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2.9k · Nov 2011
You told me you were a cowboy;
I called you John Wayne.
You said you were off to work;
there were dragons to be slain.
You taught me how to swim;
I believed you were a merman.
You fixed a creaky door;
"my favourite handyman".

You could soar with the sunrise
and dive like the moon.
You knew everything there was to know,
and you were a Christmas day tycoon.

But I've never seen you ride a horse,
and fantasy makes you yawn,
I can swim for myself,
And I heard you were proven wrong?

Diving hurts your back,
and soaring's not my thing.
But you'll always be my superstar,
no matter how we're growing.
For my dad, even though I now accept that he can't fly.
1.8k · Nov 2011
I do not want your Respect,
for I have plenty of my own;
It's all left over from that time
i tried to give you some of It.
1.8k · Nov 2011
Hoodies. (A 10 word poem)
And the hoodies huddle together,
because society scares them back.
Part of the fast spreading 10 word poem craze.
You'd call it puppy love;
you'd say it was all in our heads.
But you know what?
We're wide awake sexting,
when we "should be in bed"

our hearts, for long days
have left them
weak and fatigued
from trying
to function
whilst the
other is
so far

Sometimes even a mile lies between us!

But when we come together (no matter the place)
we don't pay attention to time
or space
as we intertwine:
ruling eachother's hearts and heads.
But not yet beds.

But we're close.
1.4k · Jan 2012
An ho nest ode to love.
Hears an ode to lurv,
for all you lovely people hoo I love!
Herees to that little prat of us that neds
someone elsr
to survivre.
Drink to love!
And drink again for lov!
And drink akin because of love...
You’ve gutter love love;
how else wood we execus ourselves
for sticking around?
1.4k · Dec 2011
Silver fanged I smirk,
at the bride's breath as it runs
from my stoppered lungs
in soured rasps of foul mouthed
male monopoly.

A serpentine wig, I don it
with gleeful mal intent
I keep it close -

as to look in the mirror
when summer comes to the frozen
1.2k · Sep 2011
I hope you don't mind...
I hope you don't mind that this poem's about
I hope you don't mind that I write poems...
A-a-about you...
A-all the time...
B-b-because I do...
I hope you don't mind that I stammer sometimes
when I'm nervous, or get too...
I hope you don't mind the odd innuendo,
or public display of affection.
I hope you don't mind that I'm a little
and pretty **** idiosyncratic.
(I hope you don't mind that I use words like uncouth and idiosyncratic).

And I hope you don't mind that this poem's about

Because I don't mind you.

You're not half bad.
1.2k · Nov 2011
Belly swirling, tummy twirling, chest pounding,
heart racing, head spinning, fists clenching,
toes squeezing, hands sweating.


Eyes opening, mouths closing.

You give me Butterflies. I like it.
1.1k · Oct 2011
The Thaw.
Now... my heart has thawed;
its icy cactus spikes have split
split and formed a feather coat
strong enough to lift me off the


but... soft enough
that a passenger could wrap
wrap around it and hitch a ride,
a ride in their own car.

An... age it took for
those spikey armour plates to grow
grow and be protection to suit a
tasty looking lion tamer.


Now... my heart has thawed;
its once frosted drawbridge is freed
freed to be lowered on its chains, rusted
by the  frozen, teary rain.

But... soon I'll put up
my fists again, ready to fight
fight because the defenses are down.
Might have to call in reinforcements.

Now... that my heart has thawed.
1.1k · Nov 2011
Missing you.
It's been so long;
dust is gathering
on my eyes and
my embrace is
tired of having
nothing to hold.
Lips, mine are
dry and withered
like roses in harsh
summertimes and
that rotting smell
lingers on my kiss;
it's been so long.
951 · Aug 2012
I don't share.
Almost let it go,
that rock
I hold so close.

Almost dropped it into the fire
and let it fall;
drag me down.

Almost gave it a chance to melt
and weaken.

But no, it's still solid,
cold and rough as before.
There are cracks, but they'll wear;
fade into nothing.
It'll be unbroken again, one again.
You can't share a stone;
it has to break, and be half
of itself.
931 · Sep 2011
Dear Mrs Bailey.
Mrs Bailey
I have a bone to pick with you.
You have taken my tie and in exchange
you've given me this:
A clip-on incarnation of communist conformity.
Good grades may be the most important thing to you,
And they're pretty **** important to me too!
But, in taking away our ties, you have taken away
a tiny bit more of what
makes me, me.
And him, him.
And her, her.

And us, us.

And I mean come on,
what difference will it make?

How is a clip on tie going to make me
a better writer?
Or a more fluent spanish speaker?
Or a

How is a clip on tie supposed to
help me learn when,
all I'm doing in lessons is
Just to give you some context: my school has always had a fairly strict uniform, but recently - since "Mrs Bailey" aquired more power - the school's been plunging deeper and deeper into a "big brother" society. So, when they took away everyone's ties and enforced clip-ons, I thought something had to be said: so here it is.
906 · Nov 2011
Worries for sale:
free delivery.
Happy to sell
to anyone.
Let's start the bidding,
at a sigh of relief...
This poem was spawned from HP's "adopt a metaphor" feature; the metaphor that I gave a home to was "sold worry".
794 · Nov 2011
Fight me!
And you're stood there,
with that broken look on
your tear stained face.
Sat there
telling me you did wrong
and I was right the
and that you're sorry
so sorry
(and I'd forgiven you long before you'd even annoyed me)
but I won't look at you or tell you "it's ok"
because all I really wanted
was you to fight me.
636 · Sep 2011
Being Red.
I am the sky: everchanging and temperamental
With the sun, I make a
Happy Picture
of clear thinking and endless opportunity.
When the sun leaves:
I am Dark;
a cover for violence and abuse.
But some part
of me
is always
Through rain, or wind, or sunlight,
the RED
of the sunset
runs through.
You might have already guessed, but just in case: this is a poem I wrote about *******, and the mood swings that come with it. I know, not exactly cheery. :')

— The End —