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 May 2013 Amelie Arnaz
She condensates
a cloud of confusion
while her presence
continues protruding
from thoughts.

Not enough memories so the mind
can only replay the same  clips
and as I start to fall in love I can't
keep her name from my lips.

Only have we met while audio
is being played out of monitors.
Don't want to ruin this yet
so let me slow down as my heart
I begin to monitor.

Studying her words for a deeper meaning.
Consume this love and realize my words are a drug.

Keeping you up from sleep
as it's effects cause
you to grind your teeth.

The past I kicked to the curb.
They yell that my words
for her are absurd.

Admiring beauty.
Hung up on her like
I'm standing on the stool with
the rope necklace around my throat.

No time wasted.
Love is served for dessert
and I want to taste it.

[momma] just listen I'm in love.
You don't have to be worried.
She's beautiful and I know exactly what I'm pursuing.
You don't have to worry this time I know what I'm doing.

Hopefully this situation
doesn't become a mess.
And if it's consolation
just know that none of it is in jest.

Didn't mean to bother you like spam
but if you think this poem is about you
figure it out like an [anagram].
my actions are always
sometimes void of thought,
sometimes void of vision

i am my own worst enemy
i always have been the greatest deterrent
to my own determination

a damnation within the
hearts beating, a black
hole in my minds eye

my actions are always
sometimes void of thought,
sometimes void of vision

full of feelings, however fleeting, they may be.
like the carvings of ignorant man
we dance
strange colours
words uttered
beyond recall
we seek strong shelter in weak arms
and breathe turquoise sin
against red skin.
i look into deep wells that speak
of him
of her,
i wonder

my hands melt
your features blur
into soft nothing
into cloud brilliance
inside soft nothing
we weep willow
of sadness conquer
of past that bleeds
and present exceeds
all of the wilted
promise' of old

they sing for a soul
without ears
without capacity
to ever hear


the dull hum

of life,

who gave you wings

has forever come

forever undone.
Once upon a time
At a middle school
They decided
That we didn't need
48 minutes
Of lunch


And now we have

(Which stands for
Learning Seminar)


And they
Food into
Their mouths

To sit
In a room
And read.
tomorrows whisper
is never
until it's turned
a scream
i fell in love
with the ribbons of gold
in a strangers soul
as we brush shoulders
i forget my own name
and stare deep
into eyes insane
like an innocent wonder
that seeks beauties touch
who’s yet to be broken
to just be, is enough.
i followed the sound
of battered feet
and found in myself
something so sacred
so sweet.
like audible honey
in sound we bathe
jumping through fire
a cosmic parade
these beautiful people
i drink them up
fall in love a thousand times
its never enough.
 Apr 2013 Amelie Arnaz
Gary Muir
you are birdsong
you are moonlight
you are white snow
you are rippling cornstalks
you are rolling hills
you are the sun setting behind the mountains
you are morning air, and dew
you are a ripple in a quiet lake
you are refracted light in a flowing stream
you are a bed of lilacs warmed by the sun

you are beauty
beauty is you
for emma
 Apr 2013 Amelie Arnaz
Gary Muir
O, to live in the absence of time
when days are not days, but moments
always begun, never at end
unplanned, uncharted
and remembered
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