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2.6k · May 2013
Amelia Browder May 2013
Red eyes
Seething heart
Pulse racing
Get ready
Sneaking through
Taking, breaking
Tripping, slipping
Note passer
Locker shover
Hopping fences
Never learn
Drinking, reeking
Till your
Black and blue
Steal and lie
Oh why
Not caring
Let loose
"No. I didn't do it."
Mischief maker
2.5k · Jan 2014
Amelia Browder Jan 2014
Your scent,
It's everywhere.
You've left it on the sheets, pillows, and my clothes.
Enveloping me in what we used to have.
Trailing behind like a cloud.
Until next time I see you
We'll pretend to love each other
And leave traces of memories everywhere.
1.8k · Aug 2013
Amelia Browder Aug 2013
There are people everywhere
Surrounding me all over
So they claim to be my friends
But really are they?
Do they really know me?
Do they know my favorite song
Or what I love most?
Do even know this poem is about them?
So they claim to be my friends.
But do they even care?
If I was gone
Would these so called friends
Even realize I had left
Or would they go on about their days
Like I was never there
So these friends of mine
Aren't really my friends
Because the movements there bodies
And the laughter of their voices
Don't include me
1.7k · Apr 2013
Amelia Browder Apr 2013
The world is my chessboard.

The people are my pawns.

Moved to acquire my needs.

Everyone is just a piece,

In this cruel game.

I play them as I should.

Moving slowly and carefully.

Making my way to the checkmate.

Everyone has a part to play.

Mother and father, the Queen and King.

Brother and Sister, Knights.

Teachers, Bishops.

Friends, Rooks.

All just apart of the game.

Even me, the ruler of it all.

Fate as my opponent.

Conquering all the pieces of the game.

That's all it is.

Just a game.

And I will win!

When it comes to the end

And all my pawns are played

The words will slip off of my tongue.

The words that end it all.

My final command.

1.5k · Jul 2013
My Belladonna
Amelia Browder Jul 2013
Lustful eyes
Taking you all in
Blow you out my pipe
Smoke encircling my nose
Then breathing you in again
Your so addicting
My little taste of heaven
My drug
Hands roaming
My eyes see stars
Songs filled the room
With new melodies
Your taste on my tongue
Like candy to a child
Never enough
The innocence and vulnerability
I shouldn't but I will
Your dangerous
But I'm daring
Your poison
Is no sickness
Your my drug
My Belladonna
Belladonna is a poisonous plant that is often used in drugs. It is quite addicting.
1.3k · Jul 2013
If Only
Amelia Browder Jul 2013
If only you knew
The thoughts I've had for you
The broken tears that were shed
The empty promises that were made
The lost hopes for each other
I f only you knew, the things I'd do to keep you
I shouldn't have these thoughts
For they can't exist
If only you knew about the long nights I've had
Up until two thinking of you
The love that will never be true
The thing we will never have
For you have fallen for another
If only you knew how bad I'm hurting
Because of you
Would you love me
Would you long for my caress
Would you care
We'd still sleep like we're lovers
Spitting hateful mummers
If only you knew I didn't mean a thing
If only you knew the mark you've made on my mind
It's unerasable  
So forever will you be there
If only you knew how much I cared
How much I need you
If only
Would you stay with me if you knew these dreams I've had
1.0k · May 2014
Your Poem
Amelia Browder May 2014
I remember when you wrote a poem
You said you would never write
About us being together
Do you still feel that way?
991 · Jul 2013
Amelia Browder Jul 2013
I'm trying to figure out
Who I am
I am a Warrior
Teach me how to fight
I'll show you how to win
Put me to the test
I'll prove your doubts wrong
I'm your fatal flaw
And your my mortal sin
You interest me
Behind shadows and secrecy
Oh broken angel
Let me feel the sting, the pain, the burn
Over my skin
I won't let myself believe
That what we feel is wrong
Underneath my exterior
Is a Warrior
830 · Jul 2013
Amelia Browder Jul 2013
The world slows down
Your thoughts corrupting your sweet innocence
The terrors of your past are painful
You want to forget
You want to live again
But the memories hold you back
Captivating you
Haunting your dreams
Forming them to nightmares
The world has broken you
Nobody can fix the pieces
Your lost
Looking for salvation
But those ****** things
Those hideous memories
Always come back
Penetrating your soul
Robbing your beauty
They take hold of you
And drag your sanity into darkness
You try to climb back out
But can't
Your left there to suffer
Trying to forget
805 · Apr 2013
A Writer's Blood
Amelia Browder Apr 2013
You know how a person cuts to relieve their pain?
To rid the sorrows of their cruel reality.
To forget everything in their taunting lives.
To see the blood drip down forming a little pool of pain.
Well writers bleed too.
They may not cut but we are also hurting.
We feel the same pain you do.
The hurt and suffering.
The razor is my pen.
The paper is my arm.
And the writing is my bleeding.
699 · Jun 2013
When It's Gone
Amelia Browder Jun 2013
There will be a day
When it is all gone
When the depths of evil
Exists no longer
When the little flowers
Wilt into dust
When life its self
Slowly starts to disappear
When the sun stops glowing
Turning to night, staying forever that way
When all happiness is left from sight
When darkness no longer
When love and hate
no longer compete
When all of the green grass
Has been burned at the root
When friends are no longer
When people are
No longer people
When we all turn
to insanity to comfort us
When our thoughts an dreams
Turn into nightmares
When bad and good things
No longer have meaning
When families are
Left apart
When I hate you
And you hate me
There will be a day
When I am no longer me
And you are no longer you
And we are no longer we
643 · Sep 2014
i met a boy
Amelia Browder Sep 2014
i met a boy today
and he thought he knew me
he tries to know me
and i cant let that happen
i dont really know why
i cant let another come too close
ill burn a hole of dissapointment in his heart
and i cant feel guilty more than i do now
so leave little boy
run while you can while your still whole
but dont take my broken pieces with you
639 · May 2013
Hello Stranger
Amelia Browder May 2013
Have you forgotten me?
Was I just your little plaything?
We used to know eatchother
Inside and Out
We spent endless nights together
Talking and gazing at the sky.
Don't you remember that?
Don't you remember the affections that filled our hearts to the rim?
Don't you remember the way we made eachother laugh?
The way we fit so perfectly in eachothers arms?
Don't you remember the tears we shared?
The pointless fights
That I now miss
Or do you want to forget?
Cant you see we no longer know eachother?
That we no longer yearn for eachothers touch.
Can't you see that I don't know you anymore?
You walk by in the hall
Not saying a word to me
As if I'm not there
That's what hurts the most
That we no longer have eachother
To think I knew you and you knew me
It's sad
It's painful
It hurts
To know
That we don't need eachother anymore
That we are mere strangers
In a couples world
624 · May 2014
The Thinker
Amelia Browder May 2014
you always seem to be doing it.
getting lost in your own labyrinth of thought.
as i sit and watch you disappear from the world,
i can't help but be curious
what is it you think about?
is it about how you think?
why you think so much?
or about life and what it's about?
how people are cruel and do their best to hurt others?
do you think about yourself
and what your about?
those times you've told me
about the creatures in your labyrinth
i've absorbed the stories and myths.
every detail etched into the walls of my brain.
i wouldn't mind meeting them
ya know.
conversing for awhile over coffee or tea.
i want to get lost in your labyrinth.
i want to graze my fingers along its walls
and see what you see as you think
see if we think about the same things.
if you raise the same questions. i want to know every thought.
every twist and turn that is your mind,
but most importantly.
i want to know,
do you think of me
as much as i do you?
623 · Apr 2013
Bitter-Sweet Goodbye
Amelia Browder Apr 2013
There we were
Standing across from eachother
Not daring to say a word
You wanted to see me,
Like hell I could manage to see you
I haven't even sorted out my feelings
Don't touch me as if you care.
Don't say my name with that voice.
Don't be nice to me if you don't feel that way.
Don't hurt us more with what you do.
I saw you where blind
And I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal rights,
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop here.
Iv'e kisses your lips.
Iv'e held your head.
Shared your dreams and your bed.
But now it's time for me to go.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
In this bitter-sweetness.
611 · May 2013
It's Pathetic Really
Amelia Browder May 2013
Its pathetic how you flaunt yourself like you've got something to say
Yet when people ask no words come out
Its sad how you act as if the world is yours
Yet when its given to you you dont know what to do
Its foolish how you think you know
Yet you don't
You can turn the brightest dreams into the darkest nightmares
You don't know how pathetic you really are  
But soon you will
They will realize your weakness
They will take and push right back into you stabbing your very life
Be prepared you pathetic human being
Be prepared for what is to come
You consequences will come harder than you may think  
Love while you can
If you can
Take what you want
While its within your grasp
Because it will be soon ripped from you
Get ready
Your ending is coming
Faster than you think
Your crown will be bent and broken
Robe will be burnt to ashes
Your throne will rot
Pathetic how you are you
Without even knowing it
594 · Jul 2013
Helplessly in Love
Amelia Browder Jul 2013
Can't you see I love you
My shameless feelings I have
Why won't you feel the same
That's all I want
For you to love me
Like I do you
Am I that pitiful
That you won't even have a second thought about me
Am I that undesirable
To where you can't even look me in the eye
Only after the day I spoke those three simple words
You had changed towards me
Less caring
Shamelessly ignoring
But I guess it's my fault
For falling for the wrong one
So now I'm left
Crying on my bathroom floor
Thinking about you
Helplessly in Love
585 · Jul 2013
Amelia Browder Jul 2013
I stare blankly at you
No emotions across my face
Not a trace
No tears
The world has stopped
How could you
Staring into your orbs
There is sorrow
Because I feel nothing
I can see through you
My body is numb
I'm hurt but my pride will not let go
I can't feel anything
Everyone looks
Wondering what happens next
All eyes trained on us
You can't decide
So I do it for you
I walk away
To never look back
583 · Nov 2013
Amelia Browder Nov 2013
so overrated
everyone either has it , had it, or lost it
this inanimate object
the waves to come to shore
the moon to chase the sun
tears to fall
butterflies to soar
it ceases to amaze me
that this four letter word
can make the world go round
or stop
for anyone
at any moment
535 · Sep 2014
Ten Word Story #1
Amelia Browder Sep 2014
you said you'd always be
there and then you left
526 · Sep 2014
Amelia Browder Sep 2014
stop reading my poems
501 · Jul 2014
You Held Me
Amelia Browder Jul 2014
and I remember the way
you held me, like I might slip away with the wind
your hands ghosting over my clothed skin
but I could still feel your touch
burning right through
and I'm suffocating
I can't breath because every
memory  of you always
manages to take my breath away
and I loved you with every
single inch of my anatomy
yet you still ******* broke me
494 · Jul 2013
Boys Don't Like Me
Amelia Browder Jul 2013
I'm not that type of girl
That boys will fawn over
That guys will love and care for
The one thats pretty and boys talk to each others friends about
Boys don't want to take me out on dates
And gaze at the stars at night with me
They don't want to take me on long car rides just for fun
They don't call me pretty
and ask for my number
They don't text me because I've caught their interest
They just look at me as if I'm like them
I'm the friend zoned girl
Only friends
Just friends
No boyfriends
Because I'm the type of girl boys don't like
488 · Nov 2013
Loving Lust
Amelia Browder Nov 2013
what is love?
can i be loved?
is it fates fault?
a ruby love line
from where i rest in bed
do you think about me too?
the process of waking up from a good dream
is harder than you think
i love you.
486 · Aug 2013
At The Worst
Amelia Browder Aug 2013
When a poet is at
Their worst
How enticing it can be
The most beautiful things
Come from it
Their pain turns
To feeling others can touch
The fallen tears
Drip into words
Of the unfortunate
The pen sways
To the rythem of sorrow
Oh, how beautiful
It is when the
Writer is at its
482 · Jul 2013
Amelia Browder Jul 2013
I found refuge here.
In my writing.
It helps with the ways of the world.
It's a little thing I call escape.
Oh how we all wish to escape these walls.
We try many things.
Drugs, ***, danger.
But none of this truly feeds our cravings.
Our cravings to be set free.
478 · Apr 2013
White Lies
Amelia Browder Apr 2013
They always come

From your mouth to my ears

Never stopping

Piling high

There so plain to see

Once when I was young and

Foolish, oh so foolish

I believed you

Your fake promises

The things you said that would come never came

But I still believed you

I trusted you

Yet all you ever gave me was white lies

You never heard my heart crush and break

Then harden at the sound of your voice

I am older now


I can pick out your white lies

One by one

They are no longer discrete

As I am no longer foolish

The White Lies you tell

The ones I will never believe


Not again
438 · May 2013
The Lie Nobody Told
Amelia Browder May 2013
Is anyone out there?
I'm all alone.
Can anyone hear me?
Is anyone there to find me
And tell me everything's going to be okay
The one lie that everyone wants to hear
The one that makes everything a little bit better
But it is yet a lie
It's false hope
Nothing gets better
The world is a lie
And we are all trapped in its web
Spiraling down into darkness
No one is there
Just your false hopes
Your dreams soon turn to the unimaginable
Your happiness turns to bitter loneliness
Your life turns to ash
All thats left of you sits in a pit of despair
Still believing in the little lie
Nobody told
Amelia Browder Feb 2014
Laying in the old creaky hospital bed
I became more immune to the sounds around me.
Monitors beeping in sync with
the squeaks and taps of soles on the floor.
So close,
So close to that light.
Just within reach. Almost, but not quite there yet.
Not yet. But soon it will come and lead me into eternal darkness.
One beyond of what I’m ready for.
“What has become of me?”
My last few suns and moons barely ripped from me.
But I guess it is my fault to begin with.
With my limited time
I wondered where it all had begun.
I remember back when it was my
Tenth year.
So innocent and full of life.
Pigtails still held my hair and dirt was my makeup.
I remember how nothing bothered me.
Not looks or weight.
Just of what flavor ice cream I wanted at the shop.
Just happiness was all I felt.
A clean pure sense really,
If you have ever really felt it any how.
I remember how I ate three meals a day
(Like at the hospital but then it was out of my own free will)
and had a full tummy.
Mom’s cooking was the best thing I’d eat
and Dads shoulders were the best place to be.
I’d play outside
Not afraid of the world and the people in it.
I had friends and a few best friends even,
but they’re all gone now.
I guess that is just what people do when you need them the most.
I remember how my grades were sky high
and people called me smart.
My parents were proud of me.
We actually talked.
Like, real conversations without the tears, screaming and the occasional broken object.
We do not have those talks anymore now.
I had felt beautiful and pretty.
Not just looked like it
but truly felt like it too.
All those summer days
filled with ice pops and burgers.
Those block barbecues were everyone
was together like friendly neighbours and had fun.
Or those beach trips when
we would stay all day, sun at it highest.
Umbrellas and sun block the only thing keeping us from getting burnt.
Even though we still would be at the end of the day.
Our sandwiches kicked with sand
and watermelon sailing down the creases of our mouths.
I remember when Christmas was the happiest time of the year.
Sparkling lights and drives around the streets to see them.
When love was the best present there was.
Family and friends together,
now just drifted apart from one another.
Most of all, I remember when I was happy.
Not just any kind of happy but a child's happiness.
The kind only found in children.
Adults and adolescents do not have that anymore
because society and people ruin it for them.
It slowly shrivels away as you start to realize theres no point in having it any more.
But children do not see that.
People are afraid to destroy a child's happiness.
They are oblivious to everything else in the world.
The disgust and filth people have.
Children do not see that because of the pure veil everyone is born with.
It blinds you from everything bad and evil
and once that veil is ripped to shreds
everything becomes clear.
And you are left wondering why you did not see it before.
But people destroy
those parts of a person.
It’s kind of crazy how something
can be ripped away from you so quickly before even realizing you had it.
All the good and innocence
into a sweet bitter cold breeze.
In my thirteenth year
came the word I was unfamiliarized with.
It did not hurt at first
but like everything else, it eventually did.
I never truly knew what it meant at the time.
Then the next day it started to sting at little,
burning into my brain like acid.
Was it true?
Was I really this thing they labeled me as?
It started to settle.
Like mush.
It stayed and lingered with my thinking.
My first little monster.
Screaming into my mind the same thing over and over again.
It walked with me everywhere I went.
Precautions with appearance.
Comparisons everywhere.
My “little” monster growing with every step.
Feeding off my paranoia for breakfast.
Attacking my every thought.
“I’m not good enough. I never will be.”
It began to manifest, grow, and spread.
Like some sort of disease without a cure.
It only got worse from there,
because after that word came more.
Fat, ****, Disgusting, Embarrassment
Now why would words be such a bother?
I mean, they are just words right?
They hurt and destroy people and their sanity.
I endured the pain and torture from
these letters put together to form words.
They kept coming and coming,
encasing me in a black cloud of insults and hatred.
Every time I looked in the mirror, I saw what they did.
But what did I do?
What any other teenager would have done.
How can you say something back to a person who attacks you?
While you are weak and defenseless .
Your walls broken down and not even being able to utter a sound.
I could have said something.
I could have told someone, but they would not understand.
They never do.
“Just ignore them.”
They always say.
“Walk away.”
But they don’t get how hard it is to do that.
I can’t just ignore the things they throw in my way.
The ones that hurt the most.
Or maybe, I could have simply not believed them.
But what is there to believe
when that is all you're told?
How can you know any truth
when there is none?
Thats the thing though,
that was my truth. It’s all I was told.
I knew nothing else because
I started to realize it to.
My fifteenth year was when my soul took a toll.
Not for the better either.
It was the first time I wanted to unzip my veins.
But the thought of ruining beautiful skin refrained me so.
It did not stop me from thinking about it though.
I was lost and alone.
“Just like any other teenager.”
They’d say.
No one wanted to be friends with the fat ugly one.
My insecurities devoured my being.
A splash of makeup here.
A skipped meal there.
It wouldn’t hurt, right?
Especially not me.
I mean, I was going to be beautiful.
I’ll prove them wrong.
A few pounds were dropped.
not enough
Compliment rose.
they were lies
“Wow. You lost weight.”
“You look beautiful.”
But it was not enough to mask the inner reminders.
I had to be smaller, thinner, skinnier, prettier.
Thar bikini perfect body.
Perfect makeup.
Soon I skipped two meals a day.
When no one asked,
I skipped three.
Only eating a few snacks.
But soon seeing it later in the toilet.
I was slowly starting to feel beautiful again.
My stomach was flat
and the gap in my teeth went to my thighs.
I was like all the girls around me.
No longer cast away as different but brought in as an equal.
I thought I had started to fit in with their group, in his arms, with those “friends.”
But no matter how real my happiness seemed,
it was always just for the show.
If happiness is the most honest thing felt,
then why do I feel like I’m lying?
My inner demons took over at night. Mostly because I let them.
They possessed my mind as if it was their own.
Screaming to me lullabies of hatred and songs of sorrow.
Rocking me to sleep in their claws.
Nights were the worst.
When everyone else's were for sleeping, mine were for waking.
My current year, I decided the pain was too much.
My canvas was stained red,
while my brush was the razor.
My ribs picked and poked through the light cotton shirts
I never seemed to change out of.  
While other various things that used to support my body,
soon grew weak as I continuously tried to grasp for air.
Trying to teach myself to breath again.
For it seems I have long forgotten how to.
I gave up on being what I wanted because nothing mattered anymore.
All of those ¨friends¨ now long gone.
Any pieces of motivation had slipped away.
My parents believed in me as much as I did myself.
Now, eighteen and already in this place.
This is where sick people go. Maybe, I really am sick.
But I just wanted to be beautiful.  
I did what I had to.
I can not conjure up what will happen after here,
but some peoples lives end in the middle of a sentence.
While for others, thats where it begins.
Maybe I’m just still waiting for my book.
402 · Jul 2014
Someone Else
Amelia Browder Jul 2014
just maybe if I
hold someone else
kiss someone else
love someone else
you won't be my someone else anymore
I feel as though if I
drown in some one else's feelings
I won't posses mine anymore
it's like I finally realize why people
engulf themselves in alcohol
or get lost in some strangers sheets
it's the easiest way to forget
to forget how to feel anything but numbness
390 · Jun 2013
Sleep, No?
Amelia Browder Jun 2013
So it  may seem
we all crave the need of sleep,
yet refuse to give in the bliss feeling of dreams because we still want to experience the wonders of the light
383 · Jul 2014
Amelia Browder Jul 2014
and I try and drown myself
in the sheets of other men
but the scent of yours
still linger in my nose and
i imagine them belonging to you
because maybe if I'm with him,
then I'll forget about you
and I won't have to feel those
feelings anymore
with the attempted ones being
put in my heart
I still think of you
357 · Aug 2013
Amelia Browder Aug 2013
I'm sick of these
Twisted little games
We play
Where I fall for you
And you not for me
Yet the sweet smiles
And little gestures
Are still known to be
Why can't it have
Such fluent language
Instead of a foreign one
Where we come together
And let the world be
340 · Sep 2013
First Time
Amelia Browder Sep 2013
Sometimes if

I think really hard

I can remember the

First time you said

I love you

And the way

I said it back
339 · May 2014
Amelia Browder May 2014
338 · May 2014
Amelia Browder May 2014
I look at my hands
and wonder about the
damage I've done.
I bet someone has done worse.
Then I think about
all of these hands in the world.
Some are made for making new things.
Some used for art; writing.
Others for love and care.
More than a few for ****** and revenge.
So many hands have become so many things.
I just wonder,
what has become of mine?
330 · Aug 2013
Over You
Amelia Browder Aug 2013
When I look at you
My heart no longer hurts
Maybe its because you have forgotten me
Or maybe I no longer remember you
But I do know
I don't think of you during my nights
You don't cross my mind when I'm hurting
I have no thoughts of you anymore
And my heart is empty
Maybe it's because
I'm finally over you
319 · Nov 2013
Last Night
Amelia Browder Nov 2013
it is when I think of you
that my mind starts
to get drunk
off of your
scent from last night
309 · Dec 2013
Amelia Browder Dec 2013
304 · Feb 2014
Amelia Browder Feb 2014
You said "i love you"
Once in my dream
Now its just a faint memory
Leaving me wishing
Needing to be real
But we both know its not
The day those words slip past
Your lips, is the day
Im yours forever.
294 · Aug 2013
Where You Should Be
Amelia Browder Aug 2013
It has only been yesterday since I last saw you
Yet the loneliness is full in my heart
So why do I feel so empty
Thats right
It's because your not where you should be
By my side

— The End —