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 Dec 2013 Ameerah Holliday
I can never linger
it isn't written in my genes or encoded in my blood
in fact I simmer like a deep-brewing fire
only the wind on my cheeks
& the scenery whizzing by can stifle my flames
whimsical indecisive fickle
no commas can contain me
I am this metaphor & that simile
I am those paradoxical adjectives & I don't create irony
I am the irony
free spirit & old soul I have been labeled both
whatever you like to call it I can never linger
a blessing or burden either way
the loveliest blooms always depart from the fields the fastest
you have never seen a fairy because they carry on & on
carry on so quickly
I am the soul of your lost father & I am the nostalgia of your dead mother
I am all things mystical & majestic
the weeping willow tree by the lake & the lightning that smites it
the strength you misplaced is found deep within me
wherever I go love will seek me out & find me
but I can never be contained & I can never linger
I only wish to "burn, burn, burn like roman candles across the night"
so please
do not ask me to stay
I have a lot to say about this poem.
The reference made is from On The Road by Jack Kerouac.
This is like many poems inside a poem.
Definitely one of the weirdest things I've written.
I might tweak it but I kind of like it too
 Sep 2013 Ameerah Holliday
Our hearts are the same.
They pluck the same tunes,
create the same vibrating frequencies
that we hear as individual notes.
It's the same reason why some songs
touch our insides more than others;
because they contain melodies crafted
from the same instrument that resides inside us.
It's the same reason why some souls
become electric when put together;
because the pretty voice inside your head
is perfectly in sync
with the rhythmic drum beats of my heart.
I can hear it.
It's music to my entity.
Exhale your emotions
onto all of our memories
waxing as poetic candles,
rub your feelings all over me.
While vague unexpected hours
root deeply
and mingle inside all they see.

I can hear our laughter lingering
when night stands on the waters
of our love,
never growing tired or flickering.  
Following close behind
the heels of my heart
never leaving..........
or wandering.

We have been given a life
that comes after midnight,
guiding us,
letting no poison command our faith.  
I smile,
in knowing our love
will grow stronger,
as each day passes away.
Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
 Mar 2013 Ameerah Holliday
He kissed my neck
Nibbled softly at its skin
And when he kissed my lips
I tasted my own perfume
My own poison
In my own mouth.
I lived, but he died.
You are immune to your own poison.
 Mar 2013 Ameerah Holliday
I cannot fathom
why that pretty song lasted so much longer
when I was so exhausted
I could hear my bones groan.
Yet that sad poem ended so much quicker
when it was about you.
One sang me to sleep.
One lead me to nightmares.
 Mar 2013 Ameerah Holliday
You should know
I am quite aware
Of ALL your longing stares
And it makes me really uneasy.

You should know
To avert your gaze
Stay away from my maze
I don't want you if you're easy.
Nevermore do I decide, while sitting here with ocean eyes.
Looking through the dark deep gray; finding what is not today.
Looking for long lost fact; finding what I do want back.
Nevermore do I decide, sitting here with ocean eyes.
Crying with my light blue tears..
I've finally found what I've always feared.
Sitting here with my guitar, looking through the clouds afar
Nevermore do I decide while laying here with ocean eyes.
To keep my head above to ground
The sound I hear is so profound.
Nevermore do I decide, while laying here with ocean eyes.
Under her dark veil she wrung her hands.
"Why are you so pale today?"
"Because I made him drink of stinging grief
Until he got drunk on it.
How can I forget? He staggered out,
His mouth twisted in agony.
I ran down not touching the bannister

And caught up with him at the gate.
I cried: 'A joke!
That's all it was. If you leave, I'll die.'
He smiled calmly and grimly
And told me: 'Don't stand here in the wind.' "
On the sidewalk buildings loom above
Competing with each other to buy my love

They mean to ****** me into their hearts
Promises of 25% off and shopping carts

And though I always refuse
These buildings, well, don't like to lose

See, everywhere I go I see more
As if they had sprung instantly from the floor

Now the question the bothers me:
What happened to all the trees?

Pillars instead of trunks, windows instead of leaves
I've locked myself in, and lost the keys
 Dec 2012 Ameerah Holliday
This is free
Writing me
As much as
This is me
Writing free
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