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Amelie Arnaz May 2013
made light of my words
I do it myself
you twisted meanings
lawyerly of you
lawyerly of me
But I advocate for us
and you fight for yourself
It is empty
Amelie Arnaz Apr 2013
When am I writing about you?

Ha! When am I not writing about you?

Always and never not writing about you.

Because - you are all of the dreams

the smokey, hazy, steamed-up-car-windows things

in my head.

The world enters me through my pupils

and you enter me through my mind.

I've seen your (cha)grin in all its beauty

and imagined your fleshy palm with leaf-like lines to read

indecipherable to me, but I’d gaze happily

lying on the shore of time.

I thought about loss today and how people come and go

and the eternity of written words that we repeat endlessly

sentiments that everyone always felt ever before again

and we, still unique despite our sameness, reflect each other.

I thought about selfishness and
how selfish it is 
to want all of your attention.

You whispered about discomfort. I’m glad I can have some effect.
Amelie Arnaz Apr 2013
Don’t let me use you. I will,

but tenderly.

I found your words 

you wrote them on parchment

left them in "bottles with cork stoppers" on
street corners

not for me - for everyone

tangible words, you said

you said, 
“i will cut out of my heart all the 
things that dont serve me”

please use a sharp, surgical instrument

sterilize it well

if you infect your heart

it will feel like mine

you said I don’t try hard enough

I have to try hard not to be there

leave everything

only to find you checked out 
before I arrived 

and laugh at myself
Amelie Arnaz Apr 2013
Those long rambling messages
exposing tidbits of your genius
bubbling with your raw angst
shining true hues of you
send them through the choking air
clear my muddled mind
brandied brain
I see your depths
your  heights
Amelie Arnaz Apr 2013
How we give up ourselves
and we vote regardless
there is no choice
the House is ***** with lies
we can't dust under the rug
they'll take it all away from us
privacy, freedom, pleasure
we make quiet shouts
buy stock options
look at the figure head
like he's got something
my cyberspace is wide open
I might
drive a truck through theirs
yet, apathy prevails
pressure is building, though
I can feel it everywhere
it rumbles
Amelie Arnaz Apr 2013
You were disappointed

I said I believed in “God”

there may have been air quotes

I don’t know what it means

I can’t die into blackness

my carbon has science

I think it does

I might melt into the earth

she is cozy, warm in the center

I will save myself 

and only look to you for comfort

I tried to show you my confusion 

you had no response

the pain of silence reeks

your judgment is unforgiving

let’s not speak of this again
Amelie Arnaz Apr 2013
she is laid out before me
all of her glory
she lets my hands explore
I find truth
I find peace
senses overload
she gives me this
I, but a parasite
she orbits the sun
I scrape on her flesh
a pollutant
but she gives me all
all she can
my methods
proving my love
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