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Amanda Moffat Sep 2015
Sometimes you have to let go of the people you care about the most.

Amanda Moffat Sep 2015
I wanna let you go, but if I do ill be empty. I'll go mad. Your my 24/7 but i'm your once in awhile.

Amanda Moffat Sep 2015
You had me thinking i was the one. That i was special. I was the only girl you wanted. Then all of a sudden, i turned into nothing. I was just a girl. An old friend. You were a liar, and i had no desire to be a part of your lies.

Amanda Moffat Oct 2015
Lost Girl, lost girl why so sad?  Forget about that past. Don't think about your old ways, those were the bad days.  Now look more ahead. It will be okay. The future is bright,  it will be alright.

Amanda Moffat Sep 2015
We are our own enemies. Everyone is beautiful but we think were ugly. So when we look in the mirror we think were getting uglier. But your beautiful. Find the beautiful in you. And express it so everyone else can see it too. Dont be your own worst enemy.♡

Amanda Moffat Sep 2015
With your arms around me. All i can see is you and me. I missing you and wanted to kiss you. You make me smile for awhile. And i can't stop thinking about the flashbacks. And i really want you back.

Amanda Moffat Oct 2015
You didnt want me for what was under my clothes. You wanted me for my personality amd for who i was. I am me and you accepted that. You gave me respect and love. You my one and my only the guy you treats me right.

Amanda Moffat Oct 2015
You said you'd never leave,you'd always be by my side. But now all those promises turned into lies and all those actions and conversations turned in to memories.

Amanda Moffat Oct 2015
Im tired of trying, because in the end all i do is end up crying.


— The End —