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Jan 2011 · 1.5k
Amy Russ Jan 2011
I did not know him
very well.
But we are family.
Same almond skin;
Same ***** hair
Same strength born from
ancestors on high.

I did not know him very well.
But we are family
Same thirst
for truth and knowledge;
Same love for live;
Same motto: nescit cedere

I did not know him
very well.
But we are family.
He has moved on
to even greater things.
And my tears are because the world did not
have the luck to know him.
Nov 2010 · 605
Amy Russ Nov 2010
I only give you 1/3 of myself.
it is more than what the rest
of the world sees.

Why can't you be happy with this 1/3?
I hate that you are selfish
and want all of me.

I will not give you all of me.
I need something for
Nov 2010 · 577
Amy Russ Nov 2010
Can't sleep
eat, breathe

Can't function
is addicted

Honestly, not sure.

There is something
that escapes
to the moon


Chase the stars
but get nowhere
but maybe...

It isn't the arrival but the journey that matters in the end.
Nov 2010 · 568
Amy Russ Nov 2010
Just Live.**

Two words that are
Words that define reality-
the only myth that is not truth

Foolish lambs believe
this world that we run through
Is what is behind the green curtain;
left following the gold road of others

So kiss quickly,
Love forever
but never more than once

Your hurts are superficial
because you are alive
And it is the nature of Life, to mend itself
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
The Great Gatsby
Amy Russ Nov 2010
I just want you.* You are my thoughts, my dreams, my voice. Leading me from the Hell of this lifeless world into a Heaven that is underneath you; you take my body and erase my mind and fill it with you. I just want to run to you. I worship only you, my Dionysus. Only with you can I shake off this rust and be human. You are my Savior.

You have ensouled me...

Let me cradle you in my skin. Let my darkness overcome your light and fill you with a devotion that rivals the Angels in their love for their God. Be devoted to me: let me be the only one in your sight, in your body. Give me your essence. Dream only of me, letting me be your Haven and Harbor. Think of me as the Light At the Otherside of the Shore. Melt into me.

We are Concordia. We share life only when our mouths touch: only inhale when I exhale and only exhale when I inhale...
Nov 2010 · 548
Amy Russ Nov 2010
Sweet as honeyed fruit and velvet evening fading into night, stars falling like a rain of dammed doomed angels coming to ****** under the laughter of the Emperor of Heavens, opening the rivers of light would not be so good as... oh my ****** soul...oh gods of heaven and light

— The End —