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Amaranth Young May 2012
it’s difficult
and reminded me of you
in columbinus
and i just wondered
what it does for you
if it’s easier
or difficult too
or just a song
Apr 2012 · 743
I lost someone today.
Amaranth Young Apr 2012
We were holding hands in the summer
and the street was cracked
and the clouds were being greedy
even through their kindness
and their tears turned salty on my cheeks
when I looked at him

It became too much;
he slipped down the rabbithole and faded
like eighty year old newsprint
until there wasn’t much left but the tattered shoes
I told him to replace months ago
and the echo of his last breath
on a breeze that was
staler than the bread left out on the counter
this morning

I saw the things I didn’t want to see,
the things he didn’t want me to see,
and I wished at that moment
for a gallon of bleach to pour into my head
just burn it all away

but no one can fade like he can.
Apr 2012 · 569
it doesn’t take long
Amaranth Young Apr 2012
before your hazy gossamer
        touches an instant
an epoch, reaching—
shudder once
then twice
then proceed
until your eyes grow quiet
and sink into the creases of your skin
charting maps all the while
the kind i will learn to
so that i may
find you in my blindness
[cypher you
pocket you
rattle you closely]
when your kaleidoscope bleeds
into a portraited collage
the stories you kept on your face
        all these years

                          and i wept

— The End —