizing today, you're no longer mine.
672 · Oct 2012
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
When you can't shake the feeling, the feeling shakes you
648 · Dec 2012
The Octipie
Ana Kruscic Dec 2012
How fearful is thy symmetry,
In all thy fragrant splendor
I find delight in your crust.
618 · Oct 2012
White Flowers.
Ana Kruscic Oct 2012
Some buzz of commotion, she watched the world whirl around her head.
I'm sure she stuck her head in a tin of holy water, and pulled her face out fast.
Her hands withered in the sun.
Now, there's only one thing left to be done.

— The End —