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Mar 2011 · 802
A Meeting of Souls
Amelia Petrini Mar 2011
Lamenting hands caress
A somber beat, soft at first.
But soon his sober beat, it fades
And a fire begins to take its place.
A thunderous sound—tribal, primal—
Takes a hold and turns him wild.

His song, it calls to her;
Wraps her tight in its embrace,
And draws her to his pounding drum.
Dancing toes trace maps across the mud;
Her body moves, helplessly
Molded by his melody.
Mar 2011 · 440
The Story
Amelia Petrini Mar 2011
As I look through clear walls,
I’m taunted by the world outside.
A small bubble burst of energy
Forced back in its bottle,
I ask myself “who took my magic wand?
Where’s the guilty soul
That so carelessly stuffed me
Back into this plastic prison?

I look down at my own hands
And recognize the grungy fingers.
Did I bring about my own demise?
All this time assuming it was
Thanks to him, her, the other guy…
Not once stopping to think
Maybe this whole time
It was only myself holding me back.

A stark page looks up at me,
Waiting for my essence to erupt
Upon the paper like blood.
My blood, my sorrow, my tears…
But I can’t seem to think.
My hands reach out and blindly grasp,
Trying to create the perfect words;
Trying to reveal my darkest self.  

And finally, a meteor hits!
Deep in my mind, a flower blossoms
And kindly tells me “Welcome to the spring!”
My eyes are wide with the epiphany
That I might deserve to be heard
And to shout and to scream!
Because this is my story,
And it can only be told by me.
Mar 2011 · 536
Amelia Petrini Mar 2011
Take a puff
Sweet green
Pass it down

Hold it in
Let it out
Holy cloud!

Close your eyes,
Free your mind,
Wanna fly?

Take your time,
Let it burn;
I don't mind.

Play a song,
Find meaning,
Hit the ****!

We're not lazy,
We're just ******, dude...
******' crazy.

Am I smiling?
Am I crying?
******' flying!

Something's missing...
Is it salty?
Stomach's grumbly.

Time to cook!
Let's try and do this...
****, don't look!

***'s on fire,
Water's burning...
Let's make ramen!
Mar 2011 · 411
To You
Amelia Petrini Mar 2011
The thought of you sends shivers
Coursing down my spine.
You are my muse, the source
Of all the unexploited energy in my world.

You’re the kind of man
I’ve always needed in my life.
Your iridescent spirit shines
From deep within honest eyes.

It’s getting late now, early morning
And I still can’t seem to fool my mind
Into forgetting the idea of you.

You resonated somewhere deep inside me,
In a place I thought I’d locked away
And hidden from a curious world
In the deepest recesses of time.

But all these words are meaningless to me;
The way you make me feel is a song;
A melody unattainable by poetry alone--
The rhythm of my words is not enough.
Dec 2010 · 680
We Were Forbidden
Amelia Petrini Dec 2010
Tomorrow we were blinded by love—
Forced to tread on a downward path to nowhere.
Did we ever think we’d be so misled?
We are the cynical children of generation taboo.
Did they really think our dreams would not
Allow us to break free?
Allow us to fly past invisible storms?

We knew our goals could not be reached by will alone.
But we did nothing to stop ourselves
From getting lost in the cloudy haze of apathy.
Why should we care for them?
Why should we even bother to care for ourselves?
When piety and holiness were ****** in our mouths
With silver spoons of lustful hate.

What’s left for us to open our hearts to?
When pearly gates draw pillows beneath us,
Promising a peaceful end.
So you can still lie to yourself;
So you can still tell yourself your life has meaning.
Dec 2010 · 523
I Fly Like A Sparrow
Amelia Petrini Dec 2010
Electric bolts fire up within me,
And I begin to transform.
Limp limbs arise from a peaceful slumber,
Unable to rest in solemn silence.
They want to be free,
They want to free me!
They want to make me fly and make my soul explode!
They Want to be raised above me,
Unleashing their pain and anger on the world,
Reminding the world of forbidden passions.
They cradle me in loving arms,
A peaceful cloud where I can reach serenity.
Dec 2010 · 941
Amelia Petrini Dec 2010
When will we stop lying to ourselves;
Allowing ourselves to believe that
Eyes wide open, lying naked on the floor
Our minds are being enlightened?
As images transcend
From clear patterns on the wall,
And sweating,
Your heart steadily beating,
You pray for some sort of chemical salvation.

We try to justify it to ourselves;
Make ourselves believe that
Dropped on a little piece of paper
Placed on eager tongues,
From clear patterns on the wall,
And hollow,
Senseless realizations,
The secrets of the universe have been revealed.

Is this the Messiah you have chosen?
The One you will bow down to?
Eyes wide open, gazing towards heaven—
Do you feel enlightened?
As images press against you
And rain down from cloudy skies?
Your face alight with admiration,
You think you’ve discovered God’s truth.

But when will we stop lying to ourselves;
Allowing ourselves to believe that
Eyes shut tight, floating calmly on a rainbow
Our minds are being enlightened?
As patterns transcend
From the music all around you,
And sweating,
Your heart steadily beating,
You’ve attained a false salvation.

— The End —