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Nov 2017 · 732
Quick thoughts
amber girl Nov 2017
Poems can be depressing
this one won't be distressing
I'm looking out my window it's truly a blessing
Green is still on the ground even though the trees are brown
In my house the dryer is the only sound
I'm glad I'm home not home bound
This was short and sweet
And now that the poem is complete
I'm going to kick back in my seat
Apr 2016 · 339
The situation
amber girl Apr 2016
It's not you, it's the situation
That I've been in time and time again
It hurts knowing I'm putting this on you
Yet my feelings I cannot subdue
Saying sorry, I know is not enough
The situation we're in I know is tough
My heart is broken, I am broken down
I'm hoping that you will stick around
Actions speak louder than words
Expect mine to be obscure
It's not me it's the situation
That I've been in time and time again
I love you til the very end
Apr 2016 · 263
Being human
amber girl Apr 2016
So uncaring
Why are you staring
Why does it matter what she's wearing
Look at her eyes, see her heart sharing?
Put your shoes away and try on this pair
Then you'll feel the pain of the stare
The pain of rejection, the lack of air
Know that she hurts cause you don't care
Sad but true
I wouldn't want to be you
Apr 2016 · 352
My drive
amber girl Apr 2016
It's been a long road, my life
Dead ends, twists, accidents, adrenalin
Many mixed signs I used to follow
Mostly ending in a jack knife
I keep going
Nothing will stop me from trying
Signs are now more familiar
My vehicle I am flooring
See the smoke?
And the marks?
I know, they are dark
The breeze I left might be cold, need a coat?
I hope you're buckled in and by my side
On my drive
Mar 2016 · 311
Fresh air
amber girl Mar 2016
Cooped up all day
Watching the birds in flight
Jealousy runs through my veins
Thinking about my flesh in sunlight
Crisp fresh air
Wind blowing around my hair
Cheeks cool to the touch but I don't care
I need fresh air
Duty calls
And so I must comply
I think a part of me just wants to die
Jun 2015 · 592
amber girl Jun 2015
Pretend is what you'll always be
until you've lost all you have
then real is what you'll see
tired of the *******
**** me!
Jun 2015 · 473
I've gone mad
amber girl Jun 2015
I want to write but my thoughts are twisted together
I hate this feeling of confusion
my head aches and I have to let it out
but I can't find the words to say
so again I'm sitting empty and lonely
and I just want someone to hold me
nevermind it's pointless, just *******
cause nothing is real anymore
and in my mind I've gone mad
                      DAM MAD
Jun 2015 · 412
I'm high I'm low
amber girl Jun 2015
The day I found out
I'll never be the same
the littlest things bother me now
I can't help who I became
the world hasn't been kind
and my guard may never come down
it's strong but weaker than my mind
My heart, still beats like a drummer show
I stay in bed most of the day
but only when I'm way way down low
I am strong!
I have survived!
I am high so high
that I'm alive
May 2015 · 1.3k
amber girl May 2015
In a cup
I love to sip you up
I no longer give a ****
didn't spend one buck
You're darkness in between my lips
makes me want to move my hips
I like to drink you in sips
I like to drink you when I'm having fits
you make my mind forget the pain
make me sing LA LA in my brain
turn me from crazy to mild tame
you lift me up like David Blaine
You're slowly slipping away
I drank too much today
I don't have much more to say
I'll write more later when I'm sober..k
May 2015 · 291
Love You Suck
amber girl May 2015
From the moment I met you I should have known that you would not be my one and only and in my heart I'm lonely waiting......for THE ONE to sweep me off my feet and take me to a place I've never been. I'm here in this unforgiving world ready to give my last breath for you.
May 2015 · 273
Don't know
amber girl May 2015
Just wanted to catch your attention
now that you're here I guess I'll mention
I live with a lot of tension
which causes a bunch of bitchen
that's why I write under the light
day or night
dark or bright
whenever it feels right
A lot of times I'm lost in my mind
like a rat in a maze that is blind
No I definitely do not want to rewind
be kind, be mine, till the end of time
why do I spend wasted time looking down
all I see is my **** shoe that is brown
and the scuff marks that make me frown
shy?ashamed?nervous?afraid? Maybe that no one will be around?
As I'm thinking
I am slowly blinking
remembering nights I spent drinking
Trying to relieve the feelings of sinking
into another dark endless hole
ending up on another dead end road
feeling like a squished fat toad
feeling out of control
do the words really need to rhyme?
I just let out what comes to mind
then I work it into a line
to express my thoughts
I'm human, they will not always be kind
So on that note
I hope you choke in your throat
we all took a vote
you won you dope
You know who you are
the one that left a scar
the one who crashed my car
The one who pushed things too far
I'm glad you're in jail
and that there was no bail
you'll be out again just to fail
It's sad knowing your working on the frail
although I carry theses scars deep
I don't show that I'm weak
I will not admit defeat
And I'm beat and cannot sleep
May 2015 · 304
Bloodshot Eyes
amber girl May 2015
Save me
I need to be rescued
my internal flame burns for you
I dream of us together
I'm too chicken to tell you to your face
I'm not sure you're feeling the same
you stopped the tears many times
from my tired bloodshot eyes
I wish to know for sure
I'm love struck and you're the cure
you tower me and hug me tight
and your kisses are so polite
I could have you every night
all these lefts but you're so right
Just say you want me all the time
and happiness everyday is what you'll find
both of us on the grind
leaving all our troubles behind
May 2015 · 377
amber girl May 2015
Wishy washy
this is me all the time
welcome to my world
my chaos
my prison
for pure joy
hold me tight don't let me go
let me feel your warmth
all night you by my side
I want you as my guy
years of fear have made things so unclear
wiping tears
these emotions are out of control
waving goodbye
this is absurd
May 2015 · 518
My sick mind
amber girl May 2015
Thoughts are disturbing they keep burning
the wheels keep turning my feeling keep urning
why do I battle myself?
why don't I just let it go?
I get so ****** and I want to scream
I want to be mean but I'm a fein
does anyone know what I mean?
I'm a sucker a *******
I'm under cover to hide the freak that I am with one another
a blunder
terrible like the worst thunder
I have discovered
I'm nothing like my mother and
it makes me wonder
am I a hunter?
I could go on forever..tbc...
Apr 2015 · 305
amber girl Apr 2015
Leave me alone
Alone leave me
I'm torn apart
it's a free world
you say what you want
so leave me alone
you do what you want
leave me alone
it's my property
it's my child
it's my life
go away
leave me alone
I'm alone
someone who cares please
don't leave me alone
Apr 2015 · 345
A Blaze
amber girl Apr 2015
Chilly night
fire at max height
drink a beer I might
listen to some good tunes delight
roasting my cheeks
hoping summer to be here in a few weeks
the weather though seems bleak
hanging with friends I wish to keep
night air fresh stars shining above
still a bit nippy out I'm wearing gloves
sipping on a smooth drink just because
I'm starting to feel a real nice buzz
Apr 2015 · 466
amber girl Apr 2015
Wooden floors
Closed doors
Rain pours
Tomorrow's chores
Grassy field
Sign yield
Sun shield
Horses heeled
Work hard
Be scarred
Send a card
Own a cat
Buy a hat
stomach flat
Get on chat
Memories Endless
Human Independence
Life can be Relentless
You can act in Selflessness
Choices everyday to be made
the CHOICE is yours

☆    ☆


You decide your fate
Apr 2015 · 314
amber girl Apr 2015
I long for your attention
your loving and affection
I want you all the time
you're always on my mind
your face
your taste
the way you hold me by the waist  
a man to give me all that he can
a little more than a helping hand
make me scream your name
I love to play this game
stay the weekend, I'm begging you
give it to me you want it too
when Sunday comes it can be through
this is all that we can be
two secret lovers in symphony
secretly wanting you more than you know
we'll work each other up real slow
hair a mess
time to rest
go again
the way we bend
amazing what you do
glad you came too
company for the weekend, whew....
Apr 2015 · 381
amber girl Apr 2015
My one true love
you hold me comfortably
all night like a warm hug
blankets wrapped around me
this is where I should be
cold days chill nights
I'm snuggled in nice and tight
sheets tucked under my chin
loving the smell of fresh linen
no distractions as I catch up on sleep
closing my eyes as I fall in deep
I awake with warmth you provide
I don't need anybody by my side
I fight to leave your sweet embrace
I think of you all day (smile on my face)
bed, you are my one and only
laying with you, I'm never lonely.
Apr 2015 · 280
amber girl Apr 2015
I'm f
  HARD for you like rain from the s   y

try to stay     away      from me in    t
                                                         e            i
you'll know why
Apr 2015 · 327
A Simple Time
amber girl Apr 2015
Black and white
What a sight
Supper at night
Savoring the bite
Saloon fight
With a left and right
Corsets too tight
Pass out they might
A time I wish I could see
When the land was more free
A simple time
Is where I should be
Not here wasting away in technology
Apr 2015 · 689
amber girl Apr 2015
I wore my hair in a braid
prepared to help not afraid
he lays in bed till the day
I'm called by him and I came
his eyes adjust to see my face
the call was for a just incase
I understand, wispering with grace
He turned to look at the vase
and said your braid is tempting
Apr 2015 · 649
Just a girl
amber girl Apr 2015
I'm small petite part of the elite you should act discreet when we first meet.
Don't cross my path when I'm coming through on my fast wrath it will be the last thing you do, making it the past.
Can you tell I'm in a mood? Got me wondering "why you gotta be so rude?" ***** you go get some glue I'm about to break a piece off and leave you to drool
Why you steppin away?
Let's settle this today.
Look at you all in dismay.
Come on let's play!
Sick of the fake world, I'm just a girl who really wants to do her own thing.
It's a shame society is to blame always lighting the flame starting another game.
All I can do now is hide in my brain and shut down like an old windowpane.
Apr 2015 · 476
amber girl Apr 2015
Once I was with you living a terrible dream

I thought it was love when you put your hands on me you kept me in the dark and here I remain your sick games I see are still in play

We suffer daily with demons you placed in our hearts
They weep for eternal love with every weak beat that tears us apart

You are to blame you are insane
I'm not sure from what planet you came but stay where you are behind bars in your cell it's where you belong I hope it's hell

The nights and the days are all the same Life is throwing constant change
Strong is what I'm trying to remain
What I have left it is mine to claim

Even at 3am that you will never take away
Apr 2015 · 242
amber girl Apr 2015
Rain falls from the sky
Pouring down I sigh
How can I hold my head up high
I gave all that I had inside

Another tear in my heart
Pain so deep how do I part
Where do I even start
I'm an empty work of art

Hanging on by just a thread
Thoughts of you in my bed
Hungry but starving instead
I'm light to your darkness I read

Stay by my side
Even though I may cry
We both know why
Apr 2015 · 450
amber girl Apr 2015
Whisper sweet nothings in my ear
Insomniacs we have both become
Together forever our minds cheer
Happiness at last we both have won
Drifting now vision not yet clear
Racing mind wondering, is it done?
All is lost and now there is fear
Withdrawal from you is a loaded gun
Addiction for you will end, I hear
Love, true love, for me there is none.
Apr 2015 · 293
Blind Road
amber girl Apr 2015
My mind is tired eyes are heavy
Daydreaming of what could be
The future I cannot yet see
I'm small in this big world
Still giving all that I can
Feeling that I am part of the plan
Sitting thinking what is next
Slumber hits full force
Much needed of course
Eyes now rested and bright
A new day has arrived
And this one I will also survive
Apr 2015 · 340
A lovely place
amber girl Apr 2015
Darkness falls upon the blue sky
The wind dies down,  leaving nothing to fly
Long day gone, relax, feet up, sigh.....
For it's to begin again in the blink of an eye

Lights off, all you can hear is the tick of the clock
Rest the soul from the day and the shock
Dream of your love holding hands on a walk
on a country dirt road with an old wind sock

The night brings a bitter chill under the wrinkled sheets
The fireplace roars softly as it slowly heats
Signs of spring are near, just a few more weeks
The sun will then bring color to the pale in your cheeks

For now darkness remains only light from the stars can be seen
Now the body is warmer and having a lucid dream
The images so clear, it is quite a scene
You'll wake a new person to be the cream of the cream

— The End —