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 Aug 2011 Ami Bear
Pablo Neruda
I do not love you except because I love you;
I go from loving to not loving you,
From waiting to not waiting for you
My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it's you the one I love;
I hate you deeply, and hating you
Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume
My heart with its cruel
Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who
Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.

There he stood, upon that ledge.
Barely a step, from the edge.

Looking down, upon far away ground.
There was no movement, and no sound.

Tears streamed down from that lonely face.
He stood no glory, nor no grace.

'Its all gone, why can't they see?
There's nothing left to take from me.'

'Nothing more I can give,
I've lost the fight, my will to live.'

One more step, one deep sigh.
He closed his eyes, and ceased to cry.

With his last words he whispered to,
Any one that he once knew.

'Good bye, and please don't cry for me.
Sure I'm gone, now you might see.

I couldn't take it anymore,
For all this hurt, there is no cure.

The pain it burned and killed my heart.
You all hated me from the start.

I only wish, the one that mattered,
Would have seen, instead that shattered.

He didn't even realize,
That I loved him; that I tried.

Goodbye, all, its time to die.'
And with that he plunged, from the sky.

His last words, with his last breath,
His last movement, what a mess.

The tears that shed, upon his grave.
The flowers that, weepers gave.

If only they would have showed,
How much they love it, that he glowed.

If only they would have seen,
The sadness that stole his dream.

And the one whose love he didn't know,
Echoed through his heart also,

Wept upon his grave that day,
Then followed him, the same way.
 Aug 2011 Ami Bear
Cunt Muffin
Play me a tragic melody;

Sing a song of sorrow.

Draw me in with your sad stories,

And hold me there with the promise of tomorrow.

You have my heart in the palm of your hand;

My soul is yours as well.

I have yet to understand

How it is that I fell.

So in love with you,

Yet, so afraid

Of all the things you could do

With that bewitching serenade.

You promised me a tomorrow

And I'm still waiting for that day.

But, time is something I cannot borrow,

And I don't know if I should stay.

Tomorrow never comes;

I'm trapped in an endless day.

My poor heart succumbs,

And I am here to stay.
 Aug 2011 Ami Bear
The Stolen Breath
Within Me
 Aug 2011 Ami Bear
Jon Tobias
Maybe it was weird that I didn’t move my hand

When it rested against yours

Or that I didn’t move my leg when our knees touched

Or that when we slept facing opposite directions

So we could share the same pillow

I pretended to be asleep when my lips touched your forehead

Just so we could be close a minute longer

I know I cry in my sleep

But you don’t have the same dreams I do

And you don’t have that awkward belief

That all people fit like puzzles if you press hard enough

What the hell do you think hugs are?

Or holding hands is?

I know I can’t accidentally fall into you

And sure

maybe it’s weird that I rub my socks into the carpet

With the sole purpose of shocking you

But how else do you make sparks fly?

I know that my life’s story is an open book I tell so well

My pages are shameless

And my words are honest

And yeah

I know I stare at your mouth when you speak

It’s just that

Eye contact freaks me out

And I’m sorry I spaced out while you were talking

It’s just that I was staring at your lips

And I suddenly wanted to kiss you

I know I have no filter

And am practiced in the art of bad timing

And poor explanations

But we’re only human

We only want simple things

Like to be needed by other humans

Go ahead

Need me like a parasite

I’ve already got so much excess baggage

The weight of your monkey on my back

Might as well be an anchor

Keeping me next to you

There should be dents in your memory foam by now

Pretty lady

There are dents in my cheeks from all the smiling you cause me

And I’m pretty sure you could light a match

From the heat in my face

So I am sorry if I can get a little creepy

It just means I like you
 Aug 2011 Ami Bear
Ria Bautista
Cocked my shotgun today
Barrel in tow
A slight click
A slight ****
Fired my first shot

Cocked my shotgun again
Barrel still in tow
A violent click
A violent ****
Fired an angry shot

Cocked my shotgun one last time
Barrel confidently in tow
A trembling click
A trembling ****
Fired a self shot
Found this piece of write on one of my old notebooks. Thought I'd share it.
 Aug 2011 Ami Bear
Louise Bowman
Could you just let me in?
Tell me what I did,
To make me feel,
Like I am full of sin?

Am I not living right?
Not being good all the time?
Am I really as awful,
As the person in your sight?

Did I say the wrong thing?
Hurt you at all?
See, I don't think I did
Yet I am blamed for everything.

And they'll all say,
I'm in the wrong.
They never liked me much,
But that never mattered, anyway.

It would appear though,
That it matters now,
Because I am the *****,
The number one foe

I could just forget it,
and say, let it go
You don't desrve me,
Not one little bit

But contrary, to popular belief
I am a good person,
Deep down I am,
And I don't deserve grief

So just let me know,
What I can do,
To make it right
And stop all the woe

Or continue to erase me,
From your sweet life,
Just don't come crawling,
When you can see

See that you were wrong,
Because then it'll be too late,
My good nature,
Only lasts so long.

This may be goodbye,
This may just be it
I'll be sad to see you go
But perhaps it was all a lie.

— The End —