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Amanda W Feb 2012
I dared to dream of a happy ending,
A knight in shining armor,
Showing up at my door.

I dared to dream of a good life,
A beautiful home,
Filled with artwork and flowers.

I dared to dream of the perfect job,
Painting and singing and writing,
People knowing who I am,
Calling my name as I walk in the street.

I dared to dream,
But instead I fell into despair,
Of sadness and depression.
Because happiness only comes in dreams.
Amanda W Feb 2012
Another life is over,
Fallen at my feet.
I did not mean to **** her,
Things like this just happen.

But then come the days,
The days that I miss her
And I wonder about,
What could have been.

The moment comes back:
The knife on her skin,
The red blood trickling out,
The way I had hated her.

But now I realize,
It was not hate I felt.
It was the heat of the moment,
And now she is dead.

I think to myself,
And figure there is no way,
Of getting her back,
I must move on with life.

Life that has its ups and downs,
Life that has its rights and wrongs.
But most importantly,
Life without my girl.

— The End —