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May 2012 · 591
Amanda W May 2012
You left me,
I don’t know why,
But you said goodbye,
For no good reason.

You made me cry,
Tears streamed down my face,
So I learned to move on,
My promise was kept,
Not a soul was told
But still I wept.

Now we have a new game,
Of making sure not to talk,
Or walk next to each other,
It’s been decided,
Between the two of us,
That it’s best for us to stay apart.

But I’m not ready to move on,
The longing for us to even speak,
Grows every day,
Soon it will overwhelm me,
And I won’t know what to do.

My life was already *******,
I didn’t need another problem,
Another friend to lose,
Another flick of hope in my life,
That was put out before it could grow,
To be something more,
Something worthwhile.

And now, as the days go by,
I wonder what happened,
Why you decided to hurt me,
Because that’s what I feel,
It hurts so much.

And though you are near,
We have never been so far apart.
And it’s been decided,
That it’s not easy to move on,
And this time,
I don’t know if I can.
Mar 2012 · 517
Amanda W Mar 2012
There are so many barriers,
Keeping you from him.
But you have to stay strong,
He’ll know it’s you in the end.
Mar 2012 · 466
Amanda W Mar 2012
Locked from the outer world,
By the jail that is called my home,
I long to run and jump outside,
But instead I sit alone.
Read the italicized word...  In a row
Mar 2012 · 1.6k
Amanda W Mar 2012
The intricate designs of our lives,
Shaping itself into a beautiful pattern,
Weaving each strand little by little,
Making our lives whole.
Mar 2012 · 526
Down Fall
Amanda W Mar 2012
They say to reach for the stars,
And if you miss them you'll still be higher than everyone else.
But when you're that high there's no where left go but down.

I fall through space,
Looking at the Earth,
From the brilliant stars and planets,
And I know that soon I will be on the ground,
And the fall will be from so high,
I will die.

So I don't want to go on this journey,
Up that only leads to down,
I don't want to,
*Down Fall
Mar 2012 · 570
You Didn't Love Me
Amanda W Mar 2012
I beckon you forward

Why don't you come?

I call to you, again.

You still don't move.

I get annoyed,

Why don't you come?

I finally decide it's because you don't love me.

It's a big assumption,

But I know it's true.

That is why I hate you.

You don't love me,

So I will ****. 

You don't love me,

So I will live on.

You don't love me,

Now you're dead to me. 

You shouldn't have said,

"I'm leaving you,"

For now you will regret it, 

Dying in pain,

Wondering why, 

You hadn't loved me.

But you still don't understand my pain, 

And I stab you again, 

Finishing you off.

But now I cry, 

Wondering why,

You didn't love me.
Mar 2012 · 713
The Art of Growing Older
Amanda W Mar 2012
The pressure caving in, the heat of the moment burns me.
I miss the simplicity of when I was young,
For now, the pressures caving in.
I cry, the tears never reaching the ground,
And I yell, in anger, but the words never leave my mouth.
I think, harder than ever before, and know, my questions will never be answered.
Why must becoming older bring more responsibility?
Why must it bring the weight of knowledge, the knowledge all the young crave?
I see now, I don’t want to grow older,
The responsibilities and privileges I would gladly trade, trade for my old life.
Why must we remember?
We may not experience things, people again!
We must remember.
One responsibility of growing old is that of memories.
While young we don’t need or have much to remember,
As I grow that changes.
I come to realize I must remember all the great people,
Those who died fighting and those who died of age, they are gone.
I mustn’t let it sadden me, the people that must leave.
For then I will live a sad life, and none will remember.
It is me they won’t remember.
Feb 2012 · 710
I Dared To Dream
Amanda W Feb 2012
I dared to dream of a happy ending,
A knight in shining armor,
Showing up at my door.

I dared to dream of a good life,
A beautiful home,
Filled with artwork and flowers.

I dared to dream of the perfect job,
Painting and singing and writing,
People knowing who I am,
Calling my name as I walk in the street.

I dared to dream,
But instead I fell into despair,
Of sadness and depression.
Because happiness only comes in dreams.
Feb 2012 · 461
My Girl
Amanda W Feb 2012
Another life is over,
Fallen at my feet.
I did not mean to **** her,
Things like this just happen.

But then come the days,
The days that I miss her
And I wonder about,
What could have been.

The moment comes back:
The knife on her skin,
The red blood trickling out,
The way I had hated her.

But now I realize,
It was not hate I felt.
It was the heat of the moment,
And now she is dead.

I think to myself,
And figure there is no way,
Of getting her back,
I must move on with life.

Life that has its ups and downs,
Life that has its rights and wrongs.
But most importantly,
Life without my girl.

— The End —