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Jan 2013 · 1.2k
A Disease
Amy Franklin Jan 2013
I have a disease
It's nickname's MS
Take a look at my brain
All you'll see is a mess
Catch me on a good day
You'd swear nothing is wrong
But it pops in my head
Like a reoccurring song
Legions on the left side
Legions on the right
Wakes with me in the morning
Sleeps with me at night
When it gets mad
Oh, it lets me know
It takes over my body
Likes to put on a show
Maybe can't walk
Maybe can't see
This is just a taste
Of life in misery
The pain hits quick
Within a blink of an eye
Just before you know it
My body says its goodbye
Everybody's watching
But no one can speak
I hate to put them through this
I hate to see them weep
Such an awful tragedy
Has came into my life
I wish my hands would listen
And grab the fork and knife
When will it stop
The MS will decide
As of right now
It's an inevitable ride
Give me my steroids
All the drugs I can get
I need the pain gone
And for my mind to forget
My mind thinks clearly
While my body shuts down
As I lay here and watch
All my body parts drown
Waiting for the day
When I'm back in control
It can take my body
But never take my soul
We sit here and wait
Cause that's the game
Experience one episode
You'll never be the same
Then the day comes
My pain, it subsides
My body, my brain
Starts to coincide
I'll have to relearn
Things I've been taught
This part right here
Makes me distraught
Sooner or later
I'll be back to me
That wouldn't be possible
Without the Tysabri
For now I have something
To help me get through
Forget for a while
What I know is true
Then I start thinking
"I'm winning the fight!"
"I'm beating MS!"
"I'm feeling alright!"
Then I start questioning
How could this happen to me
Which life I live
Is my reality?
I woke up this morning
And I can't tie my shoe
Here it goes again
Da ja vu.

— The End —