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I am Scott Pilgrim withoot,
getting the awkward happy ending.
Am I so awkward? Yes, yes I am.
 Jan 2014 Amanda Victoria
What is anxiety?

Anxiety is waking up in the middle of the night
Heart pounding
And senses spiking

Anxiety is walking out onto a cold balcony and staring down at a street full of taxi cabs,
And thinking,
"Should I jump...?"

Anxiety is full body shaking
And mind convulsing
While you're sitting completely still

Anxiety is standing in a full room
And feeling completely alone
And enclosed by an invisible box

Anxiety is the voice rising torture that fills your vocal cords and chokes you until you can't breath, and you're grasping at your lungs, trying to fill them with the air you can't seem to get
Anxiety is gasping, and gasping, and gasping
An ocean of thoughts
inside my lungs
suffocating me.
At night
I carve shadows
slowly down my arms,
feel rivers of words
drop onto the white tiles.
The water surrounds me
and I surface
begging to breathe.

In the morning
I wake with wet hair
my sleeves scratch
against the memories.
And the tide ebbs, and the tide flows.
hey, j-girl.

it's been awhile.
i haven't seen you around lately.
i can't say i'm complaining, but.
maybe i've missed you a little, so.
you should stop me. i do miss you.

"the drugs begin to peak,
a smile of joy arrives in me."
that would be the song playing now.
i wonder who you'd be today.
where would we be, today?

i swore i'd never let you go,
but you went and walked away.
i don't love you anymore.
i can't love you anymore.
but i miss you, so much.

i went to prom,
i graduated,
i went to a music festival.
i danced all day.
i can't talk today.

you should've been there.
you'd like my friends.
there's one, in particular,
that i wish you could meet.
she's sweet like vinegar.

but i think you'd like her.
she's no stranger to blood,
and she could set you straight.
she's stronger than me, i think.
or maybe we're just different.

i don't know. she makes me think of you.
she's disappears, like you.
but she's always come back, so far.
anyway, i just wanted to say hi.
come back to me, all cleaned up.

you'd like it here.
letter eleven of a thirty-day challenge.
this one's for my j-girl.
I woke up this morning,
and time seemed to stop.
My body was moving,
my mind not processing one thought.
One moment I was here,
the next I was there.
I couldn't help but just sit,
with a monotone stare.
Maybe it's a hangover,
from thinking 100 miles per hour.
Maybe it's the lack of sleep,
I only snuck in an hour.
I woke up this morning,
and time seemed to stop.
I figured it out,
it was only the clock.
Go ahead,say the words that I've longed for,

It won't have an effect,
on this cobble ****** wall that protects me.

You can say all you want,
but your actions will suffice.

Quite frankly, do it fast,
before my heart turns into ice.

A steady pitter-patter,
turns into a syncopated tune.

The clock ticking down,
only time heals my wounds.

So, go ahead,
I advise you to choose wisely.

Because I am the gate keeper,
to this cobble ****** wall.

You can say what you may,
I'm not ready to fall.
I can see
you two
sitting there
so happily
but you don't see
you can't see
what you two
did to *me

— The End —