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Amber sue letts May 2012
I see you standing their doing nothing just relaxin
you as the frist pretty little young women says that you
have to go somewhere and you will be right back
I tell you to be right back at 7:00 and mean while
I wait for you to return back to me. Then here come
along another one of you pretty little girl she tells me
that she will be right back she is just going to the bathroom and will be
Right back but she doesn't return so i wait on her and i wait on you then
the littlest of you girls says to me that i'll be right back i am just going to be in
my room jumping on my bed and i don't hear any jumping so i go upstairs to the
your little sisters room and i knock on her door three times and she doesn't open the door
so i check to see if your little sisters door is unlocked but it isn't so i knock on the door once again
but no answer so i run and knock down the door and the door falls i stand there and see that the bed is a mess so I then keep walking farther on and i come to your little sister's bathroom door and their no answer then i open the door and its unlocked so there as i am standing i see one pretty little liars window open.
I walk into the living room out the front door outside to get in my car and go to the store and there while i am at the door i see you three standing there and I say you three are busted you have lied to my face  wait until your mother hears about this you three then get down and beg on your knees please don't tell our mother. i say its to late you three have lied to me i had trust and faith in you and you three gave it all away so i am still going to tell your mother what happend today. And never again will i come to your house ever again to watch you three  Pretty little liars again.
702 · May 2012
My Wishing star
Amber sue letts May 2012
Starlight Star bright the frist star i see to night i
wish i may i wish i might i wish you could give me
this very missed wish i wish for so many things that i
can't even explain.....Could you please explain to me
these things that i have wished for...

Wait a second what in the world are you talkin about  sayin that you wish
for this stuff this don't even make any sense....Hold up what did you wish for tell me..
577 · May 2012
Pretty little heads
Amber sue letts May 2012
Let this light shine on your pretty little head
Let nothing stop this pretty darling that you are
that loves this Start
In day time and in night
This little start this little heart
God watch over this pretty little head...
Let This Child Abuse not take over you
with This Pretty little
Head and this pretty little face
that is Living upound a stone and don't cry
this little girl goes to bed
this little boy go to be
God watch over these's pretty little, little heads.

— The End —