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 Jul 2013 Amanda Roux
Your aura is electric

Come hither
You make me feel alive

I won't ask much

Show me your world
Teach me how to soar
Share the rush
 Jul 2013 Amanda Roux
I know
you don't believe me
when I say
I'd prefer you
to love me
and I know
it doesn't matter
you're going to
because you're stubborn
and naive
and you don't understand
how miserable
love can be.
 Jul 2013 Amanda Roux
I love you so let's get this ******* nightmare started.
 Jul 2013 Amanda Roux
I am from vivid dreams.
I am from fire
licking and consuming
the darkness.
I am from a wild imagination
and a logical consciousness.

I am from the Mississippi River,
moonlight glinting off my cat's eyes,
and paint on paper.
I am from the shattered shadows
of leaves rustling in the wind
on a brisk, early July morning.

I am from
BOO! and AHH!
in "****** ******" voices,
the way flashlight beams dim
as we use them for Morse Code
throughout the endless summer nights.

I am from jumping
in the dark
off our houseboat
into the void of black
that you would call Lake Powell
companioned only by the Milky Way.

I am from glow sticks
and silence.
I am from cracked rainbows
and shattered windows.
I am from lifeless wishes
and broken promises.

I am from baby turtles
making their way to the sea.
I am from moths
breaking free of the cocoon
that has held them prisoner
for oh so long.

I am from rippling stars ringing outward
on the surface of a crystal puddle
after a tear has fallen,
not from my eyes,
but from my soul,
eternally lost.

I am from outer space,
galaxies beyond imagination
so drown me in a heavy dose of fantasy.
 Jul 2013 Amanda Roux
Ask me what it feels like to be dead inside. Go ahead. Ask.
I know you're curious.

It's like swimming in circles.

You can't see the shore and you can't see past the surface of the water. You're moving but you're not making any progress and it's frustrating. Your muscles are on fire and you're hungry but you keep going because what else is there to do? You could stop and just wade but you know that if you do that you'll give up that much quicker. You wonder what it would be like to surrender and let the water wrap you in it's unknowable depths for the rest of time. You wonder how deep it is and what it's like down there but you figure you'll end up there inevitably someday anyway so you keep going for the time being.

You can change the way you move through the water and how fast you go but you never stop swimming. There's a variety of weather and waves you experience. Sometimes it's nice and the water is calm and you can forget about the emptiness you feel inside and do the backstroke to feel the sunlight on your cheeks but other times it's cold and the choppy waves smash into your face and sting your eyes and all you can focus on is your breathing over the burning in your joints. Nevertheless, you swim and swim and swim without any destination, waiting for the next change to come.

You do a lot of thinking. You wonder what it must be like to feel anything other than longing and discontentment and exasperation. You ponder the big questions and answer the little ones and you try to fill the void inside you with complicated concepts and pretty words. You thoroughly analyze yourself, coming to terms with everything that makes you what you are. You're not happy but not sad either. You're not even somewhere in between. You gave up crying a long time ago because it never helped anything but you still laugh when you get the chance. You're very practical and proud of your cognitive abilities but you also suspect that they are the reason why you don't experience emotions the way other people seem to. You once read "Those who are sensible about love are incapable of it" somewhere and you think just maybe that applies to all the feelings you don't feel. This almost makes you feel distraught, or maybe you just want it to. Regardless, you contemplate anything and everything to distract yourself from the never-ending circles.

You swim and swim and swim and swim because that's all you can do and all you want
all you've ever wanted
is to feel alive
but you don't know how.

And that, my friends, is what it feels like to not feel anything at all.
Swimming in circles.
Still working on this piece.
If you have any suggestions please share.
I'm stumped.
This girl walks the earth
Displaying fraudulent pride
Keeping to herself
The number of times she's cried.

This girl walks the earth
Her head full of dreams
Her heart full of wonder
Why not all is as it seems.

This girl walks the earth
Spreading smiles and cheers
Not letting a single person
Know her greatest fears.

This girl walks the earth
With quite a lot to say
But it's what she never says
That bothers her each day.

This girl walks the earth
Appearing so happy and free
While most wouldn't guess it
This misunderstood girl is me.
I never felt this way before,
Laughing so much until it hurts.
I can't hide that I've missed you;
And the way we used to be before.

That silly moment that we've shared,
The laughs, the walks and the talks,
I feel my heart is beating so fast,
And I swear I feel infinite that time.

You're voice changed.
A bit of your behavior altered,
But still you're still the man that I've known
For years you're still the same.

I may not be in love with you anymore
But I still feel the spark between you and me
You're still the man I called the one
The one who I loved before.
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