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Jun 2014 · 514
Amy Denison Jun 2014
My anxiety is eating me alive,
Scraping out every little morsel it can find.
And there's nothing to ease the pain,
That I feel in my ever-eroding brain.
May 2014 · 476
Amy Denison May 2014
It seems to me
That life is full of guarantees,
Dreams bound to come true
And the promise of another morning's dew

I know of many lovely things
Such as the gift of a lover's ring,
A white dress made of lace
And the smile on a future child's face
Oct 2013 · 424
Writer's Block
Amy Denison Oct 2013
I used to pick up a pen
Or start typing away
And tell of all the secrets
I had been dying to say

But the words won't flow
They just never sound right
Everything is stuck
I can't win this fight
Oct 2013 · 754
The Girl (Revised)
Amy Denison Oct 2013
I once wrote a poem
Of a girl that I knew
But I no longer feel the same
So take this poem to be true

This girl that I know
Acts blonder than her hair
She likes to put on a show
And got caught shoplifting at Claire's

She surrounds herself with guys
And Miley Cyrus magazines
She has the prettiest eyes
And would die for a benzodiazepine

She hates her size, and her thighs
But she really just can't see
It's in vain that she tries
Because she is nothing but perfect to me

I've never felt better
Than with this girl that I know
She's cuter than an Irish Red and White Setter
Hannah, I love you
The original poem is the first poem I ever posted (about 20 poems back maybe?) so if you would like to see the difference in my poor and ****** feelings then go on and read it!
Oct 2013 · 588
Amy Denison Oct 2013
The hardest thing to handle
It seems
Is that the things which bring me solace
Don't come naturally to me

I waste my days away
Waiting patiently
For a habit or a hobby
That will instantly set me free

I sit and I stir with anxiety
And I hope faithfully
But I have found nothing
And nothing will find me
Oct 2013 · 655
The places I could go...
Amy Denison Oct 2013
I get this feeling every time I pass over a bridge
That I could just float on down
And swim all the way to Madrid
Or how about what I feel when I see a train
That I could just leave all my renown
And ride all the way to Ukraine
Let's not forget the feeling of having a plan
To leave this ******* town
And run away, even to Iran
Oct 2013 · 510
And I'm tired now
Amy Denison Oct 2013
My fingers are calloused
From the strings of my guitar
Just as my mind is filled with malice
From all of these scars
My heart is weighed down
From the numerous burdens
My physiognomy forever a frown
From all of the exertion
Sep 2013 · 375
Oh, What a Bore
Amy Denison Sep 2013
I find myself to be easily entertained
Yet I could fall asleep
At the sound of your name
Sep 2013 · 504
Nothing Yet
Amy Denison Sep 2013
I see how other people feel
I watch how they act
And I can't help but notice
That I'm not like that

I don't smile
I hardly laugh
I get so nervous
I can't even talk
I look like a *****
I feel so insecure
I was easily forgotten
I am nothing yet

But I have a friend
And I have a future
I'm working on it
I know I can do it
Sep 2013 · 336
the thought of the sea
Amy Denison Sep 2013
there is a tone in the air
I breathe it in deep
and say a quick prayer
so that I might fall asleep

there is a noise in my ear
that is constantly humming
filling me with a fear
to which I am succumbing

there is a thought in my head
of what happens in the sea
as tears are being shed
as my weaknesses call to me
Sep 2013 · 606
The City
Amy Denison Sep 2013
I fell asleep in a city
A city that never sleeps
A city of worn out people
That refuse to see what I see
I see masks covering expressions
Of true personalities
I see souls plagued by fatigue
Just dying to get some sleep
I see a city full of people
That are only suffering
Am I the only one to realize
That *sleep is a necessity
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
Amy Denison Sep 2013
Theres a cricket in my room
It's keeping me awake
I want to fall asleep
But I'd still be up anyways

The cricket's not that loud
Not as loud as my thoughts
That's what keeps me awake
And worrying until day
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Amy Denison Sep 2013
She fell down the stairs
She pulled down her pants
She told him to bang her

Valery, what the ****

She passed out in a chair
Then freaked the **** out
Punched Hannah in the face

Valery, get in the ******* truck

She puked in my car
While she screamed at me, *****!
She got us all caught

Like what the hell

*Valery, you little *****
If anyone was wondering, this is the true story of my weekend. It was not fun. ****** Val. Oh sorry for the cursing, I'll tone it down next time.
Sep 2013 · 412
The River
Amy Denison Sep 2013
I imagine what it must be like
To be completely free
To have no expectations
And how nice it must be

If only I could be a river
I would be completely clean
No scars and no doubts
But this can only be a dream
Take me to the river and let me see again
Sep 2013 · 412
Amy Denison Sep 2013
I want to feel the burn
when it first meets the lips
creeps down the throat
and settles in my fingertips

I want to feel the warmth
once the drink is finished
the bottles are empty
and my worth is diminished

I want to feel the bliss
when it reaches my mind
makes me forget
and releases my binds
Aug 2013 · 346
Amy Denison Aug 2013
I hate you, I love you
it's constantly changing
I leave you, I need you
it's only a fling

I push you, I feel you
they're both electric
I hit you, I kiss you
this air is too thick
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
Amy Denison Aug 2013
I grew up in a church with a big white steeple
where the tea was sweet and so were the people
they told me to love and taught me to care
but turned on me by the time I grew out my hair

I learned as I aged that they were not so sincere
that these hypocrites would leave me alone in fear
no acceptance or love was shown to me
by the time I lost my premarital virginty

why build a child up with words so sweet
just to later knock her off of her unsteady feet
this "family" left me for their old and sad ways
being labeled as **** for the rest of my days
Jul 2013 · 508
the black
Amy Denison Jul 2013
these people are not a family
this house is not a home
it's an empty house with empty people
just dying to be alone

this reflection is not of me
nor is it of my soul
it's of a girl with a broken smile
hiding away from this tainted world

I no longer know who I am
or the things which I have done
though I suppose I went astray
and that's why everyone has gone

there is no comfort in the things I once loved
no light remains in my eyes
just a black that swallows all emotion
and leaves me there to die

why does no one hear me scream
why does no one seem to care
it's as if there is no longer a reason
to carry these burdens that I bear
the black, it filters through
Jul 2013 · 787
goodnight moon
Amy Denison Jul 2013
as I lay in the dark
I remember how it used to be
the sweet childhood
and all those innocent dreams

I think of the days
that I once enjoyed
and of how different
it all seems to be

where did I go wrong
what misery did I entice
to wreck my mind
and ruin my life

the night drags on
and I still cannot sleep
for I am stuck in the past
the place I want to be
Jul 2013 · 737
the girl
Amy Denison Jul 2013
I once met a girl much prettier than me
she didn't care
and said that she didn't agree

she said she wanted to be my friend
and I sighed
not wanting to go through this again

she told me her secrets and showed me her soul
and I tried
to block out the pain that overflowed

she found me and fixed me
the way that she pleased
and threw away things that made me me

she gave me some scars to match  her own
and laughed
as I wished for the comfort of home

but I abandoned my home for the girl that I knew
and couldn't return
and didn't know what to do

now I'm stuck with the girl that ruined my mind
I have nowhere to go
I have nowhere to hide

— The End —