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amit chaudhari Oct 2019
In the annals of time you have been picked as there you lay in dust
You benignly say; feel me, curse me, or simply read me if you must

As I longingly opened you and lovingly read through the pages
I was left mesmerized in your treasured wisdom of the ages

A beatific thought once crossed me only to vanish in the vagaries of time
But I can count on you to record all the prose and all the beautiful rhyme

Through the ages in all their honesty, the mankind does aver
You may look ugly but you are seldom judged by your cover

You take various forms as pulp, paperback or leather bound
The cruel gadgets have hounded you but you have held your ground

The mighty oak like others felled down and alas in the moment of grief
A part of nature divinely takes another form as it gently adds a new leaf

You have immersed in you great schemes; some genteel, some by hook and crook
But finally the canon of nature has its say and does go by the book

You are seen everywhere; be it a repository of knowledge or a simple home
Give me all the riches all the wealth in the world but I’ll still cherish the tome

In the lord’s abode , with prayers on lips and souls perched on a pew
Following your words a few look you up while others look up to you
amit chaudhari Oct 2019
You brought them together; two stranger a cloth
The seam defining their bond as it does in a troth

You resurrect and blow life into a scarecrow lying on the hay
You also crisscross through wool as if you’ve got something to say

The tip and the end sinuously writhing; vanish and miraculously appear
Be it the muslin or the worn blanket, you’ve sewn the front and have deftly done the rear

In swift hands you plough the fibers with easing scud
But an iota of neglect and you unsparingly draw blood

Though a wonted thing you are and grace you may lack
When you are actually sought, you disappear in a stack

You pierce through the skin, some tattoo some make the doodle
A select few choose to go under the knife, others prefer the needle

Be it a slit, a cut or a gnash and all that may seem bizarre
You skillfully do your job gently leaving behind a scar

A thread firmly you carry and weave through the fabric of time
I have dwindled my eight but your stitch saved my nine

A rich man denied an entrance in the kingdom of heaven; so said the riddle
It is destiny that shall help the camel pass through the eye of the needle
amit chaudhari Jan 2019
As I gently close my eyes and descend into a dream
Floating between the flux of the surreal and the true
A sense of exhilaration grips me for as it may seem
What lays ahead shall definitely be new

My mind wanders in fantasy with renewed excitement and hope
Scouring all the elements to see what they hold for me
But in fact it was fate that was giving me enough rope
As things unfold in this reverie and all that I am about to see

My pent up emotions take vivid forms in many a vicarious life
At times I become the lord of the skies with all at my mercy
Seldom I am tormented by demons of past and in a strife
I flout all norms and summon foolish courage to propound a heresy

Every now and then I build a world around me filled with desire
Only to alter them time and again in the chain of events to come
Deep down I know that this was not a true play of events but only a satire
Still I was strangely happy when things went my way but was sad at some

The ruffled feathers of time meander in the mist
I pick and choose a few only to discard the rest
When plans go awry and fate gives it a cruel twist
All along probing me to think that perhaps this is for my best

Sometimes I did well for mankind; the altruism bordering cloy
But mostly the thoughts were centered around my well being
When I get what I crave, I am filled to the brim with joy
But when I am hurt isn’t it odd that I don’t feel a thing

Though I have crafted the dream and I remain its architect
I strangely have no control in steering it or how it may unfold
When I achieved what I desired for I sublimely felt perfect
Aghast I was when aspirations shattered and feared for what else it may hold

The eyes open and now awake, it is from this magical spell that I flee
Drawn into this real world that has a sullen gleam
For even if illusions they were and illusions they shall be
I know that finally I shall immerse into a never ending dream

— The End —